
This time, for me ( BL )

I walked around the room looking for some place to sit. Damn it! My legs hurt. I should have taken dads offer of staying home. Well then again i want to spend more time with my family and for that i am willing to attend such an event. Why do i feel that someone is staring at me? I looked around but i saw no one and the feeling of being stared at was no more. I shrugged and started walking to the tables. I know second brother was there so i wont be alone. Second brother wanted to stay at home but when he knew that i was going too he immediately changed his clothes to leave with us. I smiled. Sometimes my brother can be so cute. I was walking again when i felt some eyes on me again. I looked around but i think i saw nothing. My body went stiff when i looked around me once again. Deep red eyes were staring right at me as the boy kept walking towards me. His black silky hair were styled to stay on one side giving him a rather charming look. But that was not why i became stiff it was because of the fear i felt. The boy was about two years older than me, a year and a half to be precise. I want to run away. I know what he did was because of his reason and i don’t blame him but i cant let everything go as if they never happened. My eyes are getting a little blurry as i bit my lip to calm myself but that didn’t work at all. It was getting hard to breath. I want to go. Please someone save me. I kept on praying for someone to save me in my mind. Maybe he is walking to go behind. I took a deep breath. Yes! He should not know me at this moment in this timeline. In fact shouldn’t he be overseas during this time. My heart was beating loudly as my legs were threatening to give up...... —————- The story revolves around a boy name cameron . He come back to his past after taking his own life. He is determined to change all the things that happened to him and take back everything from his so called friend and fiancé. And repay them for what they did tenfold. oh did i forget to mention that its a zombie apocalypse world? The male lead of the story is extremely possessive and has yandere tendencies. You have been warned. Please give this story a try. It is slow paced but i can assure you that you will like it a-lot. I am still working on my writing and trying to improve it.

lazy_potato · LGBT+
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

Dad looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed. He was even more worried now. He immediately called for doctor Sheng.

Dad checked my temperature by touching his hand on my forehead. He was a-little relieved to see that my body temperature was not that high.

"Bun Bun, are you feeling pain somewhere?" Dad asked me while looking directly into my eyes.

I gently shook my head indicating no. "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" He was still looking into my eyes as I stared back into them. His eyes were filled with undisguised worry. I shook my head again.

At this I could clearly see my dad relax as he slumped down to sit on the bed beside me. He patted my head and then started to move his fingers through my hair, gently massaging my head.

The room was filled with silence but it was comfortable. It had been so long since the time I last felt like this.

I forced my tears to stop because they were bringing nothing but sadness to my family.

Dad closed his eyes while resting his head at the back of the bed. But he still didn't stop his fingers. During all this I had calmed down a lot than before.

I could see that mom and dad were tired mentally and physically. But this was the first time I saw them so happy as if they were given a most precious gift.

Soon after doctor Sheng came into my room. My father slowly got up from my bed.

I don't know why but I started to panic. I don't want to leave my dad's side, I know it's childish of me, but please grant me this one wish. I gathered all the energy in my body to hold my dad. To ask him not to leave me but it wasn't enough.

My dad looked back at me only to see me struggle to stop. He smiled as he grabbed my hand which was slightly alleviated in the air. It would have been noticed if it was someone else who saw it. Dad sat down by my side again while he gave apologetic smile to the doctor.

Doctor Sheng didn't mind it and replied with "kids are always like this���. He still had his calm smile on his face. Without any delay doctor Sheng started to take my temperature and checking other things.

After a while the doctor took a sigh of relief. Doctor Sheng patted my head before asking my father and mother to talk to him outside. At this my mom who had calmed down just a little, got worried. I think doctor Sheng noticed that. He smiled at my parents before telling them that everything is fine and that he just wants to talk about some things they need to keep in mind to help me recover quickly.

I was silently observing them with a straight face but my heart was pounding. I lightly grasped the corner of my dad's shirt. That was all I could do right now with the amount of strength I have in my body. I think doctor Sheng noticed that as he patted my head.

"Little Cameron is a brave boy, right?" He looked at me with such expectant eyes that I couldn't help but nod. His eyes shined a little before he continued "so can little Cameron stay in the room alone for a little bit as I talk to your parents outside?"

My eyes got watery again. I know it's going to be fine but.... but I still don't want to leave their side.

"It's just going to be a few minutes then they are going to come back..." doctor Sheng still had a smile on his face. I can't help but feel warm inside looking at that smile even though I know it's a professional smile. I slowly nodded my head while I was still hypnotized by his smile.

"Thank you little Cameron, I will be borrowing your parents for a few minutes while this pretty sister will stay with you, okay..." he rubbed my hair a little before leaving with my parents.

What pretty sister? I looked towards the place he pointed. Sure enough a nurse was standing there. When did she come in?

She had a calm and gentle aura around her. I think I have seen her before. She was smiling towards me. I made an effort to smile back at her.

Ugh! My muscles are all sore. Wait what? My muscles are sore? How can that be can people still feel pain in their dreams, that's not possible. As I was still in my thoughts I heard her giggle a little seeing me like this. "Its fine, your body will recover soon after all you went through a really high fever, rest well okay? So that you can grow as big and strong as your daddy" she gently rubbed my head.

"I had a fever?" I asked nurse. My voice sounded like a kid was speaking. How can that be I am 24 years old? How can my voice sound like a Childs? But then again there is no other child here.

"Yes" her eyes were filled with sadness as she said that.

This doesn't make any sense. I get why he used an illusion of parents and brothers but why is he using such plot? I obviously know that this is not a dream by now, it's probably an illusion.

What does he think I am? I was getting a little angry when thinking about this. What does he want to accomplish by doing this?

[But it's amazing how real those illusions are!] I thought to myself as my voice was filled with sadness. They look so real that I don't want to let them go. Even their expressions and the warmth. I wish they could be real, so badly.

I slowly tried to sit in my bed. My body was hurting so much. The nurse helped me and placed some pillows behind my back. It's amazing that he's letting me talk to someone even more let them touch me. Wait that won't be it, he would never do that so is this lady also an illusion but how can she touch me? Is this some upgraded ability? Wait something feels wrong.

I looked around the room to see what it was, but I couldn't find anything out of place. I tried to use my hands to move to a more comfortable position.

My right hand moved to my wishes. But my left hand didn't bulge at all. I immediately looked towards my hands.

I was shocked. My hands were really small as if they were of a child. I couldn't think more of it when I eyes went to my left hand wrist. It was perfectly fine. How was that possible? It was not bandaged nor had any sort of cut or stitches.

The arm looked like it belonged to a child. What is happening here? I tried to use a little bit of mana to look around to see if I was in an illusion. I couldn't do this for even a second but in that interval it showed that I was not in an illusion. My parents entered the moment I was doing this.

[They are not an illusion… they are real] I bit my lip to try to stop myself from crying.

When I looked at them despite all my efforts, my tears started to fell again. There was no sign that they were an illusion. In fact the mana patterns and reactions around their body showed that they are real.

My voice got stuck in my throat. I don't know what's going on but I am grateful to once again meet my family.

"Don't cry, mommy is right here with you so don't cry" mom smiled gently as she grasped my hand in between hers.

Dad just gave a goofy smile as he sat back on the bed with me. Just like before he started to gently rub my head. But this time I could feel him sending mana in my body to calm me and help in healing. This mana was not well practiced but none the less it was really warm and gentle. My mind was completely blank with just one sentence in my mind that my parents were alive and in front of me.