
Thee Fallen Hero

In a world where heroes are celebrated and worshipped, the story follows the journey of a young hero named Akira. He had always dreamt of becoming a hero since he was a child, inspired by the stories of his father who was a renowned hero in his time. Akira had inherited his father's powers and abilities, which he trained hard to master. Everything seemed to be going well for Akira until a tragedy struck his life. His family was killed in a terrorist attack that shook the entire nation. Akira was left alone, broken, and lost. He tried to find solace in his hero duties, but the more he saw the corruption and injustice in society, the more disillusioned he became. As time passed, Akira's hero persona started to crumble, and he turned into a dark and twisted version of himself. He realized that the society that he had once wanted to protect was cruel and heartless. He believed that the only way to bring justice to the world was to destroy it and everything in it. With his immense powers, Akira set out on a mission to rid the world of everything that he deemed unworthy. He became a notorious villain who instilled fear in the hearts of all who encountered him. But even as he wreaked havoc on the world, Akira couldn't forget the love and memories of his lost family. As the story progresses, Akira's path will cross with that of a young heroine who still believes in the power of justice and hope. She will try to convince him that there is still good in the world and that he can still make a positive difference. But with Akira's heart consumed by hatred and vengeance, will he listen to her words of wisdom, or will he continue on his path of destruction? That concludes the synopsis of "The Fallen Hero."

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14 Chs

Chapter 10: "Resolve"

Three days had passed since the devastating encounter with Vincent, and Akira lay in his hospital room, gazing blankly out the window. When a nurse called out to Arima in the hallway, informing him of Akira's consciousness, he quickly made his way inside. As Akira's eyes fell upon Arima, tears welled up, though he made no audible sound. Sitting down beside him, Akira gently spoke, "Arima-san, are you alright? Did we manage to secure the hostages?"

Akira, his voice trembling, inquired, "What happened after I left to save my family?"

Arima took a deep breath, preparing himself to relay the painful truth. "Listen carefully, Akira. What I'm about to tell you won't change the fact that you lost your family in that blast. But there were more casualties. Sixteen explosions occurred all over Japan in the last two days, claiming the lives of 14,000 people. Many children lost their homes and families, and parents lost their children. As for us, after you left, Yuna, Kaito, and I continued to fight against Vincent. He proved to be incredibly powerful, almost defeating Yuna and Kaito with a single attack. He possesses not only the ability to manipulate ice but also the power to create it from his surroundings..."

Arima's words were interrupted as Yuna and Kaito entered the room, their eyes filled with tears at the sight of Akira. Trying to calm Yuna down, Akira turned to Arima and asked about Saito.

However, a sorrowful exchange of glances between Yuna and Kaito signaled a different outcome. Kaito speaks up before

Arima could say anything "This is all my fault....only if i was stronger, i can't even save my only brother i am so pathetic....."

Arima reassured him, explaining, "It's not anyone's fault. We were faced with an overwhelming enemy, unprepared for his strength. Saito sustained severe injuries, with crushed spinal bones and legs. While he used his powers to mitigate major damage, he won't be fit to join us for the next month."

Feeling overwhelmed with guilt and doubt, Akira's tears flowed freely as he questioned his own worthiness. "Arima-san, am I too weak? Can I truly save anyone? I lost my father, and I wanted to become someone like him—someone whose strength could change lives. I wanted to protect, but here I am, unable to save my own family. Am I even worthy of being a hero?"

Arima's expression softened, and he spoke with compassion. "Akira, being a hero is an incredibly challenging role. Not everyone can shoulder its burdens. When you're weak or fail, sympathy is rare. Instead, you'll face hatred and disapproval from those you sought to protect. It's a cruel reality of our society. Only those who accept this truth and continue to strive, to save and protect even when faced with adversity, can truly become heroes. It's up to you to decide if you can bear this weight."

As Arima and Akira conversed, a doctor entered the room, urging everyone to leave for Akira's medical tests. Before departing, Akira voiced his unwavering resolve. "Arima-san, no matter what happens, I will never give up. I will fight with all my strength to protect those I deem worthy of protection. I will be a hero, even if no one looks up to me, even if they despise me. It's my duty to safeguard them, as a hero should."

As the chapter neared its end, Arima stood on the hospital terrace, talking to someone, "you went too far last time, i was almost killed with that attack so better be more careful to see where u aim or i won't care less if ur stupid boss lose one of his precious slave....." As the person speaks up with a sarcasm in his voice " Now....Now, Arima, u know i won't kill you i don't have a death wish that i will mess with a monster like u head on....HAHAHAHA" The chapter comes to an end with revealing the face of the person who was speaking and it was none other than the first commander of the All-Seeing Eyes "Vincent-The Ice Emperor"