
This Player is a Pay to Win!

Gates have appeared all over the planet where other beings from different worlds came out and causes havoc upon the Earth, at the same time. A portion of humanity is given the power of the 'System' where the awakened individuals are able to possess and cultivate their supernatural abilities called skills. Initially. The world struggled and almost went into an apocalyptic era had not these individuals, now called players helped. Adrian, Jealous of his brothers being powerful Players was then chosen to become one after many years of waiting. The power that's given to him was simple. Pay to Win! ______________________ My updates are very inconsistent, and I'm really sorry. But if you're curious, you might want to see this, since I've started worldbuilding a little bit using this website. https://www.worldanvil.com/w/earth-justnanasekun

ASimplePerson · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
22 Chs

Chapter 19

In the cold expanse of space, there is currently a small spacecraft floating. The person inside, Rozajeld is the one controlling it. The ship is neurokinetic, it responds to his words and thoughts.

"S.A.I.N.T system Initiate," he said. Seconds later, a hologram interface of a female A.I came up.

"Welcome, Prince Rozajeld."

"Get me back to the home world."

"As you wish, Your Highness... [Contacting Homeworld… Contact established… Requesting access to Folding Technology… Granted… Initiating Folding Gates.]

Moments later, the space in front of Rozajeld began twitching and disturbance happens, the space looked like it was collapsing into itself and finally formed a white wormhole after.

[Folding Gate stabilized, please proceed]

He then controlled the spacecraft to move forward using his mind. After entering the Folding Gate, it was as if all of his senses were gone for a second, his consciousness also disappeared for an instant. But he had been through this kind of travel thousands of times and was used to it. For a new person experiencing this, there might be panic that will set in after arriving on the other side as there will be some otherworldly sensation when going through the Folding Gate, however, not for him.

He looked at the navigational system after opening his eyes and saw that his home world is not that far away.

Quickly speeding up his spacecraft, he arrived moments later. The Planet is covered in metal, everywhere was metal and many strange structures could be seen even when he's still a bit far. The planet seems to be ten times bigger than that of earth with also five times it gravitational strength. However, when he entered the atmosphere, there's no changes from his expression. Instead, he felt relieved. "Finally, this gravity and air quality are back. Not like that on Earth, it feels like there's no gravity when I'm moving."

The Mechanicus, which is his race, are born with ten times more physical capabilities than Earth's Humans. In addition to that, they also have characteristics of different animals, with him having the prominent bat ears that he inherited from their royal bloodline. He can use these bat ears in addition to his human ears to hear extremely well and far more than ordinary or even high-rank ranger-class Players and also grants him the ability to use echolocation.

He entered the planet, sped up more, and later arrive at his destination. The structure that he came into looks like a temple carved out of a large mountain but at the same time is made out of metal and everything here was run by the S.A.I.N.T system. This is the holy palace of their god, Mammon. Walking towards the front gate, he looks like a speck of dust from the scale of this enormous structure.

As he was walking towards the gate, the same hologram of A.I from before came up and walked beside him. "Master Rozajeld, Welcome back to the Mechanicus."

"Hm. Open the gates, I need to meet His Divinity."

"As you wish."

The gates slowly opened due to its sheer size and Rozajeld walked through.

Back on Earth however. The duo finally got back into the meeting place that's now turned into a bar.

Many others like Lingxin and Zain are absolutely hammered by now even though they've only been outside for less than fifteen minutes. "Is this what it's like to be an adult?" Alejandro said in disgust.

"Not at all, just don't be like them." Adrian replied.

Since people like them who are Players that had become Level 100 or just simply a powerful magician like Zain are basically un-aging immortals now, of course, they wouldn't be able to get drunk without purposefully lowering their defenses and resistance even when the liquor they're drinking is way more concentrated than the ordinary ones, enough to kill an ordinary person with just ten milliliters of it. Had an emergency arises, they can easily dispel away the drunkness from their minds without any usage of skills.

Norsa however is not drunk, or rather, he chose not to be.

"Where have you two been?" he asked and Alejandro replied.

"Of course, you know where we came from, uncle Norsa."

"Yeah… So. I have to discuss something with Adrian–"

"I'd like to listen too!" Alejandro cut his sentence.

Norsa sighs in defeat. "Fine. There's this group that call themselves Anti-Players. Other than Leviathan, we should look out for these bastards too. You've encountered them Adrian didn't you?"

"Is that why you've sent me with that Stella?"

"Correct!" Norsa replied with a smile, "although I wasn't able to hear anything after you entered the dungeon, however, those guys are huge pain in the ass to find. If not for Million Eye's tip about them, I wouldn't have sent you. They're specifically trying to kill Stella because she's the daughter of one of our subsidiary guildmaster..."

"They're attacking us?"

"Yes. And that's why I need you. I need you to disrupt their movement and find info about them. You're just starting out and relatively unknown, if we sometime later announced that we'll recruit you to the media, they might hunt you down."

"You'll use me as bait?"

"Yes, to get info about these guys."

"I'm pretty sure you don't need me to do that for you right? Can't you just..."

"Well, that's the thing… They don't use technology for communication. Their base is also heavily protected by a spell that even Million Eye or Master Zain can't look into, not only that, but the position of their base is constantly shifting, once we got a lead about them, they'll be gone. And that's what's so hard about them."

After thinking it through for a few seconds, Adrian agreed. "I accept, but if this endangers others around me, I'll stop this."

"Sure... by the way, stay for the night. These guys will be sleeping here anyway."

"O-okay… But wait. You won't send someone to look after me when I'm out there? What if Leviathan showed up?"

"Nah, Million Eye can see you, she'll tell me. She can even see us talking right now. I'll ask her to monitor you every second."

Flustered, Adrian retaliated "Oi! She can't look while I'm doing things like taking a bath!"

"Of course she knows that, although she might be a little pervert sometimes, she's a valuable comrade."

"You fucker–" Adrian cursed but paused for a bit. "But wait, I have those three's shadows, I'm currently suppressing their minds so they'll obey anything I say. Do you want to question them?"

"Oh, good idea, take them out."

Adrian then summoned the three of them, the shadow on his foot extended into three entities that raised out of the floor. Because of the mind suppression, they do not have any will and currently look expressionless. "Who are you guys?" Norsa asked. The three answered, telling their names and origins. Adrian then asked, "What are the Anti-Players? Tell us everything you know about them." The three of them didn't answer for a few seconds, moments later, Luc took out his dagger—which had also been turned into a shadow—and stabbed himself into his own throat, but because he's been turned into shadow, he's never been harmed by it.

"What is this?" Adrian exclaimed, Norsa then answered, "This failsafe magic is very powerful, even when he's been turned into a shadow, he's still affected by it?"

"Then… If only he is affected, does that mean these two others know nothing?"

"Or maybe he's the only one who knows too much that it warrants him having this failsafe," Alejandro cut in.

"Hmm… That makes perfect sense," Norsa mused. He stood up and sighed, "Welp, we can't do anything about that. Not even Master Zain is good enough at mind-control magic, so there's nobody here that can take this thing out... I'll go first. I have some things to attend to. Take a sleep Adrian, you've had a very long day." he then left, walking inside a door towards the other adjacent room.

"Don't believe him," Alejandro said to Adrian.

"Huh? Why?"

"He's got nothing to do at this hour, he'll just play Tower of Eternity. He doesn't need to sleep anyway."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes." Alejandro said with a blank stare.

"Anyway, I'll go to sleep there. That couch looks comfy."

"Okay, uncle, I'll go to my brother."

"Yeah." The two moved to do their things and the night goes on. Adrian went to a nearby sofa and lied down. Adrian had already mastered the ability to sleep as soon as he close his eyes and later went into a deep slumber.