


Trixie said nothing as she locked her gaze with him, to say she was shocked was an understatement, the things Kate said came flashing into her mind, /"wait,/" she shook her head, /"are you saying you have loved me for like twelve years now?/" She asked in disbelief.

/"And four months/" he added with a chuckle.


/"I have loved you for twelve years and four months now,/" he repeated, his gaze never leaving hers as she stared at him, mixed feelings flashed in her eyes that one would find difficult to read, /"and I'm going to love you for many more/" he added. This time, she looked away and sighed, she blinked uncontrollably, when Kate had said so she had doubted it, thinking it was impossible and now two days after she is hearing the same thing from the very person himself, she just couldn't believe it, /"Trix.../"