My last happiness?
I can hear my footsteps
My heavy breathing
I pushed the heavy door open
The cold wind hit me
My pink short hair blowing in the wind
I walked over to the railing of the rooftop
Its late-night sky was a dream sunset color
Looking beyond it scared me
But looking at the ground screamed freedom
I hear a girl call my name
Her voice will be my sweet melody for the end of time
Her long black hair, moving gently in the wind
Her tears of diamonds
I didn't say a word to her
I kissed her
Holding her cheeks so gently
I didn't want to let go
But we can't be free
And I know
She looks beyond that sunset and sees
a life of joys
I love you
Soft words blowing in the wind
One last touch is all that can immense
One spark of the life we wanted
One last look of her before
I take my turn of happiness