
Ambition - 1.0

The Narrator appeared not on a wooden chair as usual, but on a couch, watching TV. His eyes fully engrossed as they consumed the never ending stream of unimportance.

I clicked the off button.

"Wha-oh, it's you." He chuckled slowly, but his face gave away his fatigue. No doubt from sitting on the couch all day.

With a snap of his fingers, he was back on his wooden chair, and took out the new index card.

"Ambition. Wow, something that I don't have."

 Everyone has dreams. Everyone has goals. Many pursue those goals into adulthood and gain a career from their hard work to chase their dreams. Some never find their goal and live aimlessly, going day by day doing nothing of importance.

That was me.

And if you're on this site, maybe you are too. 

For the longest time, I've always known that I've had no real goal in life. Every time I get asked the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?", which is a sentence that I'm sure most of you have received, I inwardly cringe because I know the next few words I spew out is BS.

The earliest possible career choice that I remember was a tourist, and they get paid to take pictures while traveling. Doesn't sound like a real career choice, I know. But I was like 8, so give me some slack.

In middle school, I'd had dreams of working at NASA or something, and I've briefly entertained the idea that maybe I could be a programmer. In high school, my main thought is going into business as of yet, but there's no real conviction to do so.

The ambition is nonexistent.

Yet, around middle school, I came across web novels. On webnovel.com and other sites, I would read. Eventually this replaced physical books because there was just so much content. So many more chapters than a regular book, yet while it might be a downgrade in quality and grammar, I would be happy continuously reading.

Then, seeing how this was going, maybe I thought, I should try to write one too. Can't be that hard, right?

...It's pretty hard.

However, this might be one of the first things that I've had real ambition for, something where I feel like I'm having fun. I want to actively write and get better and create a novel. 

So, that's where I am now. My ambition is set for web novels.