
This book is being edited, see.

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
89 Chs

Chapter 33: The Beginning of Chaos

At a certain facility; in a well-lit room—

It was a space with paintwork of entirely bleached; a pure-white chamber with no walls nor roof nor bound to enclose. At this ivory-inspired room, a singular roundtable was smacked-dab at it's center. The table was designed to look opulent; it was lavishly embellished with more than extra ornamentation and was traced in a thick coating of gold. Twelve seats round about this luxurious table.

The twelve seats around it was constructed in the same manner; with gemstones set into each furniture's joints and additional topaz, silver, and gold components, one could tell by looking at it how costly those items were.

Aside from the chairs and the table at the centre, there were nothing else to see—or any other thing in the room. It was as if a space dedicated only for these tables and chairs and nothing else.

Donning white robes and cloak that covered part of their faces, the twelve people seated themselves at the twelve chairs. The beautiful needlework on their robes, which were expertly crafted, deserves to be recognised as a masterful work of art.

They had a Seraphim emblem engraved at the middle of their garb, with the name "Sacred Omen" scriptured beneath.

Each seat had another person standing behind them. They too wore white robes, albeit what they wore were simpler than the ones worn by those who took the seats. The person with the most decorations on their soutane was the first to speak, and instead of a hood to conceal their face, they were wearing a veil.

"I gave my orders; prepare for the ritual. Are all the preparation for the said ceremony already completed?" They had a pleasant atmosphere and gentle speech. Despite being above whisper volume, their comments reverberated across the whole room.

Everyone who were present was listening in full intent; as if they didn't want to miss a single word from this revered individual.

At their question, one from the twelve seats answered.

"Yes, Your Eminence."

"We have plotted for the ceremony to commence. It only needs to be approved by your grace, Your Eminence." Another one added.

"I see. But how do you make of the sacrifice for this ritual? I have heard an unfortune news about the lamb escaping your grasp. What excuse will you make me hear?" Their voice was genteel, but it carried miff. A disappointed tone that could hardly be traced.

"Your Eminence, we humbly apologize for that blunder. The lamb's guard was a mere demon without any prowess than to self-regenerate and seduce their enemies. Her combat ability was lower than our common believers, too. We have wounded her when we were chasing the lamb. But in her luck, they've entered the boarder of the island before we could finally catch them," said one.

"And what's more, the moment they've entered the island an uninvolved person interfered." and another added.

"An uninvolved person, you say?"

The person with the most defined robe squinted; their face vaguely visible behind their concealing veil.

"Yes. It was a woman with a scar across her face and she wielded a sword even larger than her body." One explained, earning a thoughtful mein to their leader.

"A sword larger than her body? Hooo—I see. The Saint Rouge, eh? If she was the one whom you've faced then it would only be natural to had let the lamb escape. It's even the luck that blessed for you to make it back alive." The person spoke naturally.

"We give thanks for your thoughtfulness, your Emi—!"

"However. I will not tolerate the same blunder. Remember that notion."

"Y-yes, Your Eminence!"

All attendees answered in chorus.

"How long will the preparation take before it could finally commence?"

"Not long, Your Eminence. In two weeks, we will be able to commence the plan. Our believer inside the academy where the lamb had gone to refuge was preparing to make routes for us to enter. Once we entered the academy, no one would be able to do anything. The academy might be a treasure-trove of ability, but they are nothing but students. We can take them on without any issue."

The person whom they dubbed as "Your Eminence" nodded thier head. Satisfied with such course of plan.

"I see. However, never underestimate your opponents. Students or not, they possess abilities just like us. They still carry danger with them which could possibly jeopardize our objective."

"We understood!" They answered in unison.

"With this, the plan to take the sacrificial lamb and the destruction of the academy of heretics shall commence after the careful placement of all the strategies. Show them what the 'Sacred Omen' can do!"

"All hail 'Sacred Omen'! All hail the 'Twelve Apostles'! All hail, Your Eminence!!!"

With cheers drowning all the silence of the white room, a thought from the veiled person was emphasized—not to anyone, but to that person's self.

"With this plan, the destruction of all shards but the Seraphim is nigh. Demon Stones, you better prepare yourselves for what is coming your way."

With a smile that carries menace, confidence, and elegance, the curtain for the chaos was unfold—and the peaceful days of Gleren was soon marked to end.

Hello there! Yamada_Juni here!

With this, the peaceful introduction arc has come to an end. This time around, the book will be covering the battle arc inside the academy. I know some of you have been waiting for this. I feel bad for having all of you read some boring introductions. I will be sure to satisfy you with all the Battles that our Gleren will be facing!

I hope you continue to support this book!

This started as a hobby, but seeing how people are now reading this makes my motivation!

Minazuki_Keizocreators' thoughts