


Jeremy sighed and tried to recall why the incidence feel so familiar to him, he clearly remembered the day she was introduced in the class, he had felt her staring at him and also couldn't stop himself from staring back for she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

He turned to the next page, 'it's my second day in school, everybody seem nice and the boys as usual have all started trying to get close to me. Well, all except one, the curly blonde hair. I have learnt to know his name is Jeremy, Jeremy Campbell, what a sweet name, so much better than mine, Trixie Woolwich, Humph, I wonder if he will like to be my friend, I guess I can try.

I talked to Jeremy for the first time, I can't believe he is so easy going, and nice to talk to too. I heard a few girls addressing him as Mr no no, I wonder why.