
Thrown Into Hell (Slow Updates)

Wayne Myers was an unlucky but successful man. While on his way home from work, he died in an accident he couldn't prevent. He was lucky enough to get a second chance, he was thrusted into the world of My Hero Academia. This was great, except for the fact that when he goes to sleep, he has to choose to go to one of three hell-scapes. Doom, Bloodborne or Dark Souls. *** Not writing chapters for this novel yet ***

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Diluc woke up lying on his green pillow which had been relocated to the top of a bed. He squinted his eyes open and saw the girls plus Izuku doing various activities around him, back in their hotel room.

"Good morning." He spoke. All pairs of eyes in the room snapped to him.

"How are you, honey?" Inko asked while putting her palm on his forehead, checking for a fever.

"I'm fine. How long was I out for?" Diluc asked.

"3 days, I'm glad you're finally awake." She hugged him which sparked a constant stream of hugs from everyone in the room. After the 3rd hug, he simply laid back down on his pillow and let them do all the work.

"Thank you for saving us. You even extended yourself so far as to faint for 3 days straight." Mitsuki thanked him while giving him a long hug. She then quickly detached after getting a phone call and going outside to take it privately.

'I guess I shouldn't tell them that I woke up a bunch throughout the days but was too lazy to do anything?' Diluc thought to himself.

Himiko and Momo were last for the hugs but even after having her full, Himiko kept her arms around him. Seeing this as a sign of aggression, Momo also hugged one of his arms while looking in the other direction.

Regardless, the girls all spent the day watching movies with their newly awakened savior while Izuku, ever happy his brother was awake, left to train himself.

Izuku's determined expression matched that of a certain child in the underground.

Mitsuki entered the hotel room once again almost 10 minutes after taking her phone call. It was obvious that she wasn't nearly as happy and far more stressed than when she left but still put on a façade in order to not worry anyone.

Unfortunately for her, everyone could see the sorrow she was hiding. Inko was the one to drag her to a different room and hear her out while giving a thumbs up to the rest of the girls and Diluc. With an 'Everything will be fine' signal from Inko, they went back to watching whatever was on the T.V.

Over the three days of pure sleep, Diluc hadn't made much progress with the Shadows of Yharnam. They were simply too good at coordinating. He was just glad he wouldn't have to deal with Ornstein and Smough... he wouldn't have to kill them later, right?

Anyway, for now, he hadn't made any progress. However, he did have a little idea, an idea that may make it far too easy to kill the three bastards.

In order to accomplish this goal, he did what any genius hunter would do... he used Google.

Of course, everything that is uploaded to Google is 100% accurate so there was no real need to test his strategy, he'd prepare it tonight and use it against the Shadows tomorrow night.

But for now, he rested in Kath's breasts while watching a rom-com. It wasn't romantic or comedic, but it was better than nothing.

Out of nowhere, words he never wanted to hear entered his ears.

"I found this series called, 'Game of Thrones', should we watch it?" Yuria spoke while pointing at her phone. Anything was better than what they were currently watching, so it didn't take much convincing to switch shows immediately.

Momo and Himiko weren't complete children, they didn't mind violence and sex in their entertainment, so the T.V. switched to GoT.

For the first half of the series, everybody was completely invested in the story, Inko and Mitsuki returned to the room while Izuku following soon afterwards.

They completely binged the series over the course of a few days, completely forgetting the vacation they had at the number 1 tourist destination in the world.

Unfortunately, their investment was betrayed. It started with Tyrion turning from a big brain genius into a mindless servant, always being spoken of as wise but never backing up the claims anymore.

Small details such as this piled up from season 5-7. 6 wasn't terrible but it didn't stop the rising feeling of dread that came from season 7.

It definitely wasn't terrible, but it was such a step down from the rest of the series that it made them sick. This is when Himiko and Momo began sleeping through the episodes instead of paying attention.

Then, the hilarious season 8 came along. The sheer number of inconsistencies kept Kath and Yuria laughing throughout it. Anri found it funny but restrained herself while Inko and Mitsuki just became more and more burnt out from watching garbage.

"Hehehehee. 'Let's put the whole army outside of the fortress walls!'" Yuria mocked. Katherine laughed along with her.

"Uhhhhh, how long did we have in Hawaii again?" Izuku asked Momo who was lying down with Diluc but not yet asleep.

"We leave tomorrow at 4am." She spoke while shutting her eyes.

"... It's 1am." Anri spoke.

"Oh, in 3 hours then." Momo went to sleep after responding.

Needless to say, the next few hours were spent rushing to the airport to catch their private jet. It didn't occur to anyone outside of Momo about the fact that private jets are the ones who wait for their passengers, but she was about ready to head home anyway.

The next day was full of nothing because of how jet-lagged everyone was.

The only big event was Diluc's fight against the Shadows of Yharnam.

He had prepared to fight them far earlier, but his preparations took longer than expected because of the time dilation between the Hunter's Dream and the rest of Yharnam.

Diluc had spent a lot of time farming for blood echoes when he didn't realize that simply staying in the Hunter's Dream would've finished his preparations much faster.

Thankfully, today was the day he showed those snake fire bastards what for.

He confidently walked through the fog gate and was greeted by a ball of fire being launched towards his face. They had been prepared for his next arrival and threw fire in his direction the second they saw the fog gate ripple.

Diluc was able to dodge by lunging to the side. Thankfully, they hadn't planned far enough ahead and there was no sword-dude waiting for him, ready to decapitate Diluc. Although that is something he'd have to look out for in the future.

Regardless, now that he was in the clear, he grabbed a jug of liquid from his inventory, opened the cap and poured it throughout the arena.

The snake bastards felt an instinctual hate for the liquid and all three immediately retreated into a corner. Diluc didn't pass the opportunity to completely surround the corner with the liquid, not allowing them to flee further.

"Who knew Google would make it so easy to kill some snakes?" Diluc grinned to himself after reminiscing about what he had done.

All he had to do was search, 'What keeps snakes away?' or 'What do snakes fear?' and it'll show vinegar as a result. After that, all he had to do was search up, 'How to make vinegar from scratch' and he had an easy way to scare the snake rejects.

Finally, Diluc doused himself in vinegar and charged the three.

Seeing their prey using a foul liquid to assist his attack, the three snake figures took off their hoods and exposed a dozen of snakes in substitution for their heads. Because of the vinegar covering the floor, they weren't able to summon the massive snakes, however, being in the second phase boosted their damage just slightly.

The swordsman didn't hesitate in jumping in front of the other two shadows. Unfortunately, it didn't notice the vinegar flow over the dirt and touching its foot.

The multiple snakes coming from the robes looked down in distress, seeing the vinegar touch its shoe, the whole body instantly split into thousands of different pieces. 'Pieces' being thousands of different snakes coming from the robes and retreating into the woods.

Diluc for the first time in a long while felt a shiver shoot through his spine. He had been fighting thousands of snakes, not 3 random dudes.

Without delay, he threw the jar of vinegar towards the last two figures.

The hybrid was able to dodge the jar, but the long-ranged fire user wasn't so lucky. The jar shattered into a million of pieces and vinegar completely covered the robes and snakes that inhabited it.

The snakes, instead of fleeing, began biting each other out of fear. They were all trying to rush out which didn't allow many to escape, therefore, they began killing each other in order to get away from each other who were all covered in vinegar.

Without delay, the hybrid fled, following the swordsman snakes.

Diluc felt the blood echoes fill his system and the fog gate opened up.

To Byrgenwerth we go.