
The Young Warlock and The Dragon

A young warlock who was a late bloomer met a mythical dragon by chance or perhaps destiny? After sensing that the warlock had no bad intentions, the colossal dragon decided to help the boy harness his Magic under a condition that the boy becomes his companion and help in safeguarding the Enchanted forest and its secrets. After being under the tutelage of the dragon for a while, Lucian was told by the dragon that inorder to become more formidable he had to venture into the kingdom of Sibiah to retrieve a powerful and coveted book that contains arcane spells and magic. Unbeknownst to Lucian he had unintentionally offended a warlock that used to ridicule and mock him, that particular warlock being Lucian's childhood friend had ventured into something dark and malevolent. He had been so blinded by revenge that he sought to make Lucian pay in spite of the grave consequences, repercussions and his own sanity. Lucian's journey will be fraught with many dangers and obstacles but those are part of what will make him a stronger and more formidable warlock. He'll encounter series of people both bad and good. He'll safeguard the realm from dangers that lurk in the shadows with the help of the mighty dragon and the people he shares similar goals with. will he become a stronger and more formidable warlock in order to protect his loved ones and safeguard the realm or will he be overpowered by dark and malevolent entities? There's only one way to find out. in this novel so many factors like hate, love, darkness and malevolence, kindness and many more things are at a cross roads so be prepared to be taken on a slow paced (not too slow but you have to be a little patient) adventure. If this piqued your interest, just give it a read and tell me what you think about the book in the review/comments section below, you can also ask me any questions, I'll be glad to answer. Arigatou. If you're not so sure about the book you can read till chapter 25 and then decide if this is your cup of tea or not. I don't have a discord server yet but I'm hoping to create one soon. Enjoy, Ciao.

iam_dapromise · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

The Quest For The Dark Abyssal Powers

Starael had left Eldermoor in secret, venturing to a remote location mentioned within the forbidden book. In Eldermoor, his absence went unnoticed, for he had become increasingly irrelevant. All the attention and attraction were now focused on Lucian.

As he arrived at the entrance of this desolate place, he noticed a carved warning on a large rock that read, "Enter At Your Own Detriment." However, Starael felt no fear; his determination to gain the Abyssal powers outweighed any other concern.

As he ventured deeper into the foreboding location, he encountered a haunting sight – the scattered skulls of individuals who had come before him in search of the Abyssal powers but had met their demise within these treacherous confines.

As Starael ventured towards the initiation site, he heard ominous sounds echoing through the desolate location. First, ghostly whispers filled the air, chilling his spine. These eerie voices seemed to mock his quest, but he pressed on, determined.

Suddenly, the relentless Shadow Hunter leaped from the shadows, its claws slashing at him. The fight was very fierce, and the warlock struggled to maintain his composure. He called upon his basic powers to fend off the creature, surviving its relentless assault.

As he moved on, the Weird Abyss Creature suddenly emerged, its disorienting presence causing confusion. The warlock's head spun, and his vision blurred. The creature attacked relentlessly. He fought back with all his might, using every bit of his warlock abilities to counter the creature's chaotic influence.

Exhausted and battered, the warlock realized that facing these monsters was a formidable challenge. It was a tough trial he had to overcome before he could even begin the initiation and pact process into the dark Abyssal powers.

Upon reaching the initiation site, Starael embarked on the daunting initiation and pact process Each step at a time:

Step One: Isolation

He spent one month in solitude, which was relatively easy for a seasoned warlock like him.

Step Two: Vigil of Shadows

For seven consecutive nights, Starael protected a dimly lit candle from extinguishing. The darkness did not shake his determination at all.

Step Three: Blood Oath

On the eighth night, Starael initiated a blood oath by cutting his palm and dripping his blood onto a dark, ancient sigil dedicated to Zythara–The Abyssal Terror

Step Four: Trial by Chaos

He faced nightmarish realms filled with chaotic illusions and dark malevolent entities conjured by Abyssal Powers. Though shaken, Starael kept his focus.

Step Five: Sacrificial Offering

To prove his devotion, Starael without thinking twice made a dark offering by relinquishing his most cherished possession, an heirloom passed down through generations.

Step Six: A Goblet of Gradual Desolation

Starael knew there was no turning back. He drank from the Goblet of Desolation, enduring intense pain, and feeling an inner power awakening.

The mark of Zythara then appeared on his chest, causing excruciating pain. Starael, enduring the agony, smiled in anticipation, vowing to confront Lucian. The black candle he had lit flared brightly, signifying Zythara's acknowledgment.

Now, in the final stage, Starael eagerly awaited the granting of one of the Abyssal Powers.

Having fought monsters and faced scary trials ,all for the power he wanted. The night was super dark, and it felt like the whole world was paused.

At the center of a creepy clearing, there was an old, weird altar. It had Abyssal symbols that looked like they were moving. Starael was tired but excited to get one of the Abyssal Powers he had risked so much for.

A low, ominous hum emanated from the ground beneath him, resonating with the very heartbeat of the Abyss. Shadows merged, spiraling upwards like serpents of darkness. They encircled the warlock, binding his wrists and ankles to the altar, as if the Abyss itself was claiming him.

The warlock's vision blurred as he felt a searing pain coursing through his veins. His cries of anguish mixed with the haunting whispers of the Ghostly Spirits that lingered nearby. It was a torment that seemed to transcend the mortal realm, a price to be paid for the forbidden power he sought badly.

Then, emerging from the depths of the altar, an abyssal chain materialized, its links forged from the very essence of the abyss. It writhed like a living serpent, moving with an unsettling sentience.

With a deafening clash, it bound itself to the warlock's outstretched hand, sinking barbed tendrils deep into his flesh.As the chain fused with him, the warlock felt a surge of abyssal energy coursing through him.

Shadows danced in his eyes as he became one with the chain, a harbinger of darkness and destruction. The air grew colder,the mist around him got thicker,and he couldn't see much.

The granting of the Abyssal chain was a nightmarish ritual, a painful and treacherous process that left the warlock forever marked by the abyss. With this new power, he was now a follower and an harbinger of the shadows carrying the weight of the darkness within him and gradually changing by his unholy pact with the Abyssal Terror, Zythara.

With the power of the Abyssal Chain in his grasp, Starael exited the initiation site and embarked on his journey back to Eldermoor. During his return, he could not resist the temptation to test his newfound abilities. Deep within the forest, he swiftly and ruthlessly killed two unsuspecting wanderers without a trace of remorse, revealing the dark path he had chosen.

Once he returned to Eldermoor, Starael managed to slip into the town unnoticed. He bided his time, patiently waiting for the perfect moment to confront and eliminate Lucian.

For days, Starael shadowed Lucian from the shadows, meticulously observing his every move. He even followed Lucian to the encounter with Brenton, the dragon, who seemed to spot Starael but chose not to engage in any confrontation leaving Lucian to handle it.

As Lucian ventured into the Kingdom of Sibiah during Crown Princess Amarissa's throne usurping, Starael remained in the shadows, relentlessly tracking his nemesis. He continued to monitor Lucian's actions, including the heroic act of saving a mother and her daughter. Starael watched with a mixture of scorn and disdain.

Throughout Lucian and Brendan's sojourn in the bustling city of Sibiah, Starael maintained his discreet pursuit, all the while waiting for the perfect moment to make his move. It was not until they reached their final destination, Mythos Relics and Artifacts, that the stage was set for the ultimate confrontation.

•Present day in The Kingdom of Sibiah•

•The Royal Palace•

After Queen's revelation to her daughter, she signaled Alanis to escort Princess Felissa back to her chambers. As they walked, Felissa's mind flashed back to their discussion.

In a clarifying tone, the Queen said, 'This is your father's father.' Felissa was shocked, and in her stunned state, she asked, 'What about my father?' Her mother's response left her disappointed.

As they continued towards Felissa's chambers, she implored Alanis to allow her to visit the city to clear her head. Initially, Alanis declined, adamant about not letting the Queen's daughter out of his sight,never again. Felissa persisted with her pleas.

Finally, Princess Felissa proposed, ''What if you come with me? You will be right there with me. I promise not to run away".Alanis hesitated but, swayed by her persuasive tone and innocent face, he reluctantly agreed. ''Okay, fine. But you have to promise not to run away", he said. Excited, the Princess replied, ''I promise.''

•The Cities Of Sibiah•

Exhausted from expending his energy, Starael sought to replenish it through meditation. However, during this process, a disturbing voice echoed in his mind, relentlessly demanding, 'Chaos, I need Chaos. Kill, Kill, Chaos.' The voices grew louder, causing Starael to scream, gripping his head in agony. In a disoriented state, he staggered outside and began indiscriminately taking lives, spiraling into a violent killing spree.

Meanwhile, in the comfort of his inn, Lucian remained focused on the Arcane compass and was also fascinated by the Locket of Timelessness he had just discovered . But a troubling thought came to his mind: 'When did Starael become so formidable, and how did he acquire the Chain?' As he contemplated this, the piercing screams of innocent people reached his ears, and he ran outside, witnesses Starael ruthlessly slaughtering them.

As Princess Felissa ran to the scene to see what was going on, Starael raised the dreaded Abyssal Chain, ready to strike down the defenseless princess. But just as he prepared to unleash its dark power, Lucian, With a swift and valiant strike intercepted the chain's deadly arc, deflecting it away from the princess. The dark energies crackled and dissipated harmlessly into the shadows. He stood there shielding the princess from the dark and malevolent force when their eyes locked in that intense moment.