
This time, for me ( BL )

I walked around the room looking for some place to sit. Damn it! My legs hurt. I should have taken dads offer of staying home. Well then again i want to spend more time with my family and for that i am willing to attend such an event. Why do i feel that someone is staring at me? I looked around but i saw no one and the feeling of being stared at was no more. I shrugged and started walking to the tables. I know second brother was there so i wont be alone. Second brother wanted to stay at home but when he knew that i was going too he immediately changed his clothes to leave with us. I smiled. Sometimes my brother can be so cute. I was walking again when i felt some eyes on me again. I looked around but i think i saw nothing. My body went stiff when i looked around me once again. Deep red eyes were staring right at me as the boy kept walking towards me. His black silky hair were styled to stay on one side giving him a rather charming look. But that was not why i became stiff it was because of the fear i felt. The boy was about two years older than me, a year and a half to be precise. I want to run away. I know what he did was because of his reason and i don’t blame him but i cant let everything go as if they never happened. My eyes are getting a little blurry as i bit my lip to calm myself but that didn’t work at all. It was getting hard to breath. I want to go. Please someone save me. I kept on praying for someone to save me in my mind. Maybe he is walking to go behind. I took a deep breath. Yes! He should not know me at this moment in this timeline. In fact shouldn’t he be overseas during this time. My heart was beating loudly as my legs were threatening to give up...... —————- The story revolves around a boy name cameron . He come back to his past after taking his own life. He is determined to change all the things that happened to him and take back everything from his so called friend and fiancé. And repay them for what they did tenfold. oh did i forget to mention that its a zombie apocalypse world? The male lead of the story is extremely possessive and has yandere tendencies. You have been warned. Please give this story a try. It is slow paced but i can assure you that you will like it a-lot. I am still working on my writing and trying to improve it.

lazy_potato · LGBT+
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

"Mom, dad...." I tried to call out to them. I want to run to them and hug them. I never want to let them go. I never want to leave anyone of them.

My voice came out crooked and extremely soft. It sounded so childish. My tears were flowing nonstop.

I can't believe it! My mom and dad are standing right there in front me. I missed them. I missed them so much. I missed my brothers. How much I wanted to see them one last time.

Tears kept falling through my eyes. I wanted to say so many things to them. But my voice is stuck in my throat now that they are standing in front of me. I could not say anything as all I could do was cry with hiccups in between.

My mom and dad who were paused for a second came running to me as they saw how hard I was crying. My eldest brother came in after them. He was clearly panicked seeing my situation.

My second brother was standing on my side; he looked really helpless as if seeing me was bringing him misery. My third brother was sitting beside me as he had already run to my bed before everyone could even enter. He was crying silently beside me.

I don't want them to worry about me. I don't want them to cry. I know my crying is not doing anything good for them but I can't stop my crying even if I want to. It like all the tears I have been saving for years are flowing at this moment.

I don't know why but my eyes were getting heavy. No! I don't want to close them. What if my family disappears after I close my eyes? I can't accept that. I won't close my eyes until I say everything I wanted to. I won't allow them to disappear once again from my life even ….. I paused as I bit my lip a little. Even if it's a ... dream. I couldn't help but cry more because of this thought.

The thing I wanted the most was in front of me but I couldn't relax as I knew that it would disappear as soon as I look away. Just like every scene changes in dream without us noticing and ending as soon as we woke up.

Maybe my mom sensed my worries. She held my hand in both her hands while looking at me with her warm and gentle eyes "Bun bun, its okay. Close your eyes. We are all here for you so sleep for a while. Okay?"

I want to resist closing my eyes. I could hear dad saying that it's medication to help me rest.

"Mom, dad ...." I am scared. I couldn't even complete the sentence when I fell asleep.

I slowly got my conscious back. I don't know why but I am still alive. How could I be alive? Even if I am alive….. Can I go back to that dream?

I am not brave…. Not brave at all. I don't want to open my eyes. I don't want to prove that I actually had a dream. I know it was a dream but I was still afraid of proving it. Can I please go back to that dream? Can I please stop breathing so that I could meet my family?

My tears started to fell from my eyes even when they were closed. I could feel them travel down from my eyes to my ears one after another and then slowly making their way to the pillow.

I don't want to go back to that room again. I hate that room even when that room was the thing that has protected me till now. I hate seeing those chains around my ankle. I hate them, I want to burn them but I can't. It's ironic to think that after some time those chains started to give me a sense of belonging. They let me think that I have a place in this world. I bit my lips. I won't cry..... I won't....

I took a deep breath to calm my heart. I prepared myself to be disappointed to see what I expect to see and not what I want to see. Even then, my heart was so hopeful. The hope was growing so much, that I was frightened to find out the truth.

I was taking deep breaths as I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was the hospital ceiling. I bit my lips a little harder to gain a little more courage. I slowly turned my head towards where the sofas were placed. I was ready.

My heart was beating so fast. I didn't even notice that I was holding my breath.

I finally breathe as soon as I saw the familiar figure sitting on the sofa. That familiar figure is not of the person who I expected at all. It was what I wanted to see. I bit my lips lightly as my eyes got blurry.

"Mom..." it almost came out as a whisper. I didn't know that in tension I have bitten my lips so hard that they were bleeding. The blood was slowly tickling down my chin.

Mom looked up from her cell phone. I was so glad that she heard me even when my voice was a mere whisper. I was so glad to see her response, I would prefer becoming a walking dead than to find out that this was an illusion. I saw her eyes which were filled with happiness and gratefulness when she saw that I was awake. But then she suddenly got worried.

She calming came to sit by side. She took a clean cloth and pressed it gently on my bitten lip. She didn't say anything. I know she was trying to contain her emotions. She was trying to calm herself so I could be calm. She was trying to stop her tears so that I could cry when in her embrace. She was always like this. Even when I knew she was like this why was I so blind not to see this before? Why did I end things like that before? Why couldn't I have told her that I loved her more than anything?

My body still felt tired and lethargic, so I still couldn't move it properly. "Mom.... I love you..." A new wave of tears fell down my cheeks. I can't believe it I said this. I finally said this even if it's a dream I said it. She didn't hate me and turned her back at me.

There was mix of emotions in my mom's eyes before they started to get filled with tears. My mom cleaned my tears with her hand while slowly caressing my cheek. Her tears were threatening to fall down as she gave me a sweet smile. "I love you too baby" she lightly bit her lip trying to stop her tears to fall "mommy was..." she took a deep breath trying to control her emotions so that she could stay calm "mommy was so worried. I thought.... "She stopped as she was thinking something. Her tears were already falling down.

I don't know what mom was thinking but I could feel her hands trembled. I was getting worried but that doesn't mean that my tears stop. Why are you crying? Please don't cry mom…. I love you…. Please stay happy.

"Mom" I slowly whispered as if trying to give her strength. Mom looked at me. She wanted to say something but she couldn't. She opened and closed her mouth many times before leaning down to kiss my forehead.

My heart hurts to see her like this. I heard the door open. I looked towards the door to see dad coming in.

He looked tired, more tired than I have ever seen him in my life. He looked like he hasn't slept for days. He was excited to see me awake but then he saw the blood on my chin. He got worried to see both of us crying. He knew mom why mom was crying. He was always so gentle and kind to us. He could never see even one of us cry.

"Bun Bun, why are you crying? Does it hurt somewhere? Are you uncomfortable somewhere? Tell me, daddy will fix everything for you." Dad speed walked to the bed where mom was sitting. He checked my face to see where the blood was coming from. After seeing it was just from lips he relaxed a-little but was still worried.

Dad gently places his hand on moms back as if to give her courage. My mom looked at him with a gentle smile before looking back at me as if she was afraid of something. She had stopped crying after seeing dad.

"Dad!" My voice got a little crooked as I called out to him. My throat was stinging a little as I tried to talk.

helloo.... hope you aredoing good ... tell me what u think about this story in the comments.

stay safe and healthy ^u^

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