
Chapter 14 Sheep Transformation!_1

"Sheep Transformation!"

Looking at the wizard ability he gained from advancing to the first level of a wizard—Sheep Transformation!

A slight smile formed on the corner of Tuck's mouth.

"Has my luck been too good lately?"

"Not only have I encountered a big shot from Ramore Tower City-State in this Bone Corridor and found a place of safety and shelter,"

"but I also self-awakened [Sheep Transformation] while still at the first level."

The Sheep Transformation is one of the trademark witchcraft of a wizard, and one of the core methods.

Many wizards wish to self-awaken Sheep Transformation and make it their "wizard ability."

However, the vast majority of wizards can only learn Sheep Transformation through study and inherit it as "transcendent witchcraft."

A self-awakened "wizard ability."

There is a significant difference compared to the "transcendent witchcraft" acquired through later study.

A self-awakened "wizard ability" is the "fruit" that grows on the Wizard Tree.

It can continuously draw from the sequence attributes and has the automatic capacity to grow as the wizard himself grows.

Whereas the "transcendent witchcraft" learned later on,

requires a wizard to constantly comprehend, practice and extensively train to improve.

If the effort and time invested in "transcendent witchcraft" were put into "wizard ability" instead,

the "wizard ability" that can grow automatically would naturally have a higher limit.

Naturally, the vast majority of wizards hope their core witchcraft will be "self-awakened."

And at this moment, the wizard's core method, the great weapon "Sheep Transformation."

Had already become Tuck's wizard ability upon his advancement to the first level.

Such luck, even Tuck himself found a bit incredible.

"At the moment, I've stockpiled a lot of Origin Energy Experience."

"My sequence has just been upgraded one level, and the Wizard Tree needs gradual nurturing to become more stable and powerful."

"Let's raise the wizard level by two levels first; if it's discovered, I can explain it as accumulated Origin Energy."

"And then there's..."

Tuck's eyes narrowed slightly.

"My witchcraft and wizard abilities."

"There are limits to personal levels, but not these witchcraft and abilities. Assuming I have enough Origin Energy Experience, all of them can be upgraded to level 19."

"Especially the Sheep Transformation as one of the core abilities of a wizard, its potential for development is tremendous."

"Begin the skill upgrades!"

Opening the attribute panel.

Tuck first raised his wizard level from 10 to 12.

Following that, it was time for Sheep Transformation.

Being core witchcraft of a wizard, Sheep Transformation is difficult to enhance.

But in front of the System, everything became simple.

Level 1 Sheep Transformation was frantically boosted by Tuck all the way to level 19.

After that, with a certain amount of practice, he would be able to master it proficiently, even to a great depth.

"Bullet Tentacles can make perfect use of precision; let's bring it to level 15 first."

"Spiritual Perception, as another wizard ability of mine, also goes up to level 15."

"Bloodthorn Vine is also quite good; level 15."

At this point, Tuck could feel his Origin Energy Experience running low.

Looking at other witchcraft that couldn't effectively leverage the Precision attribute, Tuck stopped the skill upgrades.

"The exploration and excavation of Sheep Transformation require Origin Energy Experience."

"Subsequent level advancements also need Origin Energy Experience."

"It's good to save some experience for a rainy day."

[Transcendent Sequence]

Wizard: Level 12.


[Transcendent Talent]

Precision (SS Level): 500%.


[Transcendent Magic Ability]

Sheep Transformation Technique (Ability): Level 19.

Spiritual Perception (Ability): Level 15.

Bullet Tentacles: Level 15.

Bloodthorn Vine: Level 15.

Origin Scale Shield: Level 9.

Fire Oil Technique: Level 9.

Wind Sprint: Level 9.


After inspecting his level, witchcraft, and abilities,

Tuck rose to his feet and pushed open the window.

Air mixed with a hint of darkness and the scent of death poured into the room.

Origin Energy flowed quietly, converging at the Necromancer Tower.

In the distance, several small mountains of skeletons were piled up on the ground where Black Rat Skeletons were tumbling about, searching for food.

A newly-born skeleton was discovered by a Black Rat Skeleton.

The Black Rat Skeletons, knocking their tail bones against the bones, made a sound, and soon, a dozen or more Black Rat Skeletons gathered.

The war between the Black Rat Skeletons and the new undead skeleton began.


Tuck, taking deep breaths of fresh air, enjoyed the leisurely comfort of becoming a formal wizard.

"Advancing from an Apprentice Wizard to a first-level wizard, reaching level 12, the transformation in all aspects is astonishing."

"Especially the significant upgrades in my witchcraft and abilities."

"You know, many peak first-rank wizards only have their spells just slightly above level 10."

"Once I'm proficient in Sheep Transformation..."

"Almost there, I can head outside now,"

In Ramore Tower City-State, it itself was a vast hunting ground.

Since those local gangs, as well as members of the Evil God Organization, acted as hunters,

so could Tuck.


Underground Undead Tower.

Beneath a small mountain of skeletons.

In the dim light of a horse lamp.


Looking at his feet, Tuck saw a creature the size of an orange cat, a hybrid of "sheep" and "mouse."

Tuck, holding the horse lamp, rubbed his temples.

"The final step of 'transformation' in the Sheep Transformation, always seems a bit off."

"It has changed, but not entirely."

During the past couple of days,

Tuck had been devotedly practicing his core Wizard spell "Sheep Transformation."

Even a wizard ability that awakens on its own required some practice to master.

And Tuck, who had already elevated his Sheep Transformation to Level 19, along with possessing an SS Level Precision Talent,

was quickly accelerating this process.

To envelop the target with the framework of witchcraft, infiltrate into the target's life form, suppress their sequence and the power of life, and thus complete the metamorphosis.

To turn the target into a "sheep."

This was the full process of the Sheep Transformation.

SS Level [Precision] fit quite well with Sheep Transformation.

In terms of encasing and locking on, it wasn't a problem.

Seeing the threads and trajectories made it easy for Tuck to penetrate them.

Suppression, after fully infiltrating the trajectories and patterns, was something Tuck could also do with ease.

But at the final step, "transforming into a sheep," Tuck was somewhat "rough."

Take, for instance, the "sheep" and "mouse" hybrid before him.

Tuck's final step of transformation always seemed to be lacking that certain something.

It never quite looked like a "sheep."

Immediately, Tuck waved his hand, cancelling the Sheep Transformation.

At that moment, the sheep-mouse hybrid reverted back into a "Black Rat Skeleton."

The angered Black Rat, using its tailbone to knock against the surrounding skeletons, tried to attract companions to gang up on this "big fellow."

"Stop knocking, any that could've come are already killed by me,"

Tuck said as he kicked the Black Rat Skeleton away, then once again cast the Sheep Transformation.

With a "clang" sound,

what hit the ground was a little lamb.


In Tuck's Precision Vision, it truly seemed a perfect "sheep."


Tuck's eyebrows lifted slightly.

"I'm starting to get the hang of it."

His formidable Precision quickly seized this feeling of the pattern.


One attempt followed another.

Tuck repeatedly shifted the Skull Mouse between "Black Rat Skeleton" and "sheep."

Until... the already weak life framework of the Black Rat Skeleton completely collapsed.

As the life framework crumbled,

The bones of the Black Rat Skeleton rapidly cracked, disintegrated, becoming dust.

And by then, Tuck had gradually grasped the puzzle of the final step of "transformation" in Sheep Transformation.

"Constantly repeating this process is like repeatedly twisting and folding the life form and the Transcendent Sequence."

"A few times might be okay, but do it too often, and it collapses."

Glancing at the remains of the Black Rat Skeleton reduced to dust, Tuck gained a new understanding of Sheep Transformation.


Tuck stroked his fingers,

"My Precision is starting to show its effects even in my sense of perception and smell."

"As long as a trace of the right feeling emerges,"

"I can precisely grasp the pattern and trajectory."

"This SS Level Transcendent Talent is getting more and more unbelievable."

Feeling that most of his Origin Energy was depleted,

Tuck ended this round of spell practice and headed toward the Undead Tower.

The High Tower was a place where Origin Energy converged.

Transcendents built high towers to gather Origin Energy.

Within the High Tower, Transcendents were able to rapidly elevate their levels and strength.

In these past few days, Tuck had begun to feel the effects of recovering Origin Energy within the Origin Energy Tower.

When his Origin Energy was plentiful, Tuck practiced Sheep Transformation.

When the Origin Energy was nearly spent, he would recover inside the High Tower and ponder the principles of Sheep Transformation.

Just as Tuck arrived at the edge of the Undead Tower,


The silence was broken.

An "Undead Crow" landed on a balustrade constructed from skeletons.

Compared to the other Undead Crows, which were missing wings or legs, the one before him was more complete in form and emanated a richer aura of undeath.

Tuck immediately bowed to the Undead Crow.

"Mr. Aubrey!"