
The Young Warlock and The Dragon

A young warlock who was a late bloomer met a mythical dragon by chance or perhaps destiny? After sensing that the warlock had no bad intentions, the colossal dragon decided to help the boy harness his Magic under a condition that the boy becomes his companion and help in safeguarding the Enchanted forest and its secrets. After being under the tutelage of the dragon for a while, Lucian was told by the dragon that inorder to become more formidable he had to venture into the kingdom of Sibiah to retrieve a powerful and coveted book that contains arcane spells and magic. Unbeknownst to Lucian he had unintentionally offended a warlock that used to ridicule and mock him, that particular warlock being Lucian's childhood friend had ventured into something dark and malevolent. He had been so blinded by revenge that he sought to make Lucian pay in spite of the grave consequences, repercussions and his own sanity. Lucian's journey will be fraught with many dangers and obstacles but those are part of what will make him a stronger and more formidable warlock. He'll encounter series of people both bad and good. He'll safeguard the realm from dangers that lurk in the shadows with the help of the mighty dragon and the people he shares similar goals with. will he become a stronger and more formidable warlock in order to protect his loved ones and safeguard the realm or will he be overpowered by dark and malevolent entities? There's only one way to find out. in this novel so many factors like hate, love, darkness and malevolence, kindness and many more things are at a cross roads so be prepared to be taken on a slow paced (not too slow but you have to be a little patient) adventure. If this piqued your interest, just give it a read and tell me what you think about the book in the review/comments section below, you can also ask me any questions, I'll be glad to answer. Arigatou. If you're not so sure about the book you can read till chapter 25 and then decide if this is your cup of tea or not. I don't have a discord server yet but I'm hoping to create one soon. Enjoy, Ciao.

iam_dapromise · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

The Lost Princess ,found.

•The Cities Of Sibiah•

As Princess Felissa began to move towards the tavern, her heart brimming with hope and curiosity, an encounter would soon disrupt her plans. Someone, though just a slight bump, collided with her in the bustling streets of Sibiah. She took a few more steps forward when a sudden realization struck her like a bolt of lightning.

With a racing heart, she sensed that something had left her, a precious possession.. Her hand instinctively reached for her lower waist, but it met with empty space.

Her Imperial pendant,gone, a symbol of her royal lineage was gone. Panic surged within her, and she quickly spun around, her eyes scanning the crowd.

There, in the distance, she caught a glimpse of the thief who had snatched her pendant. Determination surged through her, and without hesitation, she gave chase.

The thief led the princess on a frenzied pursuit through the winding streets of Sibiah, twisting and turning through narrow alleys and bustling marketplaces.

Finally, the thief's escape route reached a dead-end—a tall, fenced wall. Desperation filled the thief's eyes as he prepared to leap over it.

But before he could make the daring jump, Princess Felissa, fueled by resolve and adrenaline, caught up to the thief. In a swift move, she lunged forward and managed to grasp the thief's leg just in the nick of time.

With a powerful tug, she brought the thief crashing to the ground. Her intent was very clear: to subdue the thief and reclaim her stolen imperial pendant.

However, as she looked down upon the fallen figure, she was surprised. The thief was not the criminal she had expected, but rather a young lad who appeared innocent and vulnerable.

Uncertainty washed over her as their eyes met, and in that moment, she hesitated. It was a momentary pause that gave the young lad an opportunity.

Swiftly and with a surprising act of desperation, the lad bit the princess's hand and wriggled free from her grasp. In an instant, he was on his feet and running once more, holding on to the pendant tightly in his hand.

The princess winced in pain and muttered a soft, "Ow, ow." She watched as the young thief disappeared into the maze of alleys once more, her resolve undiminished.

Felissa whispered to herself, "Not again," With renewed determination,she set off in pursuit once more, determined to capture the elusive thief and reclaim her precious Imperial pendant. The chase through the intricate streets of Sibiah continued.

after a short chase,the lad halted at a dimly lit alleyway, the cold, concrete walls seemed to close in around Felissa as she confronted the young lad who had stolen her royal pendant.

Determined to retrieve her stolen possession. However, what she did not expect was that she had been led into a trap.

As Princess Felissa demanded the return of her stolen item, the thief – a fair-haired boy, named Bazz, grinned and signaled to his hidden companions. From the shadows, five more young lads emerged, surrounding Felissa with cocky smirks.

Bazz spoke with a mocking tone, "You thought you could catch me, lady? Well, now you have stumbled right into our affair. Let's see what you are made of".

Felissa, undeterred and undiscouraged by their numbers, stood her ground. She knew she had the skills to handle this situation. With a mixture of relaxed and focused expression, she prepared herself for what was about to come.

The young lads lunged at her simultaneously, thinking their numbers would overwhelm her. But Felissa was very quick and agile. She ducked, twisted, and spun gracefully, avoiding their clumsy attacks with ease. Her movements were fluid, like a seasoned martial artist.

With precision, she disarmed one of the lads, sending his stolen prize falling to the ground. She continued to deflect their attacks and striking with calculated blows that left them reeling and lurching.

The young lads soon realized they had underestimated Felissa's skill and determination. Their overconfidence turned into panic as they struggled to keep up with her. One by one, they found themselves on the receiving end of fast, controlled strikes and perfectly executed jabs and throws.

Bazz, the instigator of this very confrontation, watched in disbelief as his gang crumbled before Felissa. With a final, resounding kick that sent him sprawling, he conceded defeat.

Princess Felissa retrieved her stolen pendant, her gaze unwavering as she looked at the defeated gang. "Remember this lesson," she told them sternly. "Resorting to theft and violence will only lead to your downfall. There are better paths in life."

As Princess Felissa got her royal pendant back, a feeling of relief washed over her. The cherished pendant was back in her possession.

However, her triumph was accompanied by a new challenge – finding her way back to the familiar streets of Sibiah.

The bustling city was a complexity of winding alleys and bustling marketplaces, and Felissa was far from being well-acquainted and familiar with every corner.

Frustration gnawed at her as she attempted to navigate the unfamiliar streets. She tried retracing her steps, turned down unfamiliar avenues, and sought the guidance of passersby, all in an effort to find her way back to the place she was familiar with.

Her eyes darted anxiously from one street sign to another, her determination unwavering despite the challenge before her.

Meanwhile, Lucian grappled with his own thoughts. The concern for Starael weighed heavily on his mind. He could not help but ponder the possibility of Starael returning to their hometown, Eldermoor.

Yet, he swiftly dismissed the notion, recognizing the grave consequences that awaited his childhood friend if he were to be discovered wielding such forbidden magic.

Lucian wiped the thoughts from his mind and decided to focus on training. He knew that being prepared and ready was his best course of action, whether to face Starael or confront any other challenges that lay ahead.

With a determined resolve, he left the tavern and made his way toward the outer city gates, where the dense forest awaited.

There, amidst nature's embrace, he would train and prepare himself for whatever trials destiny had in store.

In the midst of the bustling streets of Sibiah, Ser Alanis was trapped in a state of desperate fear and anxiety.

Despite his frantic efforts, the princess remained elusive, and the encroaching darkness only deepened his despair. All that ever mattered to him was finding Felissa, and he was relentless in his search.

As he hurriedly passed by Lucian, his focus was solely on the mission at hand, unaware and unmindful to the familiar face in his proximity.

The day was slipping into twilight, and there was still no sign of the princess. Alanis could not bear the weight of uncertainty any longer. He began to shout her name with all the strength he could muster, his voice echoing through the winding streets of the city.

"Felissa! Felissa!" he cried, cupping his hands around his mouth as a voice magnifier, amplifying his desperate plea. He deliberately refrained from addressing her as "Princess" to conceal her true identity. His repeated calls rang out into the fading light of day, "Felissa! Felissa! Felissa!"

Meanwhile, seated on a crooked wooden bench in an unknown corner of the city, Felissa had grown weary, disheartened and deterred in her futile attempts to find her way back,she had tried her best but could not navigate the unfamiliar streets.

The distant callings of her name initially reached her ears as faint murmurs, "Feli... Felis... Felissa..." She stood up and looked around, uncertain if someone was indeed calling her or if it was merely a figment of her own imagination.

Thinking it could be directed at another person with the same name, she settled back onto the bench. But then, the voice became more distinct,with a spark of recognition, she heard her name spoken clearly, "Felissa, Felissa, Felissa, Felissa."

A glimmer of hope ignited within The Lost Princess, and she called out, "Alanis?" irresolutely , hesitatingly and reluctantly, she responded to the beckoning voice, "Felissa, Felissa, Felissa, Felissa," following the sound as it grew louder and clearer. Overwhelmed by emotions and the possibility of reuniting with Alanis, she called out in earnest, "Alanis, Alanis, Alanis, Alanis, I am here!"

Felissa called out, her voice filled with emotion as she followed the sound. With a burst of renewed energy and a feeling of relief, she started sprinting towards the source of the voice until she saw Ser Alanis, standing there with equal relief clearly visible on his face. Without hesitation, she darted towards him and rushed to hug him, embracing him tightly, grateful for being found at last.

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