
Sorcerer Thor Part I













There was a clear order to life, a clear beginning and a clear end, yet not everyone started equally or at the same place. However, with hard work, dedication, determination and even luck, they could achieve anything. But ultimately, all men are destined to die, it's only a matter of how and when.

Except here he was, alive, a direct violation of that unspoken law and rule of the universe. They had died, and yet here he was, an amalgamation of them both, continuing to exist. Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, to very different men in countenance, personality and desires. Yet fractions of both existed to form who he had become, both neither and something entirely new.

But their desires, their thoughts, their feelings, their memories, they were what made him. Just as Odin had intended, it was his magic that bound them, the Odinforce that forced fractions of their souls from Ragnarök to meld together into this new being that was he.

One that balanced the divinity of Thor, with the cunning of Loki.

One that balanced the desire and ambition of Loki with the power of Thor.

One that balanced Thor's never-ending desires with Loki's patience.

One that balanced Loki's mischievous ways with Thor's determination and perseverance.

Their flaws and their strengths, things that had made them natural enemies and perfect allies, one that could exploit the others weakness just as well as covering for them. Together, they should be a perfect beings, perhaps that's what Odin had intended.

Yet it seemed, casting aside both children in favour of his others, had left him unknowing of just how his two sons thought and the extent of their desires. Neither held love for Asgard, Loki desired the throne simply because of the chaos it would cause and what was chaos, if not a more extreme variant of mischief, his Godly domain? And Thor was not raised as a warrior, a discarded tool that simply desired parties and a lavish lifestyle to the point he was named a God of Fertility.

Yet there was no love for Asgard held by either man, they stayed there because it offered the lives they wanted and nothing more. It was their thoughts and memories that were his now and what life would Asgard provide him now? He was but a fraction of both men, Asgard forced on a constant cycle of rebirth according to the ethereal woman who cast him out into the void upon Asgard's destruction.

They would not remember him, nor would Odin accept his presence.

He was Midgardian now, a world filled with opportunities for mischief and revelry. Perfect to satisfy the desires that were now his, what need did he have to return to Asgard when there was all this open to him?


He would wash his hands of Asgard and focus purely upon Midgard now. Mischief and revelry, there was nothing better than those two things in this world. Time to enjoy this world to the fullest extent, finally free of Odin's iron rule.

-X- Line Break -X-

He did not possess the power of Thor, but he did possess Loki's knowledge. Midgardians were weak, but they were intelligent, offsetting their weakness with magic and ingenious technology. Loki had encountered many Midgardian Sorcerers during the many parties Thor threw across the Nine Realms.

He had dissected their bodies, studied their magic and learnt what he could. They had many interesting spells, but ultimately, their magic was underdeveloped compared to the knowledge of the Vanir. With access to their magic, the magic of the Midgardians was lacklustre, ingenious, but lacking power. So, Loki had left the realm disappointed, yet the knowledge remained in his head.

That knowledge would prove useful to him now.

The magic of the Vanir would prove too much for his body now, it was powerful and ancient, if he cast it, it would tear apart his body. However, the magic of a Midgardian would prove perfect for him, it lacked the power that would destroy his body and therefore, perfect for his infantile form.

As he watched his mother enter the main room, money clutched in her hand, a man followed from behind her, pulling up his breeches. From within him, he could feel the disgust that Thor possessed come over him, it was a hypocritical feeling for sure.

The God of Thunder had been a possessive man, claiming hundreds of women all across the realm and never sharing. Yet more than happy to seduce a woman who was happily married, Thor was a hypocritical man.

This was the mother of his new body, his father a soldier fighting in the war against Stygia. Unknowing that his wife was no more than a whore, an act not fuelled out of desperation, but purely out of desire. It was why he felt no pity, the memories of the men who formed him, felt none for her and so why should he?

As the man left the home, the baby turned to his mother who was walking away from him. He was unable to pronounce words, but the mastery of the mystic arts that Loki possessed was passed down to him, he did not need to speak incantations and simply thought them in his mind. There was one spell that would help him massively throughout his time here on Midgard, something that could rapidly begin to help him become more powerful.

A spell that Loki had only read briefly before the end of days.

A lost book that was hidden within the deepest vaults of Asgard, something Odin had purposefully kept secret. A book neither Midgardian nor Vanir, but from something far different and more powerful. One that worked for all species.

As his mother turned to look at him, his infantile arm extended and magic rushed towards her. She gasped and gagged, her body becoming still, mouth and eyes wide open as wispy white vapour came from her and towards him. It wafted around his fingers, coiling around his arm like a snake before entering into his chest.

Then pain erupted across his body.

-X- Line Break -X-

It was just as he had expected, the power of his bodies mother, had been too much for his infantile body to hold. The divinity of Thor enabled his body to absorb more than it would have otherwise, but much of the energy still had to be dispelled, lest he be destroyed by it.

However, as he looked at his body, the vast majority of the energy he had retained, directed and used to accelerate his growth, had worked. He was still a child, no older than five or six, but it was better than a pathetic and useless body of an infant. Now he would wait, allow his body to fully recuperate, soon one of her customers would arrive, providing another opportunity to feed and grow.

But as he looked upon the body, lifeless and cold, he considered options. Rituals, summonings, there were many things it could be used for. He would have to think upon that further, but first, he needed a name.

He was neither Thor nor Loki, yet he was both of them. Did he assume one of their names as his own? Or did he choose another? Perhaps he could meld their names together, much like their souls were melded to make him? Or did he fashion himself a new one? One that no one could possess as their own.

A unique name, one that was purely his and his alone.

Feeling a smile come onto his lips, he quite liked that idea.