
This Time I'll Be The King

The world changed. The Myriad of Worlds ate the Earth away, turning reality into the unknown. The familiar land turned into danger and a mysterious system granted powers. Zen survived through hell, only to find death at the hands of betrayal and a powerful enemy. Yet death was not the end as he receives a second chance. First, he must survive through hell again. Will he be able to build a place for himself and the survivors of the Old Earth? Releases: released by volume, no set schedule. Volume I - Timeless First Day, currently available. All main story chapters will always be available here. If you like the story, support the novel with the e-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JMPMX16

SmilingBlueWolf · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Ready For Whatever It Takes

Someone capable of shooting lightning would be a mage. Yet Elemental Warriors used Qi to fuel their powers, not MaQi. They wielded elemental powers without magic circles and as naturally as manipulating New Qi, becoming powerful forces.

With elements innate to them, Sooyeon would breathe lightning as if it was pure air. Class Rep's Qi Arrows wouldn't penetrate lightning. Even with her extraordinary Qi reserve, she couldn't release them continuously either. Sooyeon had a clear advantage. It was the first since I was reborn that [Quick Thought] froze without answers.

My ability wasn't perfect. I still couldn't get rid of the shock. Sooyeon pointed her finger at the Class Rep. A flash and sound of rapid fire, like bullets, spread.

It was the sound of lightning heating the air at a terrible speed. It hit and threw her back to the ground with a paralyzed body.

Fast. Extremely fast.

While I wondered if I could dodge it, Haze was already in front of me, back fisting me away. I rolled on the ground, then flipped back, and went to check on Class Rep.

Jiwan also came rushing, "How is she?!"

"A little hurt. Can't move right now because of the shock," I kept my eyes on our enemies, but they didn't move. 'It seems the fake priest's control over them isn't perfect. He won't risk them straying too far from them.'

"Damn. How are we going to beat them? Haze's too tough. And he isn't even using skills!" Jiwan complained.

"It's not that he isn't using it. His defense IS his skill."

"Um? You know his class?"

"[Iron-Willed Guardian]," I couldn't be 100% sure, but it matched.

"Sounds… tough."

"Yeah. They rarely have that much firepower, receiving a permanent [Defense Boost] instead of active skills. It's just that…"

"Haze was already a monster before," the Class Rep moved. She got back up.

"Are you ok?" Jiwan helped her up.

"I'll be fine. My head hurts…"

"You didn't protect yourself. Spread your Qi next time. It will help resist the after effects."

She nodded, "Why aren't they attacking? Afraid? This was an excellent opportunity."

"The coward over there won't let them go too far. He's the type that is too afraid to die," I smirked.

"So, what's the plan?" Jiwan asked.

A good question. If Jiwan and the Class Rep held Haze back… no, it would be hard for me to pass by Sooyeon in the state I was in. If I held Haze back... I doubt they could kill Albert with an Elemental Warrior as an opponent.

Was I overreacting?

No. I shouldn't think that way. She was Soojin's twin sister. They shared genes and talent. If I screwed up, it wouldn't be because I underestimated her.

I ground my teeth. I had to give my all and overwhelm Haze, but wasn't sure I could do it without risking killing him. Did I have any other choice?

My priorities were Sooyeon and Somi. If Haze cannot be subdued... then I must kill him.

'Brother,' the familiar voice sounded through the telepathic link.


'I am here.' his location surged forth in my mind.

I was so focused on the enemies in front I never noticed that Shadow approached the battlefield, hidden in the shadows. I sensed his Qi now.

'How is the kid?'

'Blood and Boss cared. Kid ok. Boss sent message.'

The Black Lab sent me a message? She seems more intelligent than I thought, 'What is it?'

Seeing me in a daze, Jiwan and the Class Rep looked at each other and whispered, "Is he okay?"

The Class Rep shrugged, "Zen?"

I raised my hand, stopping them, and waiting for Shadow.

'Danger. Hidden. Brother, be careful,' his immature voice sounded again.

'Hidden danger?' I opened my eyes. I always scanned around with Qi and MaQi, and sensed nothing that could be dangerous.

What was I missing? What did the Black Lab find out, and how?

[Quick Thought] operated at full power. Maybe…

Shit. I forgot about him. If that's the case, this became even more troublesome. Should I tell Shadow to ambush the fake priest?

No. He wouldn't be able to overwhelm Sooyeon either, without deadly force.

Should I use him together with the others?

That would leave us open to the hidden danger. If Shadow came out, he would never show himself. I had to lure him out. The longer he stayed alive, the more he grew, the more dangerous he would become.

I said through the telepathic link, 'You hide in my shadow. You'll know when to come out.'

Like a gust of wind, it was barely perceptible when the husky jumped through the shadows and into mine. A marvelous ability. I couldn't risk waiting anymore. From now on, I was going in with full power.

"Time's up. Jiwan, Class Rep. Hold nothing back. Beat them down with everything we got," I stirred up the Qi in my body, circulating it to warm up.

Lifting and looking at my right hand, I gathered Qi, manipulating it into physical shape.

"That's…" The Class Rep recognized what I tried to do.

The Qi formed a large rod, the size of a greatsword. No matter how hard I tried, It couldn't become sharp. I lacked power. I wanted a greatsword, so I got a great rod instead. But a weapon was a weapon.

It wouldn't last long either. I truly hoped we could subdue Haze without killing him, but…

I would be ready to do whatever it takes.