

Opening my eyes, I see the sunset in the golden sky, trails of blood course my corpse while rotting on the earth. Reflecting on myself, seeing a scar left by the darkest of vexes.

I pray to the gods upon the divine sky, to bequeath me another life to breathe and to decease. With awaking my eyes, I see a being, one with light and heavenly grace. The god speaks to I, me, and myself. Bestows me my wish and followed with a wish "thou shall cometh to my shrine when thy feels as potent as I. Thy shall bathe in the riches of victory or crimson blood of defeat against thou's own maker. " Thus, the wish from my maker I assent, granting one last chance to complete my quest.

My eyes felt heavy giving into exhaustion once more; I feel as if death has finally released me. Awaking upon my maker's endowment, feeling enhanced with life and potency, I wish to compensate for my maker's gift, for I am my maker's child. I abide by you.

Waking up, panting as if I was recently in a war.

Looking around the room, I see a fireplace and some décor, a wooden hut. I notice a white particle in the corner of my eye, I looked outside the window. Cold white snow and a fragile frozen lake.

I felt a chilling breeze through my body directly on my skin. Getting out of bed and walking near the warm hearth. Above the fireplace, an exquisitely carved wooden owl is put there. A burnt banner was hanging above the hearth. I sit in front of the flame, questioning what happened.

I gazed at the fire, I see chaos and ruin burning which mother nature rain's vengeance against humanity. Whilst seeing life and freedom, mortals who gained souls to be free and to live. The wooden branches snap and sizzle as the fire slowly incinerates them. Then I saw a small light above the hearth.

The creeks of a door hinges echoed into my ear. I glance at the entrance. A giant hooded figure stands in the way of the entrance. I stood up, gazing at this mysterious figure. It slowly marches in my direction. Each stomp quakes the ground, trembling the earth underneath. Specks of dust of wood fell, statues collapsed and shatter, and fragments flew. It then sat on the couch. The figure spoke in an elderly manner.

"Why are you just standing there, get me some tea." He gives an arrogant look; he reveals himself to be a scarred old man. The traits on his face tell that he has been in war since when he was an infant. Scars decorated on his coffee skin and cubic face. His silver hair braids roots from his head and rests on his neck. Eyes filled with war and vengeance. A snowy beard snuggling on his mouth. He breathes ice-cold air, he emits a snowy and frosty atmosphere. Staring at him, I felt pity. I grabbed the clothes and wear them.

"What is your name?" I ask out of curiosity. He smirks and raises his eyebrow.

"You are very bold, not all mortals ask a god's name without hesitation," he says with great interest. His hands emit cold icy air. Under his breath, I hear him chanting.

"Glacialis Corpus" My skin felt colder, my bones eroded and decayed as the ice broke them, and my heartbeat becomes slower. I saw the god's face. Smiling as I get tortured. As the last effort to live, I heave myself toward the campfire. The flames scorch my flesh. Burning my bones to nothing but ash. A savage painful scream came out, as my eyes were blinded by the hearth.

"You cowardly filth!" he screams, I felt a gust of cold wind breeze through me and the flames died out behind me. My heartbeat became faster, ice from my skin melt, and my bones hardened. I stand in front of him. He scoffs.

"Who are you?" I glare at him. His eyes widened in fury as a storm was forming inside the hut. Yet standing in the middle of the storm. Shards of ice pierce my body as blood trails down my skin. He screams

"Glacialis Tempestas maxim-!"


I swiftly dash at him then deliver a punch to his face.

"Don't try me you bastard!"

I thrush my jab with full force against him. His eyes roll back as his body fell.

He regains position stabilizing his consciousness then he slams his fist against my stomach throwing me upwards.

I can feel my stomach breaking as vomit ran through my throat and out my mouth. The gut-wrenching pain as my spine crackles and shatters. The wooden ceiling broke, scarring my back. I hurled through the air miles away from the earth. I can feel the cold water in the air as I fly above the clouds. Sunlight blinds my eyes as I plunge through the fog. I turned to the clouds and see an animal flying through them. Gleaming ice trails behind it, as it flies me.

"A bird of sorts?" its beak bit and hold clothes dragging me down back to the earth. Under the clouds, the icy trails heal my scars while descending down. I feel as if my fatigue came back. My consciousness faded, wandering away from my body. My surroundings calmed as once more, I fall into slumber.