
Island of Devil's Maw (38)

When Feng Bujue returned to the exit of the tunnel, Silkworm Mother had already disappeared, so did Uncle Worthless. Lifting his head up to look, the web that they had cut earlier had been restored. Upon closer inspection, he could see that… the broken bits had been replaced by fresher and lighter-colored silk web.

"What is going on…" Feng Bujue said to himself. "has he been captured?" He scanned the game menu again. Inside the team tab, Uncle Worthless' status was still 'alive', "Or has he escaped on his own…"

As brother Jue considered the possibilities, he started to research the details in his surroundings. His gaze first fell on the bodies of the Blade Butterfly Queen, he mumbled. "It has not been moved at all…" Then his gaze moved to sweep the nearby crystalline columns, "The damage on the columns are almost similar to when we left…"