
This Yandere Boy Is Crazy

"I am just protecting you from all those filthy animals out there... Why are you afraid of me instead of them..." He tell me as he touches my cheek. "Don't touch me!" I pushes him away. He remained silent then all of a sudden he smirks coldly at me. "I guess...pain is the only way to keep you to be well mannered, right?" He leaps towards me and choked my neck against the wall. He then leans towards me and whisper. "You will only allowed to talk and laugh for me. If you do that again with another people no matter if it was female or male. I. WILL. KILL. THEM." At that very moment, I regretted not to listen to her advise when she say , 'He is really crazy....' *DISCLAIMER* I make that cover myself using pitzmaker. I hope that picture could help you guys to know each of the mains character batter. Thanks~

PotatoLoveToWrite · Sports, voyage et activités
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105 Chs

Chapter 93

''Wake up, rise and shine because we are going to my secret base today!'' My uncle clapped his both hand as he wakes everyone up.

''Huh? Morning already? *yawn* Wake up, Touya-san. It's already morning...'' With my eyes half-closed, my hand began to search for Touya who shared the same tent with me.

''Hm?!'' I open my eyes wide after I notice that he was not around in the tent.

''Touya? Where's Touya?! Oh, my holy God!!'' I got panicked and went outside the tent to look for him. My uncle who was holding a pan in his hand smiled at me.

''Yo morning, Miyu-chan. Why do you look so panicked in the early morning? Did you dream something bad just now—''

''Where's Touya, Uncle?! H-He was missing when I wake up just now. We need to find him as soon as possible!!'' I shuttered.

''But he was just—''

''I-I will go and find him somewhere around here, I bet he was scared right now!'' My voice started to tremble after I getting worried about that little brat.

''Miyu-san, why are you making such a huge fuss first thing in the morning, huh? Wash your face and hurry up finish your breakfast already.'' Touya suddenly appeared behind me.

''Touya-sannn!!'' I went to hug him after relieved to see that he was doing fine.

''Ugh, get away from me you evil witch! Your morning hair is still messy and you haven't even wash your sloppy face! How dare you try to hug me with the dirty hand of yours?!'' Touya pushed my head away from him.

''Hee hee, don't be so shy, my youngest master. Morning cuddle is the best way to start the day you know.'' I rubbed my cheek against his forehead as I tighten my hug.

''Eiuw, fck off and clean yourself already! Hmph!'' He pushes me away as he puffed his cheek up before he went to eat his breakfast that was prepared on the picnic blanket by my uncle.

''Awe...I thought I could give him a few more hug since he had me worry about him earlier on...'' I said disappointingly.

''Yo, morning Miyu-chan~'' Yuuto hugged me from the back.

''Y-Yo hey, morning Yuuto-kun!'' I could feel my cheek was burning hot as his firm arm was gently warped around my neck.

''Flirting around already, huh? You are sure very cunning, Yamamoto Yuuto-san.'' Touma knocked Yuuto's head from the back.

''Morning, Touma-san.'' I greeted him.

''Mornin' Pancake.'' Touma gently poked my forehead before he went to join Touya for breakfast.

''Remember to brush your teeth before having breakfast, okay? I will be eating with them first since I have already done washing my face.'' Yuuto ruffled my hair.

''Roger that!'' I give out a quick salute playfully.

Yuuto then let out a tiny smile as he walks towards them. I quickly went to get my towel and head towards the small river stream that was hidden between the trees not far away from here.


After we have finished our breakfast, my uncle asked us to pack up our things. He also makes sure that we leave the place without leaving any trash behind. We then began to hike higher towards the mountain because my uncle said there's a place he wanted to show us.

''Uncle...are we there yet?'' I asked as we hiked further into the forest.

''We are almost there, Miyu-chan. Just around the corner over there and you will see a small hut. I bet that you will be excited about it when we reach our destination.'' My uncle pointed at the end of the hiking path we are walking.

''Was it 'that' thing, father?'' Hikaru doesn't look excited when he heard that.

''What thing, Hikaru-kun? Was it bad?'' I asked after I have the feeling that this 'thing' was not as fun as I had on my expectation.

''No, no. It was not a bad thing or anything. It was just a bit...dangerous...you know. By the way, you are a girl, it will be even more dangerous for you to play with it. I remember I almost killed my father with it...'' Hikaru's eyebrows began to crease.

''Oh, come on Karu-kun! It was not a big deal. You still need to train another thousand more years before you could kill me with the lousy skill of yours.'' My uncle patted his head.

''Here we are. Let me welcome everyone to my secret training base. Here is the place where I train myself and Karu-kun defensive martial arts.'' My uncle proudly showed us an empty wide space where there's a small hut that was placed in the corner.

There's a row of targets that were made out of bamboo and was covered with haystacks making it looks like a doll. After seeing those targets full of holes on it, I finally figure out what's my uncle trying to surprise me with.

''Was it kyudo, uncle?''

''You are indeed a smart one. Yes, it was kyudo. I always practice this samurai archery technique since it helps me a lot when I face up with a wild bore while I went hunting.'' My uncle patted my head. He then opens the small hut's door and revealed a few shooting bows that were made out of bamboo.

''Here, take one of these bows and I will show you how to shoot.''

''Then, I will be taking this since this Yumi(a Japanese bow that was used in kyudo that was about 2 meter high.) was a bit too much for a beginner like me.'' Picking up the small bow, I went outside and began to do some stretch up.

''Hmph! I have no interest to risk my safety in this kind of play. I will be going to wander around the forest for a while.'' Touya said arrogantly as he places his bag near the small hut before he went to take a quick walk around the area.

''Please be careful, my youngest master. I will be waiting for you right here if you mess up with the wild animals~'' I teased him.

''Hmph! We will see.'' Touya crossed his arm before disappearing into the forest.

''I think I will catch up with my brother. Who knows that this little trouble maker will stumble upon with?'' Touma went to follow his brother into the forest, leaving me, Yuuto and Hikaru alone with my uncle for training.

''Sooo, shall we get started right now because I am so excited to see how good I am in shooting this precious!!'' I excitedly looked at my uncle.

''Now that's the spirit!''

''Are you feeling excited, Yuuto-san? Because I feel I want to run away from here. When my father gets into the character, this place will be a hell.'' Hikaru said to Yuuto who was standing cluelessly next to him.

''Huh?'' Yuuto give him a weird look after not getting anything.


''Pull it harder to the back, Miyu! Don't pull it as if you didn't have your breakfast earlier on!!'' Mr Matsui roared as Miyu pulled the bowstring to the back.

''Roger that, Sir!'' Miyu pulled the string harder to the back as her forehead was drenching in sweat.

''Hikaru! Aim it properly to the right and focus it to the head of the haystack's doll!''

''Yes, father!''

''Yuuto, are you even a man? Look at Miyu, she can pull the bow back just fine while you over here struggling to aim at the target with the wobbly arms of yours!! Keep your chest up straight and focus on the target, you idiot!'' Mr Matsui ordered him as if they were in military training.

''Mm...'' Yuuto seems a bit pissed at Mr Matsui as he pulls the bow with his shoulder aligned with the arrow.

''Now fire!''

The sound of arrows hitting the target at the same time make Mr Matsui smiled. He knows that everyone was doing well in the training.

''Well done. Now shoot more while I head down to get something to eat for lunch.'' Mr Matsui waved goodbye at them.

''Damn, I never thought that your father could be such an annoying trainer, Hikaru-san.'' Yuuto wiped the sweat off his forehead with his sleeves.

''But he is very cool, right? Look, I even could hit the target under his training.'' Miyu pointed at the only arrow that hit the bamboo hay stacks doll in the middle.

''Huh? You only just hit one arrow and you are already proud of it? Pfft! I wonder how would you react if you get 16 arrows hit on your target.'' Yuuto flexed his target was covered with the arrows.

''Oh come on....can you just play along with it and cheer for me, Yuuto-kun?'' Miyu grunted.

''HELP!!!'' A familiar voice was screaming and it was heading towards them.

''Isn't it Touma-san?'' Miyu began to look around.

''Help us! There's a wild crazy bore chasing us!!'' Touma who was carrying Touya on his arm was calling out for help.

Without hesitation, Miyu quickly grabs her bow, running towards Touma as she yelled,

''Duck down your head, Touma!!''