
Chapter 8

*Timeskip: 2 hours later*

Zoro was looking at the clouds floating slowly above the sky, when suddenly there was no wind and no rain, Zoro saw a flash of lightning coming towards him. His eyes widened and he started trying to get off the rope. Then the lightning bolt hit the same spot it had two hours ago.

"And people say lightning doesn't strike the same place twice." Zoro thought jokingly to himself as he looked up to see the same man before standing there with the same emotionless expression on his face but this time Zoro noticed something different about the man.

He didn't know what was different, he had the same straw hat on his head, the same captain's coat, the same sword by his side, and also the same gun. They were all the same, with an emotionless look on their faces, but Zoro could see something different from the man's eyes.

Before his eyes had no emotion at all, they were the cold eyes of a man who would kill you without a second thought, but now, his eyes were filled with rage.

Zoro didn't know what scared him more, was this guy's mindset, where he could kill anyone without thinking twice or imagining this mysterious man was angry. Zoro decided to swallow his fear and speak.

"You again, what do you want?" Zoro asked. Luffy started walking forward until he was standing just meters away from Zoro before he spoke.

"I have an offer for you." Luffy said shocking Zoro "That idiot blonde boy never planned to follow the deal you guys made. He will execute you tomorrow." Luffy's words caused Zoro's eyes to widen before he started thrashing around and screaming.

"How dare that son of a bitch!" Zoro shouted. "When I catch him, I'm going to make him wish his daddy flushed his seed down the toilet like he should!" Zoro said causing Luffy to laugh before speaking.

"And how are you going to do all that when you're still tied up." Luffy said with a smirk on his face before continuing "By the way, when I heard he was going to execute you tomorrow, I managed to break a few of his teeth. So, there is a high chance that your execution will be moved forward to today." Luffy said causing Zoro's eyes to widen even more big.

"Let me go so I can kick the bastard!" he shouted causing Luffy to laugh again.

"This is where my offer comes in, I can let you go and let you live but you have to join my crew" Luffy said causing Zoro to calm down a bit before speaking.

"What crew?" Zoro asked.

"I'm assembling a pirate crew and I'm looking for people to join. So, what's your answer?" he asked. Zoro was silent for a minute before answering.

"Listen that idiot boy took my sword, if you can get it back I will join your crew" Zoro said causing Luffy to smile before turning his body into lightning and teleporting away.

Atop the roof of the marine base, every Marine in the base can be seen lifting a giant stone statue of Captain Morgan. Standing to the side watching his men work was the captain in charge of this island's Marine base, 'Axe-Hand' Morgan.

Morgan is a very tall and muscular man, an intimidating appearance with blond hair and a steel jaw. His right hand was replaced by a large steel axe, the handle of the ax appearing to penetrate his forearm.

He was wearing a greatcoat that billowed like a cape. The one lying on the floor behind Morgan, crying was his son, Helmeppo.

"Now pick up, everyone! Show my prowess for the world to see!" Morgan shouted at his men. As the marines were in the process of pulling the giant statue upright, a bolt of lightning hitting the statue's head caused everyone's eyes to widen.

Then when everyone thought nothing would happen, suddenly standing in the place where the lightning struck just now was Luffy who was staring at everyone.

"What kind of ugly thing did I step on at this time?" Luffy asked as he started inspecting the statue before he spoke again "I'm sure no one would like to see an ugly statue like this." he said as he raised his right leg and imbued it with Armament Haki.

Luffy then stamped his foot on the statue, causing every marine present to start sweating in fear.

At first, the statue looked okay, causing several marines to let out a sigh of relief, but after another five seconds the entire statue suddenly shattered into pieces. Morgan trembled with anger before screaming.

"KILL HIM!" he shouted and every marine started to draw their weapons. When everyone looked where Luffy was standing they saw that he was gone and was now standing by the door with Helmeppo.

"I need you to show me where Zoro's sword is," said Luffy as he started walking through the door with Helmeppo he was dragging behind. Luffy calmly walked through the halls of the marine base as if he had no trouble in the world. "Where's Zoro's sword?" Luffy asked Helmeppo.

"They are in my room. The door is on your left." Helmeppo said. As they stood in front of the door, Luffy kicked it open before throwing Helmeppo inside.

Luffy then sent a wave of Conquorer Haki towards Helmeppo knocking him out. Luffy looked around the room and noticed it was very feminine.

The walls are pink, the furniture is pink with flowers all over it, everything in this room looks like a girl's room.

Luffy thought Helmeppo lied to him and took him to the wrong room, however, when Luffy saw the three swords leaning against the wall he knew he was in the right place.

Luffy grabbed the sword and looked out the window seeing something that made his eyes widen. Standing in the courtyard where Zoro was tied up was a very scared Koby surrounded by marines along with Morgan himself.

The marines started aiming at Zoro and Koby. Luffy opened the window and immediately turned his body into lightning before turning to the courtyard. Koby and Zoro just gave up as the marines aimed and prepared to fire their weapons, but Luffy suddenly appeared in front of them with the flash he normally uses, keeping Koby and Zoro calm for a few moments while surprising the marines.

"SHOOT AT THE BOY WITH THE STRAW HAT!" Morgan shouted at his men. Luffy immediately coated his body with Armament Haki and waited for the weapon to be fired. He didn't have to wait long because seconds after Morgan gave the order to every marine holding a gun, they pulled the trigger.

What happened next made everyone's eyes widen. The bullet that was fired at Luffy hit him but he was unharmed. All the bullets just fell to the ground dented as if they had hit a steel wall.

"It won't work on me," said Luffy while looking at them with cold eyes like a killer.

"Who are you?" Zoro asked with widened eyes. Luffy turned to Zoro and used one of Zoro's swords to free him before speaking.

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy," said Luffy as he handed his sword to Zoro, "And I will become the Pirate King."

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