
Three Worlds Collide

Jessica Abbott, writing under the pen name Delilah Bankroft, is a successful author of best-selling novels 'For the Love of the Empire,' and 'Becoming the Empress.' As she sits down to pen the third installment of her series, her publisher asks for her to add a very specific plot twist. Meanwhile, in her fictional realm of Adhara, one of the main characters of her story, Emperor Virgentarth Navan has begun to notice that occasionally, his world begins to disintegrate, only to reappear and begin again. One day, Jessica awakens to find herself in the world she has created. At that exact moment, the characters find that they suddenly have gained free will and act upon their instincts for the first time, changing the story greatly. Who is the mastermind behind the creation of this world? What will happen when the characters are confronted by their creator? Most importantly, what will happen when the author returns to her own world? WARNING: Mature Content, Violence

Zakimi · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

The Beginning of a Plot Twist

The emperor glanced out the window of his carriage to see the Tower of the Magi come into full view, it's silhouette eerily spectacular against the full moons hanging high over the top. He could just make out the torches lit and welcome party waiting for him right up until he was escorted by his knights and advisors.

"Your Imperial Majesty," everyone bowed to him. "Welcome."

The armed guards and ministry members parted as a dark figure made their way to meet him. As she stepped closer, he began to make out her long, black hair braided into a crown of gold and sapphires, a gown of peacock feathers flowing around her as she stopped to curtsey.

"Welcome to the Tower of the Magi, Great Dragon of the Navan Empire. It is an honor to have you in our home, Your Majesty."

"The honor is mine, Graceful Raven," he knelt and kissed the back of her hand next to her very large, very black onyx ring.

"Come, let us drink before we break bread together."

"That is an excellent suggestion," he offered his arm as they walked up the steps into the tower.

In contrast to the dark, dank appearance of the exterior of the great tower, the interior was well-lit by magical lanterns lining the halls that lead to a parlor. He looked around, thoroughly interested in the one building most of the people in his empire were afraid of.

"I don't believe I've ever been here after sunset before," he murmured in amusement.

"The stories people repeat out of fear and ignorance are quite amusing. The fact is that magic is highly dependent on phases of our moons and cycles of the seasons. Our workday differs greatly from that of the emperor's."

"Hence the night classes at the academy. I understand."

She nodded as they were both handed glasses of a deep, dark wine. He glanced down at it for a moment.

"Unicorn Berry wine," she lifted her glass. "Sweet with just a tiny bite," she flashed her smoky gray eyes at him with a wry smile on her full, red lips. "To your health."

"And yours as well," he toasted her before taking a sip. "Mmm. Delicious."

"Shall I send a few bottles to your chambers tonight?"


She turned her eyes to an attendant and nodded before leading him to a seat in front of a roaring fireplace.

"You know," he watched her for a moment. "I just realized that I don't remember attending your coronation. Remind me why…"

"The third emperor and empress attended," she nodded shyly. "Our succession is not hereditary. When the universe acknowledges that a witch with the greatest potential is located, our priestesses coronate a Crown Princess. When the current Queen abdicates or dies, she is then ascended to Queen."

"I do remember the chaos surrounding Queen Zakimi's assassination," he nodded.

"I was very young at my coronation," she agreed humbly. "I had only been a princess for a year at the time. Gaining the powers of the queen was difficult, and I am forever grateful for my ministers and Lord Nolan for guiding me."

"Unlike the empress and me, who were raised to rule from birth…" he took a long drink of his wine.

She watched him in the light of the fireplace before speaking again. "What brings you here, Majesty?"

"I am investigating a phenomenon plaguing the magical community of the Empire, your highness. Young, promising magicians are suddenly losing their powers. Since a magician's entire life is dedication to learning their magical craft, they are left in a crisis of identity as well as use."

"I am currently investigating the same, both here and at the academy."

"You are ultimately responsible for the Academy of Magic as well…" he though aloud. "Quite honestly, I fear a breech in our security and stability if this continues."

She rolled her eyes in thought for a moment before turning to whisper to one of her ladies.

"Please call on Ladies Elsa and Sigrid to join us."

"Yes, My Queen," she curtseyed before dashing out of the room.


Jessica sat back from her computer and stretched out her arms. She grabbed her empty glass and slowly made her way back up the stairs to place it into the sink. Her mind whirled with plots and dialog, often causing her to talk to herself aloud as she worked out the kinks in her mind.


"I go by Aiden to my close friends and family."

"Does the empress refer to you so casually?"

"Not since we were children."

She rubbed her chin. "This is a setup for a very jealous Empress," she slowly smiled. "I like it."