
This Forsaken World

Arena, another land in another world apart from our own. Torn and divided into ten distinct kingdoms for each of the ten races. In present times, some kingdoms want to come together in the pursuit of peace. To ease the goddesses and prevent the ominous warning of doom given to them by the goddess Nymph Spring. While others want to use her warning as a way to find the four holy ones said by the goddess to save the people from their demise, and use their power for complete control of the continent. And right in the middle of it all, is an Academy made for the strongest and purest Warriors. To prevent anything terrible from occurring, and unite the lands peacefully. Iris, an Elf with Rarity genes, just so happens to live at this Academy, despite not being a Warrior herself. Before she can pay back the Academy for their kindness towards her, she must first find out the truth about herself. And realize that nothing is what it seems at face value.

Author_Sama12 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Harry's Shortcoming (Pt. 9)

Growing up, Harry lived a rather lonely life. Being the hybrid race he was, many saw him as something that shouldn't exist in this world.

     His mother was from the Giant race, standing close to seven feet tall (which was the normal height for women). The Giants were a welcoming people. People that would open their doors to any stranger in need.

      But the man she fell in love with was not from the same kind of people that shared the same mentality.

      He was from the Hobogoblin race. The four foot tall people that were always angry and sensitive. After all, only their own people found each other attractive. But their pudgy features, scaley green skin, and blacked out eyes were unsettling to everyone else.

      And they hated outsiders. They couldn't trust people, for fear they'd be too weak and cut down.

       But somehow, against all odds, Harry's parents came together. They fell in love in secret, and a few years later gave birth to him. With a longer body, olive colored skin, and blacked out eyes, he shared the characteristics of each parent. And made him stick out like a frog swimming amongst fish.

      The Hobogoblin race exiled his family the day he was born, when their love could no longer remain secret. And though the Giants were more welcoming, they couldn't ignore the oddness of Harry. Especially the kids around his age.

       So his family went on the move for his sake. Never once talking down about their people, but teaching their child to forgive them and to teach his brethren when he was older.

     When Harry was four, they made their way to the Pegasus kingdom. Who were rumored to be a bit on the airheaded side, welcoming to anyone willing to look after the heavy lifting for them when it came to... Well,  anything.

     So Harry and his family, who were organized and had a demeanor that was easy to listen to, had no trouble entering the kingdom.

      What they didn't expect, was just how untrue the stereotype was. These Pegasus people were some of the smartest, most calculated creatures to exist. But it's easier to stay out of any war by pretending.

       And like the Pegasus people, Silica and Erika were some of the smartest. Born into a Lord's house, who was close with the queen, Harry was promoted to be Silica's bodyguard. The day she was born put a target on her head.

      Harry and Silica grew up like brother and sister. Sharing everything together and wonderful memories. But still, Harry never truly fit in.

      Against the colorful Pegasus race, he stuck out even more so. Maybe they didn't make fun of him, but he still couldn't make himself relax around them.

      It wasn't until Harry was eight, that everything changed.

     He found a new home at the Academy of Masters, a newly formed school, to train only the best Warriors to keep the world at peace. He'd just unlocked his Channel, to find his Weapon was a shield.

      Being a bodyguard to Silica, who unlocked her channel a year before and traveled with him to the school, his Weapon was the perfect choice. Even at the school, he could make sure she was safe. And her parents wholeheartedly trusted him to do so.

      Harry believed he could keep up their expectations, and protect his big sister.

      Or at least, until they actually made it to the school. There, he was surrounded by people different from him yet again.

      Their Weapons actually did something. Meant something. Other than just deflecting and cowering behind.

      A sword could cut down enemies way easier than a shield. A knife stop an attacker in a second.

      So in mock battles, Harry was the target of everyone. They attacked him from all sides, without mercy. Destroying shield after shield. While he tried to hide behind it, begging for them to stop.

       Silica tried her hardest to help, but there was only so much she could do. Sure she kept a few kids away, but there was just too many to hold back.

       Harry finally reached his breaking point. He cried to Silica during class break, about how he needed to leave.  How this school wasn't meant for him.

     When a certain student happened to overhear.

      "All Warriors as brave as you are meant to be here~" Silica and Harry looked up, to find a scrawny boy with blazing red irises standing over them.

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