
Thinking about her, can't stop my eyes to watch

Free_space · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


Anily start the car and drive, slowly moving car, reached main road and anily drive medium fast driving but, our kim not watching anily, seeing outside and controlling him but, him can't stop and control, slightly move him head, watch anily, her hair flowing on air, eyes full of joy and her lips, kim thought her first kiss on proposal day, that memory come on front and watching anily with freeze eyes, suddenly, anily says kim you are ok with me, but kim not hear that, he watching uncontrollable, but anily saying again, kim you comfortable with me,

kim says suddenly, always be with me like this, iam comfortable forever with you babe, suddenly anily stop the car,

anily seeing kim without blinking...

mintue is going,

but they both are falling on each other,

few moment silence, after anily ask

what kim?!

what anily?!

just know you said, i can't hear, please one more time to say kim,

freezed and slowly saying

i dont hear, just ask again anily?

(kim lying, him mind saying i love you anily, but kim thinks to build on her like, he never said anything)

kim, ok! i ask again, you comfortable with me? ha!?

yes, iam comfortable, you drive very well, iam safe,

kim you said this,

yes anily,

sure kim,

sure anily,

ok , i never ask...

what happen anily?

nothing kim, you changed very well kim,

you saying me , changed, iam not anily , iam same that kim, 5 years before, you left me , same that kim, i never changed myself...

No kim, you changed, you now lying with me,

oh what, iam lie with you, you are my behalf,

what kim? what did you say?

nothing anily, please start the car, already late anily,

Don't change the topic, what did you say , iam your behalf, right?! say kim you said this right!? still, you loving me? say kim, don't lie, i am not hear, what do you say? say to me kim, suddenly anily, grab him shirt and closely , say to me, see my eyes , just see my eyes,

kim grab her hand and saying please leave my shirt anily,

anily loud voice i will not,

still grabbing him shirt and saying see my eyes, if you don't lying see my eye,

that moment kim see anily eyes,

say to me kim you stll love me, touch you heart and say,

kim seeing eyes without blinking, silence again, kim not saying anything, just seeing her eyes,

surronding chill and raining with maintain silence together,

Anily phone is ringing,

aniky see kim and leave him shirt and open the bag and attend the call,

opposite her friend shira,

anily, where are you?

iam coming shira, what happen?

its getting late, come fast anily, this is your first day, never late anily,!

ok, shira , iam coming, i will be there in 15 minutes, ok!

ok anily, come fast,

ok shira,

anily, cut the call and start the car,

anily eyes welled up in tears,

our life changed very well, never we go, an never can not be fixed, just move on...

my life my way and your life your way..

start the car and reached the office before 5 mintues.. ( kim thinking what happen to her?why she behave like this? kim conufusing him self)...