

I wake up, hearing wood crackling beside me. I can feel the stone decoration of the hearth. Opening my eyes I look around the room. There is an animal fur coat and a written paper attached to it. I investigated the coat, the skin is made from bear fur. The fur is white. Could this be from a polar bear? I wear the coat on my back. I read the note attached to it.


Take this fur coat with you

and any tools you can gather

from the hut, your training shall

start the moment you step

out of the hut be prepared to witness

the arts of ice and winter.


This is going to be torturous, isn't it? Sigh, I pull out a hunting knife from the top of the fireplace and I doubt that anything else can assist me in this training. I walk towards the door.

"May Isveig give me mercy." I burst the door open and run out. After running for a while. I notice something is out of the ordinary. The wind is silent. After running for a few more minutes, I noticed the trees had disappeared. I looked around and it occurred to me. I am standing on a plain snow field. Moments later a gust of strong wind raises me into the air. I can feel a cutting pain on my skin. I can see glistening rocks being guided by the wind. It's ice. I get thrown around by the wind and the ice cuts and creates scars on my body.

"Damn you Isveig, I can die, you know." I started avoiding the ice, but the wind kept guiding the ice towards me. Fine, let's try this. I grab a shard of ice and then throw it into another shard. Both of them broke on impact. I hoarded shards of ice under my coat and then surrounded myself with those shards. I can hear the shards breaking around me as the ice from the wind hits the shards. Moments later I can feel the wind becoming slower and quieter. I look down to see a body of water under me. Let's land here.

"Freeze." Some of the water froze to ice, but when I fell, the ice gravitated to the water.

"What the hell?" I dive down into the water. Under the water, I could feel the freezing water surrounding my skin and my temperature dropping. Opening my eyes, I see darkness surrounding me. Great, no light. I can hear something speeding towards me. I use the coat to block it. When it got close I could feel a bludgeoning impact on my chest. I can feel my ribs cracking. I redirect the entity as it passes beside me. Another impact came from behind me and my spine cracked. Shit, another beast. I need to escape.

"Freez-" another impact on my gut. I hear another projectile coming from under me. I brace for impact as this is a chance to escape. I curl up. It hits me directly, then pushes me straight out of the water. I can feel the cold air as I saw that the thing that struck me was, as expected. A block of ice. Standing on the snow once more, I heard the dreadful voice behind me.

"I see you have survived the first training." As I was about to answer a younger, more judgy man's voice was heard beside him.

"Passed, but barely can be described as elegant." Another voice was heard, this time it was feminine.

"Even in an environment where his skills were most beneficial, he still underperformed." I look behind me and saw Isveig and two other beings standing beside him. To his left, a man wearing a peacock coat from head to toe, with a judging posture, looks like an artist from the fashion industry. His short straight white hair compliments his white skin and with a mask that only covers one side of his face. His eyes glow sapphire blue and he's as tall as a pole. To his right, a woman wearing barbaric clothes, her abs, legs, and arms muscles showing. With a great hammer sheathed behind her. As she has a wolf braid on her hair and chocolate shade for her skin and her crimson eyes are filled with strength.

"These are my allies and your new teachers." New teachers? What the hell, I thought Isveig was the one teaching me. The man beside Isveig points to me then points down.

"Kneel, you filthy peasant, you should be grateful that you lived through that." I already hate this man, but even I know I shouldn't be reckless with my current condition. I kneel to the gods before me. I can feel the satisfaction of pride from the beings gazing at me.

"Now, understand that you are weaker and far more foolish than any of us, you are not even close to my desired standards to be trained, however, Isveig here requests our assistance in doing so. Henceforth you are my disciple. Just know I will treat you mercilessly." Fear and wrath clash in my heart, as I was about to beat this guy until my great-grandchild is born. The woman beside me slaps the artist and complains.

"You talk too much, now introduce yourself, even he has the privilege to know our identity." She looks at me with a smirk taped to her face.

"I am Rabosa, The Meteor hammer, A Goddess of Combat, former hammer sipher, used a small ice ball and mallet to kill a titan thousands of meters away. Glad to meet you. Now give him your name." He sighs and covers his face with his peacock fan.

"I am Reverta, The Glamorous stylist, God of fashion, former fashion divo sipher, killed a city's worth of imps with only small shards of ice and wind within a minute. It is your pleasure to meet me." I look at Isveig for an explanation as to why I'm being trained by these devils. Isveig replies.

"I shall act as the final challenge for this training process, as you will learn techniques and arts from these two gods, I shall take my leave as I have other business at another location." He turns around and leaves the area. Rabosa crouches in front of me.

"Your physical training is complete for the day, as Isveig had informed both of us that you are rather unfamiliar with this world. Here's a book about the general knowledge of this world. Reverta and I here will assist you in going through the book. Won't we?" She looks at Reverta eyes filled with intimidation that even I can feel.

"Yes, we will help you." He sighs and looks at Rabosa.

"Now let us go to another place, the hut is too far from here, we will go to the nearest village. Reverta, your turn." He raises his fan in the air. Then sweep towards me creating gales of wind sending me flying far away. I can hear Rabosa Shouting at a distance.

"We'll meet you there!" This is going to be more difficult than I thought, then again how did I stay underwater in freezing temperatures and not get hypothermia, unlike last time? I'll ask them later, for now, I need Icy bird to heal me again.