
Through the Millenuium: The Hittite King's Artemis

Having been reincarnated for nine times, Artemis wanted to save her beloved, Saru. But she failed again and again. The only thing she could do was to watch Saru die in front of her nine times. She was deeply disheartened. A vicious curse made Saru hate Artemis, but he still wanted her, and he loved her even though she was destined to betray him in the end. At the tenth reincarnation, their memories all disappeared. Artemis crossed the Millennium according to her inner guidance and meet Saru again. At that moment, the violent vibration of their hearts made them know that they had found their true love at a glance. On their wedding day, Artemis confessed to Saru affectionately, "I love you." However, the response she received was that Saru suddenly pushed her away like crazy, covering his heart and falling to the ground in pain. The curse of Apollo came true again. "Your love is not blessed by God, and you can only resent each other from generation to generation." Artemis could only see that the deeper Saru loved, the more painful he was. She began to doubt whether her crossing was correct. Then, her memory of being the Moon Goddess was restored. Her favorite brother cursed her so maliciously that her favorite man was going to die. This time, she didn't want to watch Saru die. She chose to use her life to break the curse--She raised her silver arrow and ruthlessly inserted it into her heart. Apollo and Saru madly stopped her, but what happened to them in the end......

MariosNikoleou · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

Chapter 17 Stupid Courtiers

Artemis didn't even look at Saru on the throne, pointed her sword at Cook, who had just made a comment, and said, "Bullshit! What the hell are you talking about? Saying such things, have your brain been eaten by zombies?"

Cook's face turned red with anger after a series of scolds from the woman who didn't know where he came from. He trembled and pointed to her with his fingertips, "come on, throw this crazy woman out!"

"I'll see who dares!" Artemis' sword pointed at the people around her, the people were scared back by her aura.

They could only look for help at their emperor, saru, hoping that he could help them vent their anger.

Artemis mocked directly: "It's useless for you to look at him, what I said is the truth. Did you just want some slaves and military prostitutes to occupy Mandorla?It is a compliment to scold you for not having brains, but I can't imagine that the courtiers of the Hittite Empire are all a bunch of drunkards."

The last words were for Saru, she knew that the last person who could decide this matter was him, and it was useless for her to argue with these courtiers any more.

Saru looked at this energetic woman who overwhelmed the audience and laughed lightly, "What about your insight?"

Artemis was about to open her mouth, but he interrupted, "Come here."

He waved at her as if he was teasing a kitten.

Artemis hesitated for a moment. Seeing the man's look of I won't listen if you don't come over, she could only reluctantly walk over and stand by the man's side. The good thing was that he did not do anything excessive, which made her sigh with relief.

"The greatest value of the Mandorla Empire is the prophetic power of the high priest, and all the countries of the whole continent want this power, and you are the only ones who treat them as slaves, aren't you foolish?" She said facing the courtiers.

Cook was the first to retort: "We interrogated them, their last high priest is dead, and they refuse to say who the current high priest is, so what can we do!"

Artemis sneered: "Calling you a fool insults your brain. If you are caught and your life is in danger, will you be willing to tell the truth to the enemy?"

Cook's face darkened and he cursed angrily, "You crazy woman, full of nonsense, I will kill you!"

Saru frowned and coughed lightly.

The arrogant Cook instantly froze in place with a pale face, not daring to say another word. Just Saru's eyes almost made him kneel down, and at the same time he realized that this woman should mean something to his majesty.

Artemis spoke to Saru and said, "What do you keep such a person for?"

Saru was not angry and asked in a nice voice, "So what do you think I should do with Mandorla people?"

Artemis' body suddenly stiffened. She stared at the shameless man in front of her, a man who had done such a thing in public!

The two seemed to be in a confrontation in the eyes of the courtiers, but under the table they couldn't see, their majesty was touching someone's thigh with his hand. Obviously he did all the dirty things, but his face was still serious.

Hypocritical man!

Artemis cursed, trying to ignore the strange feeling on her leg, cleared her throat and said: "One country, two systems. Let the Mandorla people return to their own country, then they will be ruled by the Hittite Empire. In this way, the Mandorla Empire becomes part of the Hittite Empire, and the people, without fear of their lives, will naturally be grateful to the Hittite Empire, and then repay you with their own abilities. "

This practice was something they had never heard of before. To release the people of a defeated country back was a nightmare.