
Thor God Of Thunder

A guy named Jake is reincarnated as Thor Odinson in the MCU. Join in the journey as he tackles the variables thrown to him. Don't give this fan-fic any reviews please. Upload Detail : ERROR...ERROR...ERROR...

luminous1_vanqu10 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

Loki 1

The grand hall of Asgard was adorned with banners of gold and crimson as the coronation ceremony of Thor, the new King of Asgard, unfolded. As the Asgardians cheered, their voices resonating through the vast hall, Loki observed from the shadows. His sharp, emerald eyes bore a mixture of resentment and simmering fury as he witnessed Thor ascend the throne, the weight of kingship settling on his brother's shoulders.

Loki had always harbored a thirst for power, an insatiable desire to rule that burned within him like a relentless flame. To see Thor, the favored son, claiming the throne that Loki believed was rightfully his, fueled the flames of his bitterness. Though he masked his emotions with a facade of indifference, Loki seethed with a venomous hatred, a festering wound that refused to heal.

As the revelry continued, Loki slipped away from the jubilant crowd, His steps echoed in the silence, a stark contrast to the joyous celebration beyond the walls. Loki's destination was clear—Odin's vault, a repository of powerful artifacts and ancient relics that held the secrets of Asgard.

Upon reaching the vault, Loki summoned his magic, the green aura enveloping him as he easily bypassed the wards that guarded Odin's most precious treasures. The Casket of Ancient Winter, a relic from the darkest corners of the cosmos, stood among the glittering artifacts. Its chilling presence called to Loki, a siren song promising answers and revelations.

Loki hesitated for a moment, his slender fingers lingering over the frost-covered surface of the casket. A voice whispered in the recesses of his mind, urging him to embrace the icy power that lay within. With a determined resolve, he touched the casket, his skin tingling as otherworldly energy coursed through him.

In an instant, Loki's body underwent a transformation. His fair complexion turned an unnatural shade of bluish-gray, and his eyes, once emerald, now glowed an eerie shade of frosty blue. The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning — he was no son of Odin, but a frost giant, a creature of Jotunheim.

Loki staggered back, the weight of this revelation crashing down upon him. The illusions of belonging, of kinship, shattered like fragile glass. Odin's deception, the lie that had woven through the fabric of Loki's existence, unfurled before him like a cruel tapestry. The very foundation of his identity crumbled, leaving only the bitter truth in its wake.

"No... this cannot be," Loki whispered to himself.

The icy tendrils of realization clawed at Loki's mind, unraveling the tapestry of his life. In a daze, he staggered out of the vault, the weight of his revelation pressing upon him like an unbearable burden.

His mind ablaze with questions, Loki sought out Odin, the All-Father, the one he had called father throughout his life. The throne room, once alive with celebration, now echoed with the emptiness of Loki's revelation.

Entering Odin's chamber, Loki confronted Odin, who stood regally beside the newly crowned Thor.

"Father, we must talk," Loki said with an accusing tone.

Odin turned to face Loki, his single eye piercing through the illusion of composure that Loki desperately clung to.

"Loki, what troubles you?" Calmly asked Odin.

"Do not feign ignorance, Odin. I know the truth. I am no son of yours." Loki said in an angry tone.

Thor, sensing the tension, stepped back, allowing the unfolding confrontation between father and adopted son.

'Hmm looks like little Frost Boy found out who he is without going to Jotunheim' Thor thought to himself.

"The truth has a way of revealing itself, Loki," Odin said.

"I am a frost giant. Your secret has been laid bare, and I am the unwitting pawn in your twisted game."

"Loki, my intentions were to protect you, to give you a chance at a life beyond the realm of Jotunheim."

"A chance at a life? You deceived me! I believed I could be king, but all along, you played me for a fool."

"I did what I thought was best for Asgard and for you, Loki. But the truth cannot be denied."

Loki, fueled by a mixture of anger and betrayal, conjured illusions of frost giants surrounding him, mirroring the truth that now haunted him.

"You hid the truth to maintain your illusion of a united Asgard. But look around, Odin. Your realm is fractured."

"I accept the consequences of my choices, Loki. But you must understand that the realm needed a ruler, a prince who could unite Asgard against external threats."

"And I was the puppet prince, dancing to your whims. No more, Odin. I will forge my path, free from your manipulations." Loki said mockingly.

With those words, Loki turned and stormed out of the throne room, leaving Odin to contemplate the ramifications of his actions. Alone in the dimly lit corridors, Loki's mind churned with thoughts of revenge.

"If I am not Odin's son, then Asgard will never accept me as king. But I shall have my revenge, and the throne will be mine."

[Hey guys I hope everyone liked the story. The word count of this chapter is around 840.]