
The Young Prince's Squire

Lucian, the Young Prince has finally come of age, and his father expects him to wed as soon as possible. However, Lucian does not want to restrict himself with marriage. He prefers travelling on adventures, and belives that getting married would only stop him from exploring his youth. * * Simon, a common boy who stumbles into the prince on the night of his birthday finds himself tangled in a web of misunderstanding with the young prince. After a night of trouble, he is made the Prince's Squire, and follows the prince on his countless adventures. As time passes, Simon finds himself slowly getting attached to the proud man he once used to loathe. He restricts himself from acting on his feelings, but when the prince confesses to the same feeling, Simon is unsure of what to do. Will their love prevail? Or will they be separated by the demands of society?

thehonoredone · LGBT+
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71 Chs

Make A Good Impression

Lucian was woken a lot earlier than he was used to, and it was by none other than his newly hired squire.

"It's dawn, my prince, wake up!" Simon called out as he yanked every window open, allowing the faint rays of the rising sun to simmer inside the room, and blind Lucian even further.

"What are you doing? The sun is barely up! I still need to get some sleep!" Lucian complained, but it didn't look like his new squire was listening. He probably wasn't, he was whistling way too loud to hear the complaints he had just laid out in a whisper.

"Simon!" Lucian finally yelled out, catching the oblivious squire's attention. Simon turned towards the prince with an inquisitive glare. He hadn't taken notice of it the previous night, but under the rays of the sunlight, he had to admit that the prince was as stunning as he had heard in the stories told by many young ladies in the market.

Lucian's features were striking, almost ethereal in their perfection. His hair, a rich shade of golden brown, fell in soft waves around his face, framing his high cheekbones and strong jawline. His eyes, a captivating shade of blue, held an intensity that seemed to pierce through anyone who met his gaze. They were framed by long, thick lashes that added to his allure. His skin was smooth and fair, with a hint of a golden undertone, as if he spent just the right amount of time in the sun.

His lips were full and well-defined, often curled into a smile that could charm even the most stoic of hearts. His physique, though not overly muscular, was lean and well-toned, a testament to his active lifestyle and training.

As Simon took in the prince's appearance, he couldn't help but understand why so many were captivated by Lucian. Aside from his looks, there was an undeniable charisma about him, a magnetism that drew people in and held their attention.

Realizing he had been staring, Simon quickly averted his gaze and cleared his throat. "My apologies, Your Highness," he said, a hint of a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "I just wanted to ensure you had enough time to prepare for the day's duties."

"Call me Lucian, there's no need for formalities. And it's way too early, I don't even do much." Lucian retorted before pulling the sheets over his body. He had caught Simon staring, and for the first time had felt insecure about his own body. It was an odd feeling, but he didn't think too much about it.

Simon took a deep breath. The only reason he had woken up this early was because of Mark's threat. He had risen at the crack of dawn, and had immediately gotten ready to serve the prince. He knew it was early, but not too early for him at least. The royals clearly had life better than he did, and he had failed to take that into account before barging into the room.

"So what do I do now? Do I leave, or..."

"Since I'm awake now, you might as well start preparing my bath. I like my water hot, not too hot though." Lucian sighed, pulling the sheets tighter around himself as he tried to find a comfortable position to rest a little longer.

Simon hesitated for a moment, unsure of where to go, or what to do. He had no idea where the bathroom was, nor did he have a clue on where to get the water for the prince's bath. He was still new here, and still didn't know a thing. Unlike the bathroom, finding the grand hall last night had been easy. All he had to do was follow the wealthy people wherever they were going. Here, there was nobody to follow, and Lucian didn't exactly give him directions on where to get the things he needed.

Realizing that Simon was yet to move a muscle, Lucian rose from his bed a second time, clearly annoyed that he had to sit up once again.

"Why are you still standing there, go outside and ask questions! I'm not going to do your job for you!" He scolded.

"R..right!" Simon replied before rushing out of the room. It took a moment for him to get the directions he needed, but finally he made it to the bathhouse. With help from the maids around, he was able to get the right temperature for the prince's bath, and after dosing the water with drops of fragrant oil, he headed back to Lucian's room.

"The bath is ready," Simon announced as he entered the room, keeping his tone respectful but light. He hadn't expected this to be part of his job, but he didn't complain. It was a lot better than getting his arms chopped off.

Lucian groaned as he finally got down from the bed. He had wanted to sleep a little longer, but he had been the one who suggested that his bath be prepared.

Throwing a bath robe over his body, Lucian lazily led the way out of the room with Simon following closely behind. He was quick to notice how everybody adored the prince, as well as the inquisitive glances that were thrown at him from everybody around. They clearly hadn't seen him before, so it was expected.

The first thing Lucian did when he got to the bathhouse was test the water with his hand. He turned towards Simon and gave a nod of approval. "Not bad for your first day," he remarked, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Thank you—"

Simon almost choked before he got the chance to finish his sentence, but was swift enough to cover up his mistakes immediately. He had been prepared for everything, everything besides gazing upon the prince's naked body. He had expected to be asked out before Lucian went in for a soak, but couldn't be further from reality.

He wanted to look away, to give the prince some privacy, but Simon couldn't help but admire the way the prince's body seemed perfectly sculpted, every muscle defined and in harmony with the rest. The soft lighting of the bathhouse added a warm glow to his skin, making him appear almost otherworldly.

Suddenly, Lucian turned his head, catching Simon in the act of staring. His blue eyes, sharp and penetrating, locked onto Simon's with an intensity that made the squire's heart skip a beat.

"Enjoying the view?" Lucian's tone was playful, but there was a hint of challenge in his gaze.

Simon felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment. "My apologies, Lucian," he stammered, quickly averting his eyes. "I didn't mean to—"

Lucian's laughter cut him off. "Relax, Simon. I'm not offended. Just... try to be a bit more discreet next time."

Simon nodded, even though Lucian couldn't see him. This clearly wasn't the first time he had caught someone staring at him that way, he wouldn't be so relaxed if it had been the first time. It couldn't be helped, Lucian was handsome, and it was impossible to see his naked body and not glare at it.

Turning towards the other side, Simon focused on the walls and the designs on them. He had already embarrassed himself enough today, and it wasn't like him. He was trying to make a good impression, and so far he wasn't doing a very good job.

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