
Therein lies evil

Luciel, a 15-year-old high school living an obscenely ordinary life, surrounded by demi-humans and nonhuman beings.An Everyday normality, as he himself was a half-dragon who slowly gets engulfed in a world of an apocalyptic lake of suffering...why?. uploads will be quite inconsistent but I will try my best to make this a good series !

Tzed · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Zandr and Luciel

Amidst the desolation of what was once a vibrant city, Luciel stood alone, his inky black hair resembling the void itself. He was surrounded by an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional crackle of flames that seemed to dance to a rhythm known only to him. The blood-red sky loomed overhead, casting an ominous glow upon the ruins.

Luciel's body was adorned with ethereal scales that shimmered like midnight stars when touched by the crimson light. He knew he was different, for he was not fully human. He was half-dragon, but his heritage was a closely guarded secret.

His adversary, a formidable figure cloaked in darkness, approached with slow and deliberate steps. A faint, unsettling aura emanated from the enigmatic figure, its color hidden in the obscurity of the scene. The adversary's silhouette hinted at a monstrous form, and the brief glimmer of a horn, barely visible, revealed itself before vanishing into the shadows.

The two beings locked eyes, and Luciel's expression was a mix of determination and hidden pain. He knew that this confrontation held the weight of a tragic history, one that he could no longer evade

Luciel's life, however, wasn't always filled with battles and chaos. The story rewinds to a time when he was a seemingly ordinary high school student.

Luciel, with his dark hair and enigmatic aura, blended into the background of his high school. He had no visible horns or wings, and his dragon heritage was a well-kept secret. He lived a quiet life, attending classes, spending time with friends, and maintaining a part-time job at a local cafe.

His abnormally normal life was a facade, carefully crafted to protect those around him from the dangerous world he inhabited. Little did his classmates know that beneath the surface, he harbored incredible powers, a legacy of his dragon lineage.

Luciel lived in the serene and picturesque country of Zandr, a place untouched by the chaos that had consumed the outside world. Nestled between lush forests and rolling hills, the country was known for its breathtaking landscapes and tranquil way of life.

In a quaint cottage on the outskirts of a small village, Luciel shared his days with his grandparent, Jaji. Jaji was a kind and wise figure who had taken care of Luciel since he was a child. He had always been the one constant presence in Luciel's life.

Luciel's daily routine was a far cry from the extraordinary adventures that would later define his existence. He would wake up to the gentle chirping of birds, the rays of the morning sun filtering through the curtains. Breakfast was a simple affair, with Jaji's hearty cooking filling the cozy kitchen with comforting aromas.

Zandr was a place where everyone knew each other's names, and the village was a tight-knit community where neighbors helped one another. Luciel attended the local high school, blending in seamlessly with his classmates. Among his friends were Sarah, a cheerful and outgoing girl with long, floppy rabbit ears on top of her head, and Alex, a tall and sturdy boy with a furry bear's tail that swayed when he walked.

Sarah and Alex had been Luciel's friends since childhood. They shared secrets, dreams, and adventures, their bonds growing stronger with each passing day. Luciel cherished their friendship, for it provided him with a sense of normalcy in a world that held extraordinary secrets.

After school, the trio would often gather by the village's picturesque riverbank, where the water glistened in the warm afternoon sun. They would chat, laugh, and watch the world go by, their unique characteristics making them stand out even in a village of diverse demi-humans.

As the sun would set over the rolling hills, Luciel would often sit by the window, gazing at the stars. It was during these quiet moments that he would wonder about the world beyond Zandr, a world filled with mysteries and adventures he could only dream of.

Luciel's life in Zandr continued to be a harmonious blend of the ordinary and the extraordinary, shaped by the presence of his unique friends, Sarah and Alex.

Sarah's floppy rabbit ears had a way of brightening the dullest of days. She was the life of the group, known for her infectious laughter and boundless energy. Her artistic talents extended beyond school projects, and she often used her skills to bring a touch of magic to the village festivals with her colorful decorations and whimsical sculptures.

Alex, with his bear's tail and gentle demeanor, was a calming influence on the trio. His strength, both physical and emotional, made him a pillar of support for Luciel and Sarah. He had a knack for solving problems and was often the one who mediated disagreements among their group of friends, ensuring that harmony prevailed.

Together, they navigated the trials and tribulations of high school life, from challenging exams to the excitement of school festivals. Their friendship was a source of strength and comfort for Luciel.

The seasons changed, and the village transformed with them. Spring brought fields of colorful flowers, and summer filled the air with the sweet scent of ripening fruits. Autumn painted the landscape with hues of red and gold, and winter enveloped the village in a peaceful blanket of snow.

As the trio ventured through their high school years, they discovered their individual passions and aspirations. Sarah's love for art grew, and she dreamt of becoming a renowned artist. Alex, with his affinity for nature, considered a future as a forest ranger.

Luciel, while nurturing his friendships and academic pursuits, found himself yearning for a deeper understanding of the world beyond Zandr's peaceful borders. His curiosity about the mysteries that lay beyond was a constant presence, growing stronger with each passing day.