this existed back in the day
As I walked deeper and deeper into the tunnel, I noticed that the ground was shaking. Along with that, the tunnel kept getting wider.
"Looks like something pretty huge is roaming around here, unless its ajust a large hoarde." Either way, they will put up a good fight.
The shaking suddenly became expreme and I almost lost my footing, but I grabbed one of the vines hanging from the ceiling to quickly jusm out of the way.
*crack* The ground on which I was standing just a second ago is now completely wreked, and a huge worm-like head came out.
"Haha, shit. I didn't expect to find something like this here." I was looking for a strong opponent, but this is just too much.
The work had 5 massive blades instead of teeth, and he chewed through rock like it was nothing. One bite and I'm dead. Haha, well this is what I would call hardcore.
It looked around and spotted me. I have no chance of running away from this thing, but fighting it sounds even more absurd.
"That was close." The work attempted to bite me, and I barely managed to avoid it, again.
"I have to stop it from going underground." Every time it digs itself underground, I have no way of knowing his exact location because the apmosphere inside this dungeon blocks mana conductivity.
I avioded another attack, and the amount of ground on which I can walk freely was rapidly decreasing. A few more attacks from the underground, and I will be cornered.
"And.. Now!" The work attacked me again, and this time I let him but the vine. Those vines are sicky from the inside, so his movements will be slightly limited for a while.
The worm started wiggling around to break free, and this gave me an opportunity. I started running around him as fast as I possibly could, and I kept attaching more and more vines to him. Because of the shape of his mouth, the vines tangled the the blades from his mouth together, and his mouth couldn't open up as wide anymore.
He slammed his head on the ground to squish me, but because half of his body was underground the hit was slow enough for me to avoid it.
After dodging another slam attack, I ran rowards him and started tying his head down to the ground using the fiberous bushes as ropes. One, two, three, four, five, six.. I kept tying him down more and more, and he eventually coudn't get his head off of the ground.
This forced him to leave his wormhole in order to get more leverage and take lif his head back up. Of course, this was exactly what I intended him to do.
Being unable to use his mouth properly, he started crawling around and attacking me with the side of his body.
"Agh!" He slammed me into the wall with his body, and prepared to do a head attack again. I jumped to the left and he headbutted the wall, giving me a few seconds of time.
My dagger isn't strong enought to pierce his skin, so I just have to make him run out of stamina before my own runs out.
"Haa, I should have put some points into stamina." And with that, I ran towards another wall.
The worm charged at me again, and I once again avoided his attack. My right arm was cut by one of his blades in the process.
I repeated the same process, doing my best to make all of his attacks hit a sinlge wall.
With each one oh his attacks, I grabbed a vine and moved it over slighty.
He charged at me again, and this time I charged straight at him with a bunch of vines that were attached to the wall which he rammed in my hand. I rolled to the left leaving the vines in front of the worm. The vines got tangled up on his mouth, but he couldn't stop his momentum so his movement didnt stop.
The wall got weakend from all the times he attacked it, and after he unintentionally pulled the vines attached to it, the whole wall collapsed with a loud bang.
"Hahaha, gotcha." The worm was now laying under a huge pile of rubble, unable to move. He still had enough energy to wiggle about, so if I don't restict his movement now I probably won't gen another chance.
The worm didn't have any eyes, so the only option would be to make the pile heavier, or just attach it to the ground, which is exactly what I did.
Using the same method I used to attach his head to the ground, I tied the bushes together to make some ropes. Them, I covered the pile of rubble together and the worm with the ropes, and because the roots of these plants were very stong and deep in the ground, he couldn't rip them out.
Just to make sure he won't be able to leave, I tied him down with 9 more of those ropes.
And now, the waiting game. I have to wait until he runs out of stamina, and just before he is about to from exhaustion I will do the last hit, to get the experience.
"I wanna eat something." I got hungry and tired from this exhausting fight, so I found my bag and took out some bread, water, and dried meat.
"This mean tastes just as bad as ever." I was hoping that because of how hungry I am, the meat will seem more delicious, but that wasn't the case.
After having my snack, I decided to lie down for a bit and fell asleep.
Action, food, and sleep. That's all River needs. That's the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed the fight.
I will do my best to reply to comments, so if there is something you want to say, speak up.