I stand at the court. All eyes on me. High class of Gifted People sneered and scorn me with stinking eyes.
My fallen Rankers' wellbeing should be my topmost priority. Yet right now, after I touch the stone and that wave of woman scream blasted throughout the kingdom, the Rank Ruler, some men in our Rank and personal guards of the Royal Family barged into the High Altar and put me in captivity.
I can't undo the specialized Ranker chains they put on my hands and feet. I can't utter a word because of the 'mouth binding blessing' the Rank Ruler cast on me. Looks like it wasn't just the Rank Elders who have blessings blossoming on their bodies huh. This dumb Ruler whose head is made of hollow blocks had his number too.
Five men dragged me into the center of high marble walls of Deity Thotheka's shrine. Where the strong pillars and offerings were laid at the stone tables for his patronage. Slowly, the stone table recedes back to the cemented ground, because of the contraption they made on the floor, this whole empty space can become arena as well.
The pillars disappeared, and I was dragged on my feet before the Gifted People whose seating in the grand circular stadium. I can't bring my eyes to look at their faces.
You think I'm some sort of weepy droopy sensitive man whose scared of being shamed in public? Naah. I'm too stupefied from the events in the High Altar I couldn't care less what's happening in my surrounding.
You ever got that feeling when you're determined to break rules, get yourself banned from your own kingdom just to pursue your goal? And then out of some sick jokes of Deities above they smacked the overly crazed destiny in you like 'Hey man, you requested to accompany the Seeker right? We got a big surprise for ya. You're the Seeker. So go get your mouth stuffed with static lightning from that Dark Elf with stylish armor and stylish horse as main dish. Hot ball sphere of fireball from a green harlot Faery woman as side dish. Don't worry, we got the whole meal covered. Don't forget the Beasts as desert!'
Believe me, I'd rather have these people throw series of accusations, insults, death threats and pebbles at me rather than have another cackling/charbroiling in the middle of the desert experienced with the Faeries.
I looked up and sigh. The sun is not pinned in the sky today. Only dark clouds hovered in the misty air. No chilly wind to prick my skin with frozen humidity, only strong breeze. My wrist aches against the chains.
I can't bring out my koha technique. My cross swords and knives were taken away. I shuddered. Just standing erect in public makes me feel I'm butt naked.
Positioned one floor at the stadium, is the Rank Ruler seated in his throne with two women sleeping on his lap. A fur coat is wrapped on his shoulders, his right hand held his silver staff in place. That's where 'blessings' were channeled from. Like the bracelets in the Rank Elder's wrist. His forced smile is the only thing holding his facial expression together. He's in public. And he's scared to show his true colors to his subjects.
A loyal servant of his, a man with glasses, wearing a navy blue overcoat with white collars and tiptoe hat, stands behind the wooden podium with the metal gavel on his right and improvised communicator on his left.
Communicator is made to get in contact with Rank Elders. Since it only activates using blessing no one can use it except them. But Rank Rulers, on the other hand, can direct blessing on the communicator, letting an ordinary citizen - like his servant here, use it for public hearing such as this.
For the last five years I've become a Ranker, I saw them execute exactly 130 Rankers on this very arena. For petty reasons like not following direct orders - and misconducts for a Ranker. And among the cases they handled, my Dad is probably the most controversial ever happened in this kingdom.
I relaxed my shoulders. After the battle at midnight, we're allowed to rest up to the late morning. At eleven o'clock, we're summoned to the throne room of the Rank Ruler before we proceed to the High Altar. And then... here. Me dragged in chains, about to be prosecuted.
It's roughly been an hour and it feels like long hours have passed.
"This lowly Ranker who were both wild and outrageous doesn't have the decency to respect the Rank Ruler in front of his subjects! Can you believe this man once drag a well respected Rank Elder to the unholy place called 'pub' and exploited him to make the 'Aegis'? Without.his.consent!"
Pal, that's old news. Wait, did the prosecution started already? I squinted at the servant banging his fist on the podium, veins popping out of his throat as he put extra useless effort into raising his voice. That must have been painful. If only he stops rubbing his cheeks with the Rank Ruler's shoes for favors I would've felt sorry for him.
One stone, size as big as a child's fist thunk on my skull. It didn't hurt. My head is just sensitive it actually bleeds from the impact. I cast my eyes in the direction where it came from. Agitated voices immediately flood in my ears.
"He's right!" - You realized it now?
"Off with his head!" - Believe me, even if you ordered a skilled chef to eviscerate my stomach I still won't die.
"Don't let him get away!" - Can't you see I'm bounded in chains here? Get your eyes check man. You're losing your eyesight.
"Kill him! Throw him outside the barrier for the Beasts to feed on him!" - Huh. Glad this woman have some sense knack on her head. But unfortunately that won't work. I just went through a whole week having an exclusive bath of the Beast's slimy sleek green suggest some more, I'm open to suggestion.
"This man!" The servant exageratedly thrust his finger at me. "Has tainted the names of Rankers by bathing in sins of women for pleasure!"
Oh man, I only played poker and participated in gambles here and there. As far as I can remember I only brought home bags of gold coins for my win. And they definitely didn't transformed into a woman.
"And as unbelievable as it could be, he's the inconspicuous son of that traitor who wedded a FAERY!!!"
At that moment, all jeers and mockery died down. My blood rushed rapidly to my brain. Agitation eat away my urge to joke. No. There's no need to be shocked. I should have expected this. I know they will resort to this.
They will dig up my past to get the favor of the Gifted People to disposed me immediately.
Whoever said technology will replace paper has obviously never tried to wipe their ASS with an IPAD.