
Those Memories I cherish

GoldenDust25 · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs

Chapter-2 (Health Camp)


On phone-

Udita- I am very scared about the health camp.I have heard that the doctors will be bringing big injections for us!

Aaru- *Chuckles Don't worry stupid the teacher told me that they won't do anything to us. They will be checking only the basic things and give us some advice related to health.

Udita-*scoffs then it's fine. Alright see you Tomorrow because my mother is calling to eat dinner. Bye bye

Aaru-bye bye

Call disconnected

Next Morning:-

At school

Author's Pov-

Fear was clearly visible on each student's face afterall it's not a normal day. Aaru was busy calming her friends not to worry.

Everyone Student was going one-by-one and atlast it was Aarushi's turn. She entered the medical room with full confidence but after having the sight of the doctors her confidence flew away. She went ahead and the doctors checked her.