
This Forsaken World

Arena, another land in another world apart from our own. Torn and divided into ten distinct kingdoms for each of the ten races. In present times, some kingdoms want to come together in the pursuit of peace. To ease the goddesses and prevent the ominous warning of doom given to them by the goddess Nymph Spring. While others want to use her warning as a way to find the four holy ones said by the goddess to save the people from their demise, and use their power for complete control of the continent. And right in the middle of it all, is an Academy made for the strongest and purest Warriors. To prevent anything terrible from occurring, and unite the lands peacefully. Iris, an Elf with Rarity genes, just so happens to live at this Academy, despite not being a Warrior herself. Before she can pay back the Academy for their kindness towards her, she must first find out the truth about herself. And realize that nothing is what it seems at face value.

Author_Sama12 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


Four thousand years ago, our world was very different then it is today. Magick didn't exist. People existed as one, sharing the same language and beliefs. Unaware of prejudice or judgment for those that looked or acted different.

And the immortal beings that created this world, the four Nymph sisters, roamed around it freely, indulging in the perfection they crafted with the utmost love and care, while governing over the four seasons in the four corners of their world.

Everyone was happy. Everyone was content.

At least, it seemed so from the outside.

But shadows lurked within the edges of light, slowly making its way into the hearts of the mortal people. Soon, "Corruption" planted a seed within their hearts.

Prejudice, greed, hate, jealousy, and the hunger for power... All these things and more were created on that fateful day, right under the noses of the Nymph sisters.

When the Nymph sisters' creation fell into war and despair, they were at a total loss of what to do. They pleaded with the people, asking their leaders to stop and go back to the way things were. They tried so hard. So very hard indeed.

But alas, it was an impossible task.

Corruption now had such a hold, he was able to take the form of the people. Able to now hide as one of them, he took charge of everything evil, forming armies larger and more powerful than anyone had ever seen before.

And the innocent ones suffered. Cut down in their prime, slaughtered for still following the ways of their ancestors. They cried out in pain, hoping the Nymph sisters, who'd disappeared into the Uncharted Mountains, could hear them.

Which they did. Now aware that there was still hope for the people, the sisters left the mountains and built armies of their own. With their forces outnumbered ten to one, they marched on, cutting all evils in their path regardless of the death or pain that befell them.

Their faith being so strong, Corruption found his body failing him. He was slowly losing his grip on the world.

One after the other, Winter convinced the misled leaders back to the light, weakening Corruption even further. Soon after, he found himself back into a shapeless, shadowy form, and fled the world before he could be slain.

The people rejoiced.

The Nymphs succeed in repelling evil, and the world goes back to the way it was.

But alas, the time of "Renewed Peace" was very short lived indeed.

Despite the teachings of their forefathers and their Nymphs, the people once again allowed Corruption back into their hearts.

This time, Winter prevented her younger sisters, Spring, Summer, and Autumn, from helping this time. They fled from the world and traversed back into their homes existing between the plane of space and time, watching as the very people they called friends turned against everything they were taught and allowed Corruption into their hearts.

But the youngest sister, Spring, couldn't bear to watch. Away from Winter's gaze, she gifted the few people still fighting against evil with a special power. That of which we call Magick in this day and age.

The good people fought with their new gifts, taking control of evil like small ripples in the tide which grew into thundering waves, consuming Corruption once again.

Under the impression he'd been slain by the Holy Knight leading the attacks, the people rejoiced and begged for forgiveness from the Nymphs.

Spring and Autumn accepted their prayers and returned to the world, leaving Winter and Summer back in their kingdom in the sky. They remained furious at the people and their younger sister for her aid.

Winter and Summer hoped their sisters would see that to help the people meant wasting their time, and risking their hearts to be broken once more.

And just like they predicted, turmoil unfolded once more. This time being a battle between those that inherited the Magick gifted to their parents, and those without.

Angry beyond words, Winter sent forth beings that existed in the very place Corruption once called home. "Monsters" sprouted from the ground, attacking anything and everyone in sight, blood and death the only thing on their mind.

Despite all odds, and the wrath of her sister, Spring still held hope. She came up with an idea, knowing evil was here to stay in the world of people, and Monsters only obeyed the wills of Winter.

Spring cleansed the world of free Magick, sending the holy powers into the hands of the holy people in a new form. "Weapons" contained a small essence of once was, allowing ten appointed wielders chosen from each of the ten races the power to destroy Monsters in their path, and keep the power hungry in place for fear of being struck down.

And thus, the "New Age" was born.

Now with a holy ruler for each race, the world divided itself into ten kingdoms. Spring helped from afar, teaching the rulers how best to use their powers, and what to teach their offspring how to use it as well. They'd be a light unto the people, never using their powers unless necessary, and must never use it to slay a fellow person.

The world soon found its flow, and hundreds of years of harmony passed. Until Spring mysteriously vanished from the world, along with her sister.

The people wept, falling into despair. Now there was no one to save them from the wrath of Winter, or keep the unholy in line. But the holy rulers maintained their strength, Weapons by their side, and kept it in control.

But over time, cracks begin to appear in the foundation. And two thousand years later, the world threatens to fold in on itself once more.

The innocent hold on to the last promise Spring made before her disappearance, which was spoken in the form of a riddle.

Or rather...

A prophecy.