
There is still hope left , if so let's grab it

Rayenshi_Chopara · Urbain
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2 Chs

Ari Barclays

18 year old girl,lost in her thoughts just like yesterday. Imagineing about some unusual topics like always.This is Ari the only daughter of her parents.

Her mother Aarya Barclays is an Indian women who was arranged a marriage with her father Vecient Barclays.And eventually they started have feelings to each other. They were attached to eachother like as if there is some kind of magneticfield ,of which the are the north and south poles. You can also describe them as the tipical love birds. Ari used to get shivers when she saw them sticking together.There used to be no quarrel between them .

Aarya is the CEO of a famous software company. Which was having no enemies to be scared of or fight with .The company was working quite well.For now....

Coming to the father Vecient, he is a strategy master .Who helps her mother to run the company smoothly. He used to take care of all the proposals that were propose for being buisness parents. As he was the assistant of the CEO .

Vecient was a kind of person who was a god of smooth talking . Which made the heart of Ari s mother melt .A heart that was as strong as a diamond. And as soft as mercury till the time it doesn't fells on metal.

Nither the employees had any concern nor aarya was doubtful about her employees and colleagues. This trust that aarya shows to her company makes the employees work hard . And also the reliable products of her company makes the the company stand straight as the statue of Liberty.

Ari was grown in a warm ,loveable and beautiful surrounding . Just like a normal child . She was never restricted for anything. She was also a quite genius of science and technology making her win the NSS (national space settlement) at the age of 13. But their was a draw back ,her parents were busy with there work which made Ari more mature then any person of her age . So she never demanded of any toy or threw a tantrum related to stupid topics like the children of her age . But she was stubborn. Also she never made friends with anyone as , according to her everyone around was childish . But little did she knew about her popularity

She was having a beautiful pair of blue eyes which looked as deep as the ocean.As if there were many thoughts hidden . And smooth Pitch black hair which seem like the space with no stars.

Also had talent for voilen . One day during her free lecture she found no one in the music room. She thought of checking out the room ,there was a old voilen kept on the table . Looking at it she remembered a song that she heard once when her nanny was playing when she was young . Remembering the song she played the voilen while humming with it . That moment she realised how close she was with voilen.

Her black hairs were highlight the beauty of her bright ocean eyes . Her lips were in the shade of peach . Enhancing her facial features.

Suddenly, someone shouted "beravo, such a elegant manner of playin voilen " Ari was so shocked that she wasn't able to notice her. "Let me introduce myself, I am Martina jois your new music class incharge. Also ,I am realy sorry if you were stunned by me . To that Ari replays " no, no my apology for not being able to notice you , I am Ari Barclays for gread 9 C . It's a pleasure to meet you" . Martina " So dear what brings you here?" Ari justify s" Ah, I was passing by the corridor,I found the music room to be empty with only this old voilen on the table to my notice." Martina asked with excitement" do you want to learn voilen ?". Ari was a bit hesitant to answer the question.

While she was thinking about how to give a reply , the bell suddenly rings. Martina " oh dear , your break must be over now . Anyways, whenever you are ready with your answer just come to me I will be always ready to teach you."

Ari replays" yes , I will. So I will take my leave first ".

Ari leavs the room In a hurry as she was running late on the track of time.