
The Young Lannister (Game Of Thrones Fanfic)

Adam an impulsive boy was transported into the world of Game of Thrones. Not only that he was also reborn in the most cunning house of all the cause of the events that happened in Game of Thrones, The Lannisters. Will he survive? (this is just a hobby of mine there are still no regular schedule when i will upload a chapter. I will just upload when I am free and when I have ideas. Thank you for reading.)

Ryomd · TV
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Chapter 1 Second Chance

(Adam POV)

"A second chance? I can go back?". I ask, but the ROB deny it instead. He said i will be given a chance to be reborn in a new world a new possibilities. "Why can't I go back?", I continue my questioning, the ROB calmly replied that should go back to my world the balance will be broken and others like him will be force to anihilate the universe where I came from. To say I was shocked was an understatement..it took a while for me to come around to the idea of not being able to return but knowing it's not something i can change or even ROB himself i decided to take the offer of reincarnation.

Before I accept however, I ask ROB to tell me what happened to my family? ROB show me a man and a woman who are my parents sitting in front of a casket I see them crying, praying to God that I will be safe in the afterlife. I want to tell them I am okay but I know I can't reach them, I felt sad and emotional and I berated myself for being impulsive i feel bad making my mother cry. While I was watching my parents as they mourn my death and how they slowly cope with the loss, I felt a hand behind me as I turn around I saw ROB patting my back as he told me that their live will be good and they will always remember me. As I continued watching I saw my mother gave birth to my little brother and my parents told him about me what my hobbies are and such.

No longer able to watch I turn and look at ROB "I accept your offer, I want a second chance". I said and ROB gives me a warm smile as he says "I will let you choose what world you will be born into and I will give you 2 wishes to go with it of course nothing that is overpowered". I was flabbergasted, since I thought I would only be reborn and nothing else but the wishes is a surprise but it is a welcome one. Considering that Game Of Thrones is the last thing I watched before i died I decided to be reborn into it. "My first wish is to have a eidetic memory. For my second wish, I want to have the abilities of Adam the father of humanity from Record of Ragnarok. I hope that is okay with you." I said as I nervously look at Morgan Freeman ROB. He looks as if he is contemplating something and he told me that he will probably tone down RoR Adam's and give me something similar just not as powerful. Even so that was great, Adam from RoR is someone who could go toe to toe with gods so even if i do get a more niche version of it, it will still be a massive help nonetheless.

Before sending me off he tells me that I will retain my memories and there will be some tweaking to accommodate my wishes and there will be a surprise waiting for me on my 5th birthday. After saying so he snaps his finger and said toodles and I felt another suction and went unconscious. I woke up again in a dark place when suddenly I felt a tug and I knew that I am about to be born. After what felt like hours I was finally out and it was really painful it was worse than the gun shot maybe because of my nerves being a newborn and everything make me very sensitive but all I know it's painful and I am crying my lungs out.

(Tywin Lannister POV)

It has been hours since Joanna is in there and I kept hearing her screaming when all of a sudden she stops and i hear another voice... a baby crying. At that moment I quickly went inside the room and see my wife sleeping due to exhaustion and my firstborn son beside her. Although I do not show it on my face I was glad both of them are safe especially Joanna, I do not know what I would do should something happen. My brother Kevan congratulate me and took a look at my sona d says that he will be a great lion in the future. For the first time in a long while, my lips turn upwards to form a small smile although it went unnoticed by anyone else.

I put my finger near the baby and as if on instinct he grabs my finger and squeeze it. I felt my heart soften which is something new to me as I never felt this way other than Joanna. I see my wife waking up and gently pull the babe closer towards her, I look at her as she gently smiled she told me his name is Adam Lannister. A strong name for a strong lion, I smile to Joanna and kiss her forehead and said thank you. The feeling of humiliation of my father's inaction and a multitude of other problems seems to have vanish when gaze upon my beautiful wife and my first born son. From this day forward I know that the Lannister's legacy will be preserve, I will make sure of it.

(Adam POV)

It's surprising to be reborn in the Lannister house, I was apprehensive as first after all the event that started everything and cause the war between the 5 Kings is after all because of Cersei and her bastard Joffrey. However, as I lay in the arms of the woman whom is now my mother I felt safe. I still remember my parents from my past life and I know that I can't love my new parents the same as I did with my old ones but I still love them to a degree after all I am sheltered and given the best care that money could buy in this time period. I also notice that I was born in the year 264 AC same date as the Stannis the Mannis birth date, that means Tywin is still Hand of The King for King Aerys the would be Mad King and I am pretty sure that 2 years from now the twin Jaime and Cersei will be born. I still got time to try and change some things so that when the time the series start there would not be too much casualty. With the Reyne-Tarbeck revolt has been dealt with before I was born I can say that my father already have the infamy of being a ruthless and cunning lord.

Do tell if it was good or ok or bad i dont mind the critics as long as we keep it civilize.This is my first just to remind those who read, hence there will be mistakes and oversights on my part. With that said those who still read my book and encouraging me thank you so so much

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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