
Three Kingdoms: God-Level Choice System

Traveling back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Han Yu became the eldest son of Jizhou's Governor Han Fu. At this moment, the Warlords of the Eighteenth Route attacked Dong Zhuo. At the same time, the God-Level Choice Selection System is activated! * Please understand that my English is not excellent, I'm still learning and English is not my first language. * You can correct me if you see any mistakes * Any support and positive feedback would be appreciated and will encourage me to work harder. * Thank you for reading!

WonderingDeicide · Livres et littérature
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101 Chs

Chapter 100

It wasn't only Xu You who was shocked.

Yu Jin, who was flying the Kongming lantern and gradually rising high into the sky, was even more shocked.

Yu Jin watched as Han Yu and the others gradually grew smaller in his vision.

Government office buildings gradually became smaller.

The Zhongshan capital was also gradually becoming smaller.

He saw Yuan Shao's army besieging the Capital Zhongshan, and the army forming an army around Zhongshan.

The twinkling lights at night create a unique beauty.

The night sky is clear and the stars are bright.

Yu Jin swayed and his mind began to clear.

In this situation, Yu Jin wanted to scream at the sky several times.

But after thinking about it carefully, if he really screamed, one can expect Yuan Shao's army to find him.

Thinking of Han Yu's advice and the mission of this trip, Yu Jin quickly recalled the feeling of seeing the highland landscape for the first time.

According to Han Yu, operate the Kongming Lantern and fly northeast.

Of course, such a big lantern flew up into the sky, and many people actually saw it.

Han Yu's army only thought that their master was having some new inventions and creations, and they were only slightly surprised.

No one had noticed that someone was riding this lantern.

Yuan Shao's army also saw it, and the army immediately reported to Yuan Shao.

When Yuan Shao saw the Kongming Lantern soaring high into the sky, the first thing he thought was.

"It seems that the pressure on that brat Han Yu regarding food and grain in the capital isn't as great as I imagined! He still had time to put up a lantern to celebrate something."

Yuan Shao's face became more and more gloomy.


At this time, there is a general who feels unlucky.

General Pan Feng has been in a bad mood lately.

He was in a bad mood because Han Yu did not bring him to the capital Zhongshan to defend the capital.

He was perturbed about the capital Zhongshan which was currently under siege by Yuan Shao's army, and General Pan's five or six thousand troops did not have the strength to help them relieve the siege.

Pan Feng vividly remembered the handwritten letter from Han Yu that he was asked to be on standby, and his firm words were still fresh in his memory.

Pan Feng did not dare disobey the young master's order.

Almost two months have passed since Gongsun Zan's retreat. Pan Feng didn't know when he would get his new assignment, so he felt a little worried.


Pan Feng was taken aback.

"What is it."

The soldier who reported the news said: "General Yu Jin came from Zhongshan, and he has something important for the general to see."

Pan Feng was overjoyed and hurriedly went to see Yu Jin face to face.

After exchanging greetings, Yu Jin recovered from the thrilling, exciting, unique, and passionate flight journey.

Then he said to Pan Feng: "General Pan Feng, milord has an important task entrusted to you, are you prepared to do it?"

Pan Feng grinned, and said hurriedly: "Pan Feng is willing to accept the order and promises to complete the task of the young master."

Yu Jin also smiled and said, "Milord said earlier that you are a Great General. And after I see your present demeanor, it seems milord was not wrong about you."

Later, Yu Jin explained Han Yu's plan to Pan Feng.

Pan Feng nodded upon hearing this and looked at the Wuliangye box that Yu Jin had just moved.

"This wine looks good."

Pan Feng felt a little itchy.

His throat couldn't help wanting to swallow a few cups.


Yuan Shao's army had been besieging the Capital Zhongshan for nearly two months.

In addition to the 150,000 soldiers, the monthly food consumption alone is nearly 300,000 excluding fodder.

The current siege on the capital has also become a big problem for the logistical support of the four districts.

In order to ensure that food and grain kept flowing, Yuan Shao even directly dispatched his ministers to supervise the officials of the four Commanderies to ensure that there wouldn't be a situation where anyone violated the shipment.

As the general who oversees the grain, Chunyu Qiong is also under a lot of pressure.

To supply food and fodder in a timely manner.

Chunyu Qiong also collects food from the various Commanderies, again and again, every day, delivers it to Shenze County, then Zhongshan, and then brings it back to the barracks.

This cycle repeats.


Granary camp in Shenze County.

"Finally, today's work is complete."

Chunyu Qiong immediately collapsed on the bed, exhausted in body, mind, and mouth.

This repeated behavior made Chunyu Qiong's patience gradually wear out, and his temper gradually became irritable.

Chunyu Qiong was a heavy drinker. It's safe to say that he's been addicted to alcohol all his life. If he didn't drink alcohol for a few months, that would be something more important than death.

Of course, as one of Yuan's generals, Chunyu Qiong was greatly used by Yuan Shao this time.

He also understands that these grains and fodder are very important for the army and must not be lost, and there are more than 3,000 soldiers escorting, plus civilians, so there are 10,000 people.

The responsibility for this all lay with Chunyu Qiong, and he was also under pressure.

Therefore, Chunyu Qiong often reminded himself to suppress his thirst for wine.

But he couldn't take it anymore!

Currently, Zhongshan is surrounded by soldiers, and there is no risk at all from the food and grain side. It should be fine for him to drink a bit!

Chunyu Qiong couldn't hold it in any longer, licked his dry lips, and prepared to fall asleep.


The night deepens.

A soldier comes: "General, the lord has sent someone to give you a present."

Chunyu Qiong was awakened from his sleep.

Then a black-faced soldier brought a box of wine into Chunyu Qiong's tent.

"Reporting to General Chunyu, the lord said that the general has been painstakingly escorted the grain and food."

"Milord said, Zhongshan is currently under siege and will soon be completely killed, like a bird that can't fly out, General Chunyu doesn't have to work so hard anymore."

The black-faced warrior paused for a moment, and then said:

"My lord will give you a box of wine from the Western Regions, in recognition of General Chunyu's recent hard work."

After speaking, he handed Yuan Shao's token over.

This token is the token that Yuan Shao asked the guards to detain Xu You, and it can be used at this time.

Seeing that token, Chunyu Qiong no longer had any doubts about the person who brought the news and was very grateful to Yuan Shao.

Milord still cares about me!

Then he looked at the box that didn't have anything written on it.

Is this a box full of wine?

A luxury wine from the Western Regions?

There was no doubt, the words on the box seemed to come from the Western Regions.

After all, General Chunyu had never seen such an inscription.

After that, seeing Chunyu Qiong who had successfully fallen into the trap, Yu Jin, who was pretending to be a soldier, left.

After Yu Jin left.

Chunyu Qiong carefully opened the box which contained six bottles of wine.

The bottle of clear wine almost blinded Chunyu Qiong's eyes.

At first glance, it is unusual!

After hurriedly opening it, Chunyu Qiong took a sip.



"How delicious!"

"This is very fine wine. I, Chunyu Qiong, have never drunk such good wine."

Chunyu Qiong cried with joy.

The feeling brought by this fine wine is indescribable.

At this moment, he seemed to be tasting a drink from heaven, keep saying that this wine was very good, and Chunyu Qiong quickly drank it down.

Then, take another sip.

A burning sensation, from the heart to the lungs, to the throat.

Chunyu Qiong had never drunk such strong wine and felt that his more than a month's worth of hard work had been swept away in an instant.

Chunyu Qiong shouted: "What a great wine!"

Immediately he knelt on the ground,

"Milord! You have been very good to me, Chunyu Qiong, from now on, you are my benefactor!"

Very soon, a bottle of wine was finished.

"However, this wine is really strong! I feel dizzy... dizzy..!"

Chunyu Qiong mumbled in his mouth, then fell to the ground, and turned into a loud snoring sound.

Several soldiers who sent the grain widened their eyes at Chunyu Qiong who was drunk with wine.

One by one, they are unable to resist the temptation, they opened the bottle, and a few people gathered to drink.

Then, sip by sip...

These people had all become drunk.

Before passing out, their last thought was the same.

What a great wine!

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