
They Think I'm Just a Handsome Face But I Carry an Immortal's Memories

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The_Procrastinator · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 22

That morning, Miya woke up with a pounding headache, a tangible reminder of her first foray into alcohol consumption. She lay still for a moment, trying to piece together the fragments of the previous night. It had been a blur of laughter, clinking glasses, and Rowan's infectious smile. She remembered feeling light-headed and carefree, swept up in the camaraderie of the evening.

But now, as she gingerly sat up in bed, reality crashed over her in waves. The throbbing in her temples seemed synchronized with the regret that slowly crept into her consciousness. She had never been one to indulge in alcohol, always opting to stay in control, but last night had been different. It had been a celebration, an excuse to let loose and forget about the responsibilities that often weighed her down.

The room spun slightly as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. Miya closed her eyes, taking deep breaths to calm the queasiness in her stomach. Just as she was beginning to contemplate the fastest route to the bathroom, Rowan's voice cut through her thoughts.

"Miya, time to eat! I've prepared breakfast already. Come join us outside," he called cheerfully.

Miya winced, her stomach tightening at the mention of food. She wasn't sure if she could face a meal just yet, not after the culinary revelation she had experienced the night before. She had always believed her grandparents were the ultimate culinary wizards, their meals a nostalgic tapestry of flavors that brought comfort and warmth. But last night, Rowan's cooking had shattered that belief, introducing her taste buds to a new level of gastronomic delight she hadn't known existed.

It irritated her to admit that Rowan, of all people, had surprised her in such a profound way. She had built up walls of resentment towards him, convinced that his presence in her life was an unwelcome intrusion. Yet, his ability to craft such exquisite dishes had challenged her preconceived notions. It was a bitter pill to swallow, acknowledging that he possessed a talent she couldn't dismiss.

Miya sighed heavily, rubbing her temples as she debated her next move. She knew she couldn't hide in her room forever, nursing both her headache and her wounded pride. Slowly, she pushed herself to stand, willing her legs to carry her towards the door. As she stepped outside, the scent of breakfast greeted her, a tantalizing aroma that mingled with the morning breeze.

Rowan looked up from the table, his smile widening as he saw her approach. "Good morning, sleepyhead. I made your favorite. Isabella said you loved pancakes in the morning," he said warmly.

Miya managed a weak smile in return, her conflicting emotions swirling beneath the surface. She knew today wouldn't be easy, navigating the aftermath of both her hangover and the newfound revelation about Rowan. But as she settled into her seat at the table, she couldn't deny the anticipation that tingled in her taste buds. Maybe, just maybe, breakfast would provide some clarity amidst the confusion.

Just as they had the night before, the evening unfolded in a familiar rhythm of laughter and shared plates filled with delicious food. Miya watched silently as her mother leaned comfortably into Rowan's presence, her smile genuine and her laughter frequent. It was a scene that Miya both dreaded and begrudgingly accepted, knowing deep down that it signified the unlikelihood of her father ever winning her mother back.

As she picked at her food, Miya struggled to suppress the ache in her chest. She had grown accustomed to her parents' perfect relationship, there was no tension palpable even in the quietest moments at home. Yet, seeing her mother so at ease with Rowan brought a fresh wave of sadness and resignation.

Despite her own turmoil, Miya knew that their familial dynamics, though painful, were small in comparison to the turmoil gripping the world beyond their doorstep. She had heard great conflicts which destroyed entire cities and sects alike, lives shattered by the clash of ideologies and the pursuit of power. In the face of such widespread suffering, her own familial dilemma seemed insignificant, almost frivolous.

She forced herself to smile, pushing away her thoughts as she joined in the conversation at the table. They were all adults, navigating their own complexities and challenges. The notion that her parents' estrangement could be resolved seemed increasingly naive against the backdrop of today's regional turmoil. It was a reminder of the harsh realities beyond their insulated world, where lives were lost and futures were decided by forces far beyond their control.

As dessert was served and the evening wore on, Miya found herself lost in introspection. She wondered if her father understood the futility of his efforts, if he, too, saw the widening gap between him and her mother. 

Days turned into weeks, and Miya found herself enjoying a memorable vacation at Rowan's residence. Amidst the comfort and warmth of his home, she made sure to visit her father's house, yearning to reconnect with him in whatever way possible. However, it became painfully clear that her father was still reeling from the shattered remains of his marriage.

He immersed himself in his work, his once warm demeanor replaced by a stern resolve. Miya noticed how he scrutinized every detail of city governance, enforcing laws with an unwavering strictness that sent a ripple of fear through the populace. What had once been a city known for its easygoing atmosphere now quivered under his watchful eye. Minor infractions were met with severe consequences, leaving few untouched by his newfound zeal for order.

Miya watched with a heavy heart as her father's transformation cast a shadow over the city he once governed with a lighter touch. His actions bred unease and caution among the people, who tiptoed through their days in fear of drawing his attention. The delicate balance of everyday life had shifted, and Miya couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for the unintended consequences of her parents' fractured relationship.

Despite her efforts to bridge the gap between them, Miya sensed a growing distance between herself and her father. Their conversations were stilted, the weight of unspoken grievances hanging in the air like an unyielding fog. She longed for the days when their family had been whole, when laughter had echoed through their home without reservation.

In the midst of it all, Miya found herself grappling with conflicting emotions. She cherished the memories of her vacation with Rowan, where laughter came easily and worries seemed distant. Yet, the sight of her father's loneliness and the city's palpable tension weighed heavily on her conscience.

But beyond everything else, Miya found herself grappling with the same affliction as those women who had found themselves drawn to Rowan's presence. Unsure of how to navigate her feelings, she sought solace in the one person closest to her heart.

"What should I do, mother?" Miya confessed, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I've found myself completely falling for him too."

Her mother regarded her with a mixture of empathy and concern, understanding the complexity of emotions swirling within her daughter for she experienced them too on a daily basis. Rowan was just an exceptional man that made women surrender to him in the easiest way possible.