
1.The story begins

The day was beautiful to say the sun was shining and the birds were chirping.on the left side of the road a handsome looking boy was going wandering in his own thoughts.

?? Pov:/

As I was thinking about my new girlfriend I stumbled upon an old man.the old man had a white beard and was bald.he had a very mysterious look in his eyes should be thinking of something in his old age.then though a revelation had hit him he suddenly looked in the eyes staring straight at me.i asked confused.

"Are you alright old man sorry for not noticing "I said.

He stared at me without blinking and finally said.

"Kid be aware of who you should get involved with and with shouldn't, today you will know why this old man had never put his di*k in crazy "

And in that moment he disappeared into nothingness I looked around but couldn't find him l asked people around but they just shook their had as if no one was here I thought that it was my hullusination(don't know how to spell) cuz got it many times I checked up on doctor but status don't show any results so I lebaled it as stress. So I got go to my new girlfriend sorry first as I arrived at my destination I saw on the roadside next to pole a beauty she was to say gorgeous. She had Raven black hairs pale white skin and oval face the was decorated with two sapphire eyes she had long slender hairs d cup size and a big ass. she wered a white one piece dress and was holding hat with her hand with the sun shining her skin she looked like an angel.i quickly walked up to her and greeted.

"Hi ,good morning sorry for the wait"

She was looking at a distant building like mall and when she heard my voice she turned her face to look at me and a blush quickly spread across her face . Then she greeted me with a warm smile.

"Good morning rex-kun I just arrived here 10 minutes ago so don't worry. Let me introduce me to you formly my name is Veronica luster. I am 16 years old and in high school"she said.

So we only chated on phone so we never really met offline and this is our first time meeting I am 14 years old and younger than her but I think it doesn't matter.and my name is Ronald rex and I'm orphan.i live in apartment on rent and I can make some living through writing and editing.i didn't go to school and self learned about things that are things that you should know I don't know my parents or any other relatives related to me so I have always lived alone and I quite like it.but through writing I got to know Veronica she is quite kind girl and she is easy to talk to so we chatted for quite a time and ended up this way.while I was in my thoughts I sensed someone was stalking me . I got chill run through my spine as I looked that way I saw Veronica she was just smiling warmly at me so I shrugged it off as another hullusination . As you can guess I always sense thing like this it feels like I am used to it but that can't be can it.

So we spent whole day on date and I got that feeling someone was staring right at me many times but didn't notice who and today I saw that Veronica was kind of jealous type when I saw her face frowning when I tried to talk to another girl.so I refreined from doing that trying to be polite cuz this was my first date and never really had a friend so I thought this is normal.we held our hands entire day and when I looked at my girlfriend she looked like panting out of breath for some reason and her hand were really hot.

When date come to and I said goodbye and we were on our own by I don't know but Veronica refused to offer I give her to be accompanied by me.but when we parted our way I didn't notice her eyes going dark when we parted ways.

I got to my apartment and after taking shower I edited a video and got up to go sleep.

I wake up early as I had quite horrifying nighmares.but that I often got so I got up and exercised.after that day passed quickly but sometimes again l feel like someone staring at me and I remembered that old man's word but I quickly shrugged it off.but not being wary was my biggest mistake as I heard knock on the door.

(Yandere is coming ......)

ok first time writing guys

Thakor_Mukesh_8343creators' thoughts