
These feelings of mine

I'm sorry for this being short. This is a oneshot about my feelings.

RainbowSeven · Urbain
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1 Chs


Anger, anxiety, depression, and loneliness are how I am feeling right now. You might ask, How can a person have so many emotions at once? I feel like they're crushing me. I feel like a ticking bomb about to explode. I feel angry and hurt because I feel like I'm disowned by my family, like Sogo was in Idolish7. I am anxious about everything, like Riku in Idolish7. I want to feel happy and belong somewhere with people who care. That's how Mitsuki felt in Idolish7.

I feel like an outsider, standing in front of a window and looking in. Every day, I walk around with a fake smile. I want to belong and to feel the good things in life. All I receive are hurtful words and broken promises. I want to break down and cry. I want to scream and yell at the world. I know if I do, I'll never stop until I collapse. I want to disappear from this cruel world and be in the anime world. That way, I can be with people I cherish.

I know this is short and wasn't sure which genre to put it. It's a oneshot, one chapter.

RainbowSevencreators' thoughts