
Chapter 7

At the same time period Kakashi finally made his move. It doesn't mean it was a good one.

'' Are you alright?!'' Gai says grabbing the small silver haired child and making him stand once more '' That was big fall-'' gasp ''-it's you! My rival from Academy!'' Gai points excited at him ''I didn't find around the Academy but I see you find me first rival!''

'' I wasn't stalking you!'' Kakashi says making Gai look confused '' I mean...I already graduate.'' seeing that Gai dimmed his smile he quickly added '' Sorry I didn't tell! I was just ..so catch up with this whole Genin thing, then I got my dogs, then it was training until the Hokage found me a Jounin-sensei the, then my dad...happen. And I meet my Sensei and I really wanted to find you I just...'' Kakashi goes out of his hole that he just digged and looked with up just to see Gai tearing up. Kakashi knows enough about him to realize that were happy tears.

my god how could I ever doubt this guy? Kakashi though to himself looking at Gai sobbing his heart out

'' Don't worry rival, we will be eternal!'' Gai says hugging the life out of Kakashi then letting him go. '' To celebrate our beginning let's have our first challenge!'' Gai says his grin blinding Kakashi '' What do you say rival? What should we begin with?!''

Kakashi thinks at how stupid he was the last couple of days, doubting Gai of all people and says '' Let's see who can eat more candied strawberry's.'' he says eye-smiling knowing that the future stomach ache will be worthy.

'' You chose wrong my rival.. I will always win against my favorite food.''

Kakashi 0 - Gai 1

Kakashi goes back home curls around his pack but for the live if him can't regret.

'' You are so gonna regret this tomorrow.'' Pakkun says before he falls asleep. He still feels a rough lick on his face so he counts it as a win.

back to Orochimaru

Orochimaru does remember the orphanage. He was obligate to stay there until he graduate, he didn't really except for his family house to be almost eaten by the Forest of Death but that's beside the point.

With cherry sunflowers on the walls, enough food to survive or if you were sharp enough more, crying children or cruel children. The was ended some months ago and like always that means the place got a boost of children. Too many little gremlins stuck in a tight space, it's bond to have accidents.

He found Mitarashi or at last the only girl with purple hair holding her own against a bunch of kids. She fought viciously, teeth, nails and using the dirt or smaller stones to blind the children. She was still a three years old, a vicious one but still small, smaller than Kakashi even.

She hide herself in a room and Orochimaru that still spied her at the window saw her taking out of her pants a snake. Thin, red and surely having no place in her pants.

'' Those idiots are gone now.'' the purple haired girl grins '' Think you could bite their butts at shower time?''

Yeah, no. That fella ain't biting any butts and you sure as hell aren't using your pants as a hiding spot for them.

'' This is it.'' Orochimaru shows forward

'' It's so cool!'' she almost runs off but Orochimaru grabs her

'' Silently. You- I mean, Kakashi-kun sleeps right bow.'' filling those papers was a challenge that implied a two panicked Matrons and a fainting Yamanaka. It was already past midnight and his new ward was still bursting with energy

'' Oh, right.'' silently still holding her small hand and by the gods, she is so small, takes her to his room. He will sleep on the couch until he cleans another guest room. '' There you go.'' he enters, her purple head looking curiously inside the room and hesitantly walking towards the bed ''In a day or two you should have your own room-'' he lifts her and tucks her in,petting her head until her eyes finally start dropping

When he is sure she will be warm enough and sleeping deeply, he goes towards the door

'' Good night, Anko-chan.''

With silent steps he goes towards Kakashi-kun room and stays at the door. Kakashi-kun is a light sleeper, opening the room now would wake him up, so he listen to him regular breath and his pack of ninken and goes to sleep as well.



Eyes wide open he jumps out of the couch breathing heavily '' Fuck...Did I just...Oh shit..''

He runs full speed towards Tsunade house, takes Jiraiya by the collar when he sees him outside the wards staring and barges in.

'' What the fuck you bastard?!'' Jiraiya screams unhanding himself. Tsunade looked in the middle of cleaning, a dirty ten years old stuffing her face with noodles at the table. '' Is that...Shizune-chan?''

'' Hello..?'' the girl, Shizune, waves swallowing her food

'' What the-'' Orochimaru interrupts Tsunade

'' No time! I just adopted a three years old obsessed with snakes and I kind of adopted a six ears old that is half feral and is my dead romantic interest child.''

'' Fuck.'' Jiraiya says blinking stupidly

'' Fuck.'' Tsunade says dropping the bag she was carrying

'' Fuck.'' Shizune chirps as well making Tsunade turn at her

'' Oi!''

'' What? Keep up with the mode.'' she shrugs and goes back to eating


'' So.. let me get this straight.'' Tsunade says after she got Shizune to take a bath and forced Orochimaru to calm down with a little drugged tea. '' Somehow, you live with Kakashi-kun, Hatake-san child and now Sensei roped you in adopting Mitarashi kid. You know the Dragon Dancer that's basically walking poison.''

'' Yes..'' Orochimaru takes another sip from the clearly drugged tea, while Jiraiya banged his head on the table '' Stop that, you're making a dent.''

'' I see...and are you sure you didn't eat from the Forest of Death?'' Tsunade asked

'' Again.'' Jiraiya added beside him

'' I didn't! And it was just a couple of times, nowadays I just hunt some mice or rabbits and eat with Kakashi.'' he added nonchalantly

'' Cooked right?'' Jiraiya asked suddenly and when he didn't respond he continued '' You cook the kid meat right?...right?''

Tsunade banged her fist on the table, yelled for Shizune to take her coat and taking Orochimaru by the collar they left for his house

'' If that kid is having seizures I'm gonna rip your spine out and put it back just to get it out again!!'' she said on the way there