


Okay, where to go?

This is my first time here in Davao and I can't find my way to Ateneo.

Bakit ba ang layo ng Ateneo?

It says here that the Ateneo building was near the mall. Is it SM and they just call it GMALL? what a cute name.

After hours of searching, I finally found Ateneo, it is near the Roxas Night market? I think? I'm not sure whatever.

I entered the school and I'm not surprised. Well, I'm from ADMU it's still similar to ADDU, right?

I was walking down the corridors and heard people gulping, giggling, and their so-called whisper that I can hear. What a waste of time.

I rolled my eyes and ignored them what a bunch of kids.

I walked to the principal's office to submit the other forms of mine for the exchange student ceremony.

Yep, I may look snob and hot but I still have brains.

The principal was so glad to see my records and all she could do was bluffing about the school's success.

Like I care.

"Welcome to Ateneo De Davao University, Mr. Tirso." She said while smiling. It's kinda creepy though. Hhuuuu

I smiled fakely and I really don't care if I look mean cause yeah I don't care. "Yeah, thanks," I said and left the office.

As I immediately walk out to the room I can breathe fresh air. That office was so suffocating. Pure fakeness ew.

I can tell everyone's "ugly attitude" by looking at them, by hearing their voice and by their intonation work.

I can't be a psychiatrist if I can't do that

As I was walking down the aisle I saw a familiar man talking to a girl.

It was Nicholas! The heartbreaker.

Yes, I knew him way back in manila. He's one of the Exchange Student here like me but I'm more handsome.

And by the looks of it, he got himself a chick. She's pretty though but not my type.

I saw his hands towards the girl and she only looks at him mumbled some words and leaving Nicholas' hand.

Poor heartbreaker.

I went to their table and tapped Nicholas's shoulder. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

Is he dumb? Bakit pa gustong maging Teacher nito? Anong ituturo kabobohan?

"Duh obviously I submitted some files and I guess you are too right?"

I replied with a tiniest tone of 'duh'

"Yeah, I did." He replied and I don't care I looked at her new girl and smile.

"So you got yourself a new chick huh?" I stated. Maybe his stay will not as bad as I imagined.

"I'm not a chicken's daughter so stop calling me a chick." She burst out to grab her things and walk out.

Woah, should I call it charismatic? But not my type.

"That's one of the hell charismatic woman!" I exclaimed.

"You ruined my moment you idiot!" He shouted and made everyone look at us.

I rolled my eyes to him and "Why? Falling for her already Mr. Heartbreaker?" I teased.

"Of course not, they actually backstabbing me so I need to return the favor." He casually said and ate his food.

They? So they are a bunch of feisty women.

"By backstabbing her?" I asked.

Why would he backstab her just because she backstabs him? That's pitiful.

"No" he answered.

"Then what?"

"By making her fall in love with me." Falling in love? That's a big word for a heartbreaker.

"Falling in love my ass, you don't even know that word ulol! Binatukan ko siya sa pinag sasabi niya.

Please let him change his mind, wag niyo tong gawing licensed teacher.

"I know that word, that's girls begging me to have them! Oh, Axcel please love me, t-ngina napaka oa." I laughed at his sentence, okay this man is full of himself.

"You and your fcking confidence, please shut up!" I said and punched him in the arms he immediately touches his punched arms while laughing.

"Says the man who always says I don't care yet wanted to be a psychiatrist." He stated and punched me 3x stronger.

"What the fcking fxck dude, that hurts!" I exclaimed.

"Tara gmall?" Aya niya saakin.

Gmall? The mall that they named after SM Cause it's cute?

"You adopted the environment fast" I stated. Maybe that's what the teacher does? Adopting their surroundings?

"Yeah, that what handsome men do," he said. Pucha napaka hangin.

"Yeah, pero tigang parati kasi hanggang kamay lang," I said and run faster than usual so that he won't catch me.

I heard him cursing me and said TANG INA MO TIRSO MABAOG KA SANA.

Sa sobrang layo ng tinakbuhan ko di ko na alam kung san ako napunta.

Kung minamalas ka nga naman.

I was walking in the corridors I saw a woman reading a book, not an ordinary book it's a fairytale book?

A college woman reading a fairytale book? What a cutie.

I approach her to have some suggestions.

I keep calling her but she won't look at me. Is she deaf?

"Miss excuse me mag tatanong pang ako."

"Miss pansinin mo naman ako." Sigaw ko sakanya.

Sht, why she's not looking at me? I need to go now.

I saw the janitor looking at me and hinted me the ears.

What's with her ears?

I walked beside her and I saw an AirPods connected to her ears.

How the fck can she read while listening to a book-- fairytale book?

I tapped her shoulders for respect and she immediately looked at me.

She had these long eyelashes, cute chubby cheeks, and pinkish lips.

I came back to my senses when she withdraw her AirPods in her ear.

"Yes, po Kuya?" She asked.

I'm that old for her to call me Kuya?

"I need some direction to get out of here." I asked. Well, I asked her in English cause if ever na English to di ko na kailangan mag translate from Tagalog to English.

"AH, di diay ka taga diri Kuya?" She said.

What did she just say? I can't understand what she's saying expect of the word Kuya.

"A-ah, yes?" I hesitate to answer yet I replied. It's now or never.

She looked at the back where the janitor standing and closed to me leaving more than 3 inches apart from our bodies.

"Ani ni ya oh. Kita ka nang red and purtahan dihaa? Kilid ana naay agianan padung sa mga classroom, unya dire diretso ha ra na ya, pagkahuman liko og wala naa kay makit.an na gate kanag pinaka una na wala ha? tapos dire diretsoha rana makagawas naka. Sige ya ataw nag thank you nag dali man gud ko babay!" She explained while pointing the directions trough her hands.

Translation: (did you see that Red door over there? There's a way there to the classrooms you just need to walk forward and you will turn left the first left you see and then you can see a gate and there is your exit no need to Thank you I'm kinda busy, bye!"

What the heck just happened? All I could understand was red and Thank you.

She's cute and all but I can't fcking understand her.


I will very appreciate your statements about my stories!!! lemme know!!!!

Emeriellycreators' thoughts