
Thousand Miles Apart

An international call from a drunken stranger of 8517 miles apart to the most popular and the hottest football captain of the Newcastle football team, California. Two different continents, but one call leads them to endless secret conversations, midnight jokes, sarcastic comments, family dramas, and of course a new feeling arose within each other and there's probably no going back. What could possibly go wrong? ~~~~ ~ Eshana, a 21-year-old girl, was trapped by the idea of a marriage arranged by her parents without her knowledge to a millionaire. Later that night, her parents decide to surprise her with their decision, causing her to collapse. Eshana, who is heartbroken, decides to go to a bar where she gets drunk and plans to call her brother, who is currently working in the United States. However, due to her dizziness, she dials the wrong number. ~ On the other side of the world is Zachary Ashford, the most popular and hottest football captain of the Newcastle Football team, California. He was getting dressed for a party when he received a phone call from an unknown number. He picked up the phone after some reluctance and was amused by what the person on the other end of the line was saying. ........ ❝Bro! Our p- *hiccups* -parents are arranging my marriage with a danger. I don't want to, m-mary! They say it's for busyness... tell them not t-*hiccups* -to do that. Why are you still not back from the USA?❞ *sobs* ❝uh... I'm sorry for you but, you have got a wrong number❞ ❝Now you don't want to save me? *hiccups* then I hate you! you know what? *hiccups* duck you Bhai!❞ ❝uh, what? you mean.. oh! but I'm not-❞ *silence* ❝Hello? you there?❞ *snores* ❝Well then, good night stranger❞ ~•~•~

divyaahahaha · Urbain
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Duck You!

[ CA- California (Boy) | IN- India (Girl) ]


(Oct 21)


(+91) 92671901** (IN) :

"Bro! Our p- *hiccups* -parents are arranging my marriage with a danger. I don't want to, m-mary! They say it's for busyness... tell them not t-*hiccups* -to do that. Why you still not back from the USA? *sobs* "

+1 (209) 502-67** (CA) :

"Uh... I'm sorry for you but, you've got the wrong number"

(+91) 92671901** (IN) :

"Don't you want to save me? *hiccups* I hate you! You know what? *hiccup* Duck you, bro!"

+1 (209) 502-67** (CA) :

"Uh what? You mean.. Oh! but I'm not-"

(+91) 92671901** (IN) :


+1 (209) 502-67** (CA) :

"Hello? You there?"

(+91) 92671901** (IN) :


+1 (209) 502-67** (CA) :

"Well then, Goodnight stranger"

(+91) 92671901** (IN) :



(Somewhere in California)

Boy :


Boy's Roommate :

"Dude! stop staring at the phone like

a creep. it's getting late to the party"

Boy :

"Huh? oh"