
They Think I'm Just a Handsome Face But I Carry an Immortal's Memories

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The_Procrastinator · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 17 R18

Rowan didn't have to wait long in his room. The door opened to reveal Lady Isabella, already naked. She looked stunning, her assets on full display. With her tall, curvy figure, large breasts, and an incredible backside, she was like a dream come true. Her flawless skin and the way her body moved with every step captivated Rowan completely.

Lady Isabella was a sight to behold. Her beauty was unmatched, a testament to why the city lord had no need to seek other women or create a harem. She alone could satisfy all his desires. Her reputation preceded her; before her marriage, she had countless suitors vying for her attention, each hoping to win her heart. The city lord had been incredibly fortunate to secure her as his own.

However, this night marked a turning point. From today onwards, the city lord would unknowingly wear a "green hat," a symbol of his wife's infidelity. Lady Isabella, enamored with Rowan's prowess, had found something in him that she couldn't resist. Her passion for Rowan was undeniable, and she was prepared to give herself to him completely, not just tonight, but in the days to come.

As she approached Rowan, her eyes filled with desire, he could feel the intensity of her attraction. The atmosphere in the room was charged with anticipation. Lady Isabella was ready to indulge in her newfound passion, and Rowan was more than willing to reciprocate. The night ahead promised to be one of unparalleled pleasure, forever changing the dynamics of their secret relationship.

"I have decided," Lady Isabella announced as she took a tentative step forward and closed the door behind her with a thud. She took another step, her breath quickening with anticipation, but she was halted by Rowan's stern voice.

"Before we commence, slut, know that I don't like my property taken by another. If you want this to happen, my cock will be the only cock that goes inside that delicious married pussy of yours. If any man touches you, I will know. And I won't accept you in my home anymore if you betray me," Rowan declared, his tone icy and commanding.

"But… but that can't be! My husband will notice in just the span of a month!" Lady Isabella exclaimed, her voice trembling with fear and uncertainty.

"That's not my problem at all. Decide, bitch. If not, you can always rape me and have your way with me. You know well enough that I can't stop you, even if I try," Rowan said nonchalantly, reclining on the bed like dead meat, daring her to make the next move.

Lady Isabella stood frozen, her mind racing. She was caught between duty and desire, torn between the expectations of her role and the overwhelming lust she felt for Rowan. She paced the room for a couple of minutes, her thoughts a chaotic whirlwind. Finally, she released a deep breath, and a crazed expression masked her lovely features. It was clear that her lust had completely clouded the rational part of her brain.

"So be it," she accepted, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation and fervor. She pounced on Rowan with a ravenous hunger, her hands trembling as they reached for him. She tore at his pajamas with a desperate urgency, her movements frenzied and unrestrained. In just a breath, she had exposed his family jewels, her eyes gleaming with raw desire.

Lady Isabella's need was overwhelming. She poised her pussy above him, her body trembling with anticipation. She had been wet and longing for over six months, and the thought of waiting even a second longer was unbearable. Her breath hitched as she lowered herself onto him, her body shuddering with the intensity of her desire.

Driven by a powerful mix of desperation and passion, Lady Isabella took what she had been craving. Her movements were frantic, her need insatiable. She rode him with a wild abandon, her moans filling the room. The heat between them was palpable, the air thick with the scent of their union.

The night ahead promised to be one of intense, forbidden pleasure, a night that would forever alter the course of their lives. Lady Isabella's mind was consumed by the sensation of Rowan inside her, each thrust sending waves of ecstasy through her body. She had crossed a line, and there was no turning back.

Her mind was a haze of lust, her body responding to Rowan's every movement with an intensity she had never known before. She could feel the weight of her decision, the knowledge that she was betraying her husband, but the pleasure was too overwhelming to resist. Each moment with Rowan was a release, a surrender to the forbidden desires that had been building within her for months.

As the night wore on, Lady Isabella lost herself in the rhythm of their passion. Her body ached with pleasure, her senses heightened by the illicit nature of their encounter. She knew that the consequences of this night would be far-reaching, that her actions would have repercussions, but in that moment, all that mattered was the connection she felt with Rowan.

Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, each thrust and moan a testament to the depth of their desire. Lady Isabella had never felt so alive, so completely consumed by another person. The boundaries of their relationship had been shattered, replaced by a raw, primal need that neither could deny.

As dawn approached, the intensity of their passion began to ebb, leaving them both breathless and spent. Lady Isabella collapsed onto Rowan, her body trembling with the aftershocks of their encounter. She knew that this night had changed everything, that the bond they had formed in the heat of their passion would linger long after the sun had risen.

In the quiet aftermath, Lady Isabella lay beside Rowan, her mind racing with the implications of their night together. She had made a choice, one that would have profound consequences, but in that moment, she felt a sense of liberation. She had surrendered to her desires, embraced the forbidden, and in doing so, had discovered a part of herself she had long denied.

The future was uncertain, the path ahead fraught with challenges, but as Lady Isabella drifted off to sleep, she felt a sense of peace. She had tasted the forbidden fruit, and while the cost was high, the pleasure she had found in Rowan's arms was worth every risk. The dawn of a new day would bring new challenges, but for now, she was content to bask in the afterglow of their passionate night together.

But how could Rowan be satisfied with just one night and a few hours of lovemaking? After only an hour of rest, he was already coaxing Isabella, rousing her from her slumber. This time, he took charge, pulling her close and whispering demands in her ear. He made her come over and over again, pushing her to her limits. This session was far from the passionate, tender experience they had shared the night before; his thrusts were rough and punishing. Yet, Lady Isabella did not complain. This intense way of fucking took her to new heights she had never explored before, not even with her husband, the city lord.

"Rowan!" she cried out repeatedly, her voice a mix of ecstasy and desperation. She was lost in a haze of pleasure, her senses overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of their connection. Each moment with Rowan was a revelation, a discovery of new depths of desire within herself.

Their time together stretched on, day after day. Lady Isabella found herself surrendering completely to Rowan's dominance, her body and mind utterly captivated by him. She stayed with Rowan for seven days, during which he took every liberty he could with her and more. Each day, their encounters grew more intense, their bond deepening with every shared moment of passion.

When she finally returned home, she was immediately confronted by the city lord's angry face. "Where the hell did you go, Isabella?" he demanded, his voice filled with fury and suspicion.

Lady Isabella stood before him, her mind still reeling from the week of indulgence. She could feel the weight of her actions pressing down on her, but the memories of the pleasure she had experienced with Rowan were still vivid. She knew that her life had changed irrevocably, and the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and consequences.

Her husband's anger was palpable, his eyes blazing with questions and accusations. "I was worried sick! Seven days, Isabella! Do you have any idea what that does to a man?"

Isabella hesitated, her heart pounding. She could feel the guilt creeping in, but she also remembered the satisfaction and liberation she had felt with Rowan. "I needed time away," she finally replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I needed to clear my head."

"Clear your head?" The city lord's voice was incredulous. "You vanish without a word, and you expect me to believe you needed to clear your head?"

Tears welled up in Isabella's eyes, but she blinked them back. "I can't explain it all now," she said softly. "But I promise you, there was a reason." She used the emotional blackmail card quite aptly to say the least,

Her husband took a deep breath, his expression softening slightly. "We'll talk later," he said gruffly. "Right now, just know that I was worried. And I missed you."

Isabella nodded, feeling a pang of regret. She knew she would have to navigate this new reality carefully, balancing her duties as a wife with the desires she had awakened within herself. The road ahead was uncertain, but she felt a strange sense of empowerment. She had tasted freedom, and she was not ready to give it up.

Over the next few days, Isabella tried to settle back into her life with the city lord, but the memories of her time with Rowan haunted her. Every touch, every glance from her husband reminded her of the passion she had shared with another man. She was trapped between two worlds, each pulling her in different directions.

The city lord, unaware of the full extent of her infidelity, continued to demand answers. Isabella gave him half-truths and vague explanations, hoping to buy herself time. She needed to find a way to reconcile her conflicting desires, to find a path that would allow her to honor her commitments while also embracing the new facets of her identity she had discovered with Rowan. What became the hardest was resisting the advances of her husband. Any man wants to fuck her. The city lord more than most but she was quickly running out of excuses to offer. 

Late at night, when the city was quiet, Isabella would slip into her own thoughts, reliving the moments of ecstasy and connection she had shared with Rowan. She knew that her affair could not remain a secret forever, and that the repercussions could be devastating. But in those stolen moments of reflection, she allowed herself to remember the freedom she had felt, the joy of surrendering to her own desires. She wanted so bad to go back to Rowan and have her pussy skewered by his big long fat cock like before but she could not find any chance because of how her husband was watching her every move. 

As the days turned into weeks, Isabella found herself growing more distant from the city lord. Their interactions were strained, filled with unspoken tension and lingering questions. She knew that she could not continue living a lie, but the thought of confronting the truth was terrifying.

In the end, Isabella realized that she had to make a choice. She could either continue living in fear and deception, or she could embrace the truth of her desires and face the consequences head-on. It was a difficult decision, one that would require courage and honesty.

One evening, as the sun set over the city, casting long shadows across the room, Isabella turned to her husband. "We need to talk," she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "There are things you need to know."

The city lord looked at her, his expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Alright," he said slowly. "I'm listening."

Isabella took a deep breath, preparing herself for the difficult conversation ahead. She knew that the truth could shatter their lives, but she also knew that living a lie was no longer an option. As she began to speak, she felt a sense of resolve, ready to face whatever the future held, no matter the cost.

"I've found myself a lover." This was how Isabella broke her man's heart.