
This Player is a Pay to Win!

Gates have appeared all over the planet where other beings from different worlds came out and causes havoc upon the Earth, at the same time. A portion of humanity is given the power of the 'System' where the awakened individuals are able to possess and cultivate their supernatural abilities called skills. Initially. The world struggled and almost went into an apocalyptic era had not these individuals, now called players helped. Adrian, Jealous of his brothers being powerful Players was then chosen to become one after many years of waiting. The power that's given to him was simple. Pay to Win! ______________________ My updates are very inconsistent, and I'm really sorry. But if you're curious, you might want to see this, since I've started worldbuilding a little bit using this website. https://www.worldanvil.com/w/earth-justnanasekun

ASimplePerson · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter 18

Adrian began explaining his attributes and Yuna mused, "You've grown this much in less than three days? You're really worthy of being in the guild, huh."

The others are also amazed by this fast growth of his, Yuna then promptly asked about his skills, other than the eyes and [Shadow Resurrection], which they already know how it works now, he explained the Shop and Exchange Center. Now that he's level 15, he could finally buy C-rank skills but the skills can only be purchased after the following days when the Shop had finally refreshed. This prompted a silent discussion among the others as Norsa spoke.

"So basically, you pay, and you become powerful?"

Adrian nodded.

"I'll wire you a billion, heh. Since it's something money can easily solve. I'll give you as much as you needed. I wouldn't want a member of our guild to be stagnant just cause he can't bleed out some cash."

A teenage girl, Lingxin then exclaimed. "Eh?! One billion?! Norsa, give me that kind of money too–!" However, Luke on the side is quick to silence her before she could say more.

"Y-you don't need to give me that much!"

"Just take it, we have loads of cash. Money's never a problem for the guild."

"You're making me feel like a poor guy..." Adrian smiled awkwardly.

"I didn't mean to hurt your pride, besides, you have a company that you need to take care of. So it's fine."

"Then... I'll shamelessly accept." Even though Adrian's ego was hurt by that amount of money, he was sure as hell that he can't take out that much money to use for the [Exchange Center].

"Make sure to convert all of those into that Shop Points thingy, got it?"

"Yes, of course."

"Since I've known everything I've needed from you. This is one last thing." Yuna placed her hand on his shoulder and spoke with seriousness. "Good Luck."

A string of system pop-ups then came out and he's shocked to the point he thought his eyeballs would pop out.

[Keyword Activated! You're currently affected by the skill, Celestial Nurturing:

Overall Growth increased by 300%!

EXP Gain increased by 500%!

Power Level growth increased by 300%!

Attribute Gain increased by 300%!

Skill Growth increased by 300%!

Skill Acquisition Probability Rate increased by 300%!

Skill Evolution Probability Rate increased by 300%!

Talent Evolution Probability increased by 300%!

Racial Evolution Probability increased by 300%!]

Adrian almost choked on his own saliva when he saw the outrageous buff. Add to the fact that this buff's duration is indefinite and only the user can dispell it.

"Great, that reaction is more like Alejandro's reaction before." Arjun remarked. The kid who's been having a stern expression since earlier suddenly answered with flustered voice. "H-hey! That's not true–!" Before he's also silenced by his big brother. The kid fought back while Luke covered his mouth but the Dragonoid's strength is much higher than his.

"Now that everything are settled, let's have a celebration!" Norsa shouted. Immediately, everything in the room disassembled into small nanomachines and seconds later, the entire room's interior is changed to that of a fine dining establishment's.

"Pedro, do your thing. I wanna drink lots and lots tonight!" Lingxin joyously shouted.

"As you wish, Lady Yang Lingxin."

Sometime later, everyone are now having fun. It's been less than three hours and yet there are some of them that are hammered with liquor.

Leaning on the table, Lingxin is smiling as she looked at Luke. "Ehehehe, Luke… You look kinda handsome today, you know?"

"Come on, you're drunk, stop it."

"Nope! I like my alcohol a lot! More than I like you."

"You're talking nonsense again..."

Alejandro then spoke. "Big brother… is she gonna be your girlfriend?"

"No! Don't say that, Alejandro."

"Ha! But she like you though…" The kid tried to look cool as he sipped his juice.

The night goes on. Everybody are doing their things. Soei, Mirai, and Norsa are having a conversation. Yuna had also took her leave due to her having somewhere to attend to.

While the rest, Ethan, Arjun Adrian and Zain are also having a group talk.

"Master Zain, is it okay for you to stay here? Don't you have responsibilities with your tower?" Arjun asked.

After drinking his glass of wine in one go, Zain replied. "Ah… It's fine, They can handle the tower on their own." he then burped.

This time, Ethan said rudely. "Old man, I actually thought that you're a wise magician."

"I've regained my youth thanks to this new body. Can't I enjoy it?" He replied again as he drank another glass.

Adrian however is sipping on his wine watching the three talk when somebody tapped him lightly on the back. he hurriedly turned around and saw Alejandro there.

"Uh… Do you need anything?"

With a serious tone, Alejandro said. "You use a sword, don't you?"

"Yes, and?"

"You said you can copy movements, right?"

"Uh… That's right..."

"Copy my movements."


"Follow me." Adrian simply followed after standing up and the two later arrived on a sparring field outside the building.

"Why do you want me to copy your movement?"

"I've known hundreds of sword arts. It's not bad letting you get stronger by having you learn one good sword art.

"Why so suddenly?"

"Nothing really, your eye power very interesting and vastly different from mine. I would like to see what it's capable of. Let's have a duel, take out all of your things." Because Alejandro also have Eyes of the Seven Deadly Sins which he inherited from his father, he's curious. But his Sin is instead Pride. His blue pupils have orange glowing pentagram on them.

"Let me ask first, what level are you?" Adrian asked.

"Level 25."

"I see, You'll be a little stronger than me then." All his equipment then suddenly appeared on his body which confused the kid.

"Oh, It's… a thing unique to me."

Alejandro also took out a katana from his ring, "I'll only be equipping this to match our attributes."

"Fine by me." Adrian smiled.

"Please… Copy everything I'm about to do." He then dashed and drew his katana swiftly.


"So fast…!"

Adrian only managed to block it after activating both [Heavenly Flash] and [Swift Movement]. Struggling to comprehend that initial speed. A flurry of slashes then followed from another direction as he did his best following the kid's movement. Because of Alejandro's short stature and fast, erratic movements. Adrian is having a hard time following.

Sadly, he couldn't go any faster due to the limited amount of skills he currently have, the Shop haven't yet refreshed so he don't have any other movement skills other than these two.

Soon, Adrian's able to follow the movement bit by bit as he's begun copying the movements. They exchanged blows, albeit Adrian is a little slower. But moments later, they are now using the same sword technique. Just less than a minute into the battle. None of them are hitting each other now, Adrian is able to blend the sword technique he's copying with [Heavenly Flash] and strengthened the D-rank technique significantly.

As their final attacks collide, it created a shockwave enough to shake the floor from a few meters away.


"That should be enough." Alejandro then sheaths his katana and put it back inside his storage ring.

[Skill Copied! A-rank: Thunderflash Technique Occupying 8 permanent Skills slots!]

"A-rank? Ah shit…"

Confused, the kid asked. "Why?"

"Sorry for cursing. It's nothing." He looked at the interface and removed some skills to free up slots for the new permanent skill.

Alejandro looked inside the building using his X-ray vision and called out to Adrian, "Mister, Let's go. They'll find us later." Adrian unequipped his equipment and the two ventured back inside.