

After arriving on what I can assume is the border of the kingdom. We set up a 'camp' pretty much just a tent and a portal to my castle. We are waiting on my troops to show up with all of the 'acquired' Loot. I have been thinking about what to do about this kingdom I could just tell my treatment and bam a 4v1 war. Yea I might do that if the Plague of an undead dragon, tyrants aka royalty, and giant man-eating plants don't start to kill off a mass population. I mean in the Light novel the shield hero pretty much played second fiddle to all of the other heroes a Truck-Kun dammed janitor fixing all of their fucking problems while they hurl abuse at him left and right I will probably watch this kingdom burn. It will be entertaining they will need me not the other way around.

While I sit there and ponder looking over my stats I am looking for the party function. I want to make a party with me, one Igor, two or three marines, and Raphtalia after she is recovered so she can get stronger. The Marines are there just for Damage to finish off everything while I get to upgrade my shield after tanking all of the hits, parts of their energy, and their dropped loot to level up my Shield hero class and upgrade my different shields. I and some marines have been clearing out hoards of monsters, I send out a few thousand undead the flush them out then they are like fish in a barrel Just sitting here blocking collecting the loot then absorbing the energy that the dropped parts. It was easy to get a system down now it's just about collecting the XP and leveling like a fucking boss.

As we level I see a crowd showing up turning to my guys "Finish this up quickly." Calling my undead back walking towards the crowd by our camp that looks like they are snooping. "Who the fuck are you shit stains." They jump and turn towards me. "It's the shield hero get him." I smile "Ah volunteers are perfect." I send a wave of my and freeze their limbs." Walking towards the men who are mostly shivering either in fear or the cold. "So why are you looking for me..??" *Silence* "Oh I love breaking strong-willed men. You hear that guys." They look over my shoulder and see three full-plated giants and gulp. The marines stand on either side of me "the usual boss or do you want to take care of this personally?" Hmmm," I could raise them as undead and send them after their own families, or have an undead start to eat them from the feet up and heal before they die." as I keep describing them "You didn't summon the undead they are monsters." I smile "Who said I summoned them? ah right on cue." I point over my shoulder and a thousand zombies come flowing out and stop away from us. "So who wants to talk?" "We will be..." As he goes that far I just toss him into the group of zombies. "anyone else?"

They spill everything "So I have a bounty on my head, do I? Seem fine ill just kill everyone and it seems like I need to start killing shadows." With a mental command, my zombies swarm on one point and grab a shadow out and pull them toward me. 'Impero' "did you report my position to the king?" "yes" "where is the queen?" Oh, she is putting up a fight. 'legitims' SO this one was raised as a shadow dam I flinched at the training methods they are pretty brutal making them just a husk of a living human. "Go back to you queen and give her my regards then slit your throat in front of her." And off she goes I wonder if the Impero will hold. Not my concern.

Turning back to the last few men I smile and AK one and he dies.. so that still works that is nice to know. The next I Sent an ice spike into his head, That killed him so I guess that I can kill and damage people with certain skills like Truck-Kun said but different shields will not kill like the healing shield which I got up pretty high from gallons of healing potions and when I gave it the ingredients it can make the potion. Now all I need is to get more monsters to level up in a hurry about a week and the first wave will be here. I don't think it will force me to come back but better to be ready. "Let's power level these noobs." Hold up am I the noob?


With the queen A few kingdoms away on a diplomatic mission.

As she wonders what the fuck her shitty husband and shitty daughter are doing driving away the shield hero and the Shield hero just said 'I don't need this in my life and up and left.' We need the shield hero to calm down the other kingdoms after my husband and daughter summoned all of the heroes with out anyone's permission. We agreed that we would go last out of the summons and here they go and summon all of them. We are so close to war.

As she ponders a shadow comes behind her and gets her attention. "The shield Hero sends his regards" then she grabs her knife but before she can do anything she is grabbed by four more. She sits there breathing heavily muttering to herself. "What was that? why were you going to kill me?" the shadow goes to attention "I was going to kill myself." "Why" "the shield hero told me to and I could not resist it was like my body was working against me...I was scared" This was shocking. "why would he tell you to kill yourself?" "I told the king his current location." Fuck now he will never agree to meet with us. Shit shit shit. "What happened until he caught you." She described him bringing giants out of a portal and controlling thousands of undead. Oh god if he wants to he will kill us off. "Where is he?" "right on our kingdom's boarder, preparing to head Northeast." Northeast that's the Demi-human kingdom. If he goes there just a few words and we will be invaded. Oh, Malty why did you have to fuck with the most Influence and by the reports powerful Hero.

I turn to the other shadows "Follow him and rout my daughter towards him if possible. This is going to be a long two weeks."

A/N: hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.