
The Young Warlock and The Dragon

A young warlock who was a late bloomer met a mythical dragon by chance or perhaps destiny? After sensing that the warlock had no bad intentions, the colossal dragon decided to help the boy harness his Magic under a condition that the boy becomes his companion and help in safeguarding the Enchanted forest and its secrets. After being under the tutelage of the dragon for a while, Lucian was told by the dragon that inorder to become more formidable he had to venture into the kingdom of Sibiah to retrieve a powerful and coveted book that contains arcane spells and magic. Unbeknownst to Lucian he had unintentionally offended a warlock that used to ridicule and mock him, that particular warlock being Lucian's childhood friend had ventured into something dark and malevolent. He had been so blinded by revenge that he sought to make Lucian pay in spite of the grave consequences, repercussions and his own sanity. Lucian's journey will be fraught with many dangers and obstacles but those are part of what will make him a stronger and more formidable warlock. He'll encounter series of people both bad and good. He'll safeguard the realm from dangers that lurk in the shadows with the help of the mighty dragon and the people he shares similar goals with. will he become a stronger and more formidable warlock in order to protect his loved ones and safeguard the realm or will he be overpowered by dark and malevolent entities? There's only one way to find out. in this novel so many factors like hate, love, darkness and malevolence, kindness and many more things are at a cross roads so be prepared to be taken on a slow paced (not too slow but you have to be a little patient) adventure. If this piqued your interest, just give it a read and tell me what you think about the book in the review/comments section below, you can also ask me any questions, I'll be glad to answer. Arigatou. If you're not so sure about the book you can read till chapter 25 and then decide if this is your cup of tea or not. I don't have a discord server yet but I'm hoping to create one soon. Enjoy, Ciao.

iam_dapromise · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

A Trip to the unforgettable past

As Lord Malkin reached home,he went and sat in his study,he took a trip down his memory lane

•65 years ago•

The young and promising wizard, known as Crowley, was still diligently learning the arcane arts under the guidance of the Elders and his senior wizards. including one of the most respected senior named Elric, a wizard known for his brilliance and prowess in magic.

This senior ,Elric had harbored a dangerous secret,he had been secretly experimenting with the forbidden book, delving into its dark and eldritch contents. He managed to keep his dark practices hidden from his peers and mentors for quite some time. However, the dark powers he was tampering with proved to be relentless and insidious.

One fateful day, the senior wizard lost control all of a sudden. He went on a murderous rampage, sparing no one — neither the young scholars nor the old wizards within the Malkin House. Chaos erupted as screams filled the air, and the house was plunged into a nightmarish ordeal.

Amid the turmoil, Crowley and other young wizards and witches tried to defend themselves against the unhinged senior. Spells were cast, but the dark and malevolent magic that consumed their senior was so strong and formidable,overpowering their efforts.

As the situation spiraled out of control, news reached the more powerful elder wizards who had been away. They swiftly returned to the Malkin House, finding their House and sanctuary in Chaos and disarray. Bodies spread across the halls, both young and old alike.

Young Crowley caught a glimpse of the lifeless bodies of his fellow students and mentors. Shock and horror filled the air as the elder wizards moved with power and purpose to subdue their corrupted scholar,Elric.

One of the elder wizards, an imposing figure with a commanding presence, stepped forward. His voice resonated with authority as he addressed Elric who had caused this chaos. "You have succumbed to the forbidden,Elric" he said with a stern and regretful tone. "Your actions have brought shame upon our house."

The elder wizards combined their formidable magic to overpower the corrupted scholar. It was a a fierce battle ,a Magical power struggle, but in the end, they managed to subdue the rogue wizard. The punishment was swift and severe: the dark wizard was to be banished from the Malkin House, his name forever stricken from their records.

As the dark wizard was led away, the aftermath of that tragic day left a lasting impact on the young Crowley, a haunting reminder of the dangers of dark and forbidden magic.

Having walked down his memory lane ,with concern he thought "What type of a dark power is this?"

He began scouring his library looking for a scroll that stores limited information of dark and Eldritch Powers,their effects on those who use them and the impact on those they are used against.

He searched for hours by himself ,scrolls after scrolls after scrolls and couldn't find it ," it should be here somewhere" he said as he intently continued searching,after a while in his persistent quest,he stumbled upon a scroll bearing the title "The Abyssal Anomaly Compendium",he opened the scroll and started perusing through the ancient contents of the scroll

Abyssal powers, shrouded in darkness, are surrounded by mysteries. This scroll offers a glimpse into their enigmatic nature and the haunting consequences they bring:

*I. The Allure of Abyssal Powers*

Abyssal powers may seem tempting, but they come at a cost. Those who use them risk losing their minds and becoming obsessed with darkness.

*II. The Toll on Practitioners

Abyssal energies exact a grave toll on the practitioner. Their minds are tainted, their hearts corroded by the ceaseless and relentless whispers of the abyss. Madness and obsession become their constant companions.

*III. The Haunting Residue*

Abyssal magic leaves a sinister mark on its victims. Those who fall prey to its might are often left with an eerie residue, casting a chilling shadow over their remains.

IV. The Curse of the Abyss

Once ensnared by the Abyss, escape becomes nearly impossible. Those who dabble in these forbidden powers often find themselves trapped in a web of darkness, their fate sealed by their own actions.

This scroll serves as a solemn reminder of the perilous path that awaits those who dare to delve into the abyssal depths.

After he had meticulously perused the contents of the ancient scroll, his fingers delicately folded the aged parchment. A deep sigh escaped his lips, resonating with the weight of the knowledge he now possessed. With a profound sense of duty and responsibility, he recognized that this marked a pivotal moment. He understood that he bore the solemn task of devising a strategy to safeguard their kingdom from the looming shadows that threatened its very existence.

Meanwhile, in the tranquil solitude of his inn, Lucian found himself grappling with restless thoughts that denied him sleep. Seeking refuge from his inner turmoil, he turned to meditation.

As he immersed himself in this meditative trance, a troubling concern weighed heavily on his heart—the unsettling transformation of Starael, his childhood friend who now harbored dark,ominous and dangerous powers. With a calm yet subtly relieved tone, he whispered to himself, "I must speak to Brenton about this."

His resolve unshaken, Lucian hastily departed from the inn, venturing beyond the city walls and into the shadowy embrace of the surrounding forest. within the heart of nature, he sought to summon his steadfast companion, Brenton the dragon.

With each step into the dense forest, memories resurfaced—the ancient Aerathian command, taught by Brenton himself,came to his mind. This command served as his beacon of hope, a lifeline in dire circumstances. Lucian inhaled deeply, as he chanted the incantation: "Κατά την αρχαία συμφωνία της φωτιάς και της πτήσης, σε καλώ, φύλακα των ουρανών. Από την καρδιά της γης προς τους ύψιστους ουρανούς, εμφανίσου, υψηλέ δράκε, και υπακούσε στην κλήση του αφεντικού σου!" which translates to, "By the ancient covenant of fire and flight, I summon you, guardian of the skies. From the heart of the earth to the highest heavens, appear, mighty dragon, and heed your companion's call!"

Moments later, a thunderous roar erupted from the distance, reverberating through the forest. Lucian's eyes widened with awe as he witnessed the majestic form of Brenton soaring gracefully toward him, his colossal wings slicing through the night sky. Lucian's heart swelled with delight at the sight.

With a sense of urgency, he approached the noble and majestic dragon, his thoughts firmly fixed on the problem of Starael, yearning for Brenton's wisdom and guidance to unravel the shadows that now encompassed his childhood friend.

The ancient dragon, Brenton landed before Lucian, his massive form a testament to the ages he had witnessed.Lucian approached him with a respectful greeting.In a voice that resonated with the echoes of centuries, Brenton inquired, "Why have you summoned me?" Lucian's gaze remained unwavering as he revealed his pressing concerns, "I summoned you because I need your ancient wisdom on something that's unclear to me."

With a deep and thoughtful rumble, the dragon prompted, "And what might that be?" Lucian without hesitation started disclosing the unsettling truth, "It's about Starael. I think he has ventured into something dark and malevolent".Lucian continued, "The last time he confronted me, he almost killed me with a chain emanating a sinister, dark aura."

As Lucian revealed the depths of his fears and suspicions, Brenton, with his timeless knowledge, recalled an era long past. He remembered the ancient times when the Old and Eldritch gods had unleashed chaos and mayhem upon their realm, leading to the desperate measures that had been taken to seal them away.

•Thousands of Centuries ago•

In a realm filled with tranquility and order, Old and Eldritch gods, ancient and malevolent, unleashed their formidable dark powers upon the land. Chaos and mayhem reigned as their dark influence spread like a relentless storm. The very fabric of the realm was torn asunder by their malevolence.

Amid this turmoil, a council of Mythical dragons, renowned for their wisdom and immense power, came together to discuss the impending catastrophe. They recognized that they were the realm's last hope for salvation. With a collective resolve, they decided to embark on a perilous journey to confront and seal away the Chaotic Old and Eldritch gods, forever banishing them into the depths of darkness restoring peace and order.

The dragons, their scales shining with ancient magic, took to the skies, their majestic forms casting shadows over the land. The battle that ensued was nothing short of cataclysmic. For days, they clashed with the Old and Eldritch gods The dragons fought tirelessly against the malevolent gods, and the land quaked under the weight of their conflict.

Amidst the chaos, Brenton, one of the younger dragons, found himself in a dire predicament. Zythara, the Abyssal Terror, an Old god with insidious powers, launched a sneak attack. The Abyssal Chain, a dark and deadly weapon, surged toward Brenton but in the nick of time, one of Brenton's dragon brothers, with selfless courage, pushed him out of harm's way, intercepting the malevolent chain. The attack was ferocious, and the selfless dragon was injured.

Disoriented Brenton watched as his dragon brothers in the skies, their colossal forms fought against the chaos. With unwavering determination, they summoned and channeled their collective powers.

As Brenton regained his composure, he soared through the turmoil, desperate to aid his dragon family. But then, a blinding light erupted, illuminating the battlefield. In that moment, he witnessed a heart-wrenching and Heroic sight,His brothers, their bodies surrounded by radiant energy, were turning into statues.

With their combined effort and sacrifice, the Mythical dragons had succeeded. The Chaotic Old and Eldritch gods were nowhere to be found, vanquished and sealed away forever into the abyss of darkness. But the cost had been immense and very painful—his brothers' lives

Brenton, filled with sorrow , now stood as the last dragon in the realm. His brothers had given everything to save their world, and he would honor their memory by guarding the realm against any future threats, even as he mourned their loss.

The dragon, magnificent in its colossal form, appeared to bear a subtle burden as Lucian voiced his pressing questions. A deep, resonant sigh escaped Brenton's mouth, lowly echoing through the forest, conveying the gravity of the situation

Lucian, undeterred by the dragon's apparent agony, pressed on with his inquiries. His voice carried a note of urgency as he implored, "Who is the source of this power? What is the name of this malevolent force? And most importantly, how can Starael be saved from the hold of this darkness?"

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