Aegon Targaryen, younger than Viserys and older than Daenerys, seeks the strength to reclaim his family's honor and retake what was unjustly taken from them. Thank you for embarking on this fanfiction journey with me! Your support is incredibly valuable. Remember, you can find early chapters on my Patreon page. Keep an eye out for thrilling updates and exciting adventures to come!
Robert's assassination hit Eddard Stark hard and he wanted vengeance, but his family came first and with Catelyn in King's Landing he had to see to them first. So he slipped out of the city during the night with his wife Catelyn, his daughters, Sansa and Arya, Jorey and Rodrick Cassel and the rest of his household. Syrio Farrel had come with them as well. Yoren a man of the Night's Watch was in King's Landing and decided to travel with Eddard's party.
Not long after they left the city the group was set upon by Lannister men demanding that Eddard return with Sansa Stark to the capital to fulfill the marriage arrangement between House Baratheon and Stark. When Ned refused the blood flowed, if not for Eddard's wisdom in sending a message to Lady Whent they would be back at the Red Keep.
Eventually Eddard has to tell Sansa the truth about Joffrey. She had been sullen when forced to leave in secret. Now she was glad to free of the betrothal. When they reached Harrenhal Lady Whent told them that Ravens from King's Landing had come demanding Eddard Stark return and fulfill the vows he made concerning Joffrey and Sansas' bethrothal. Ned advised Lady Whent to abandon Harrenhal as Tywin Lannister may try to lay siege to the castle. She agreed and they all left Harrenhal for Maidenpool.
While Lady Whent remained at Maidenpool Eddard Stark and his house continued on and eventually stopped at the inn. As they traveled Arya befriended a boy by the name of Gendry who had the look of a certain Baratheon at his age.
Despite her mother's objections Arya continued her friendship with Gendry. He himself tried to break it off, even after Catelyn Stark talked to him, but Arya would not let him go. It was early in the morning and Arya is practicing the sword with Syrio Farrel another thing her mother objected to. After practice Arya walks up the hall in Maiden Poole when she is confronted by the man from the wagon of the Knight's Watch.
"What do you want? If you try anything I will scream."
"A man does not wish to hurt a girl… A man wishes to thank her… A girl saved a man from death… A debt is owed to the red god…"
"Syrio says there is only one god… The god of death…"
"The dancing master is right… A girl's family has many enemies… A girl took three lives from the red god… Speak three names and man shall pay the red god…"
"You will kill any three people I ask…"
"There are rules… A man may not kill slaves or those of royalty… other than that… Yes…"
"The how is not important… speak them…"
"The Hound Sandor Clegane… He killed my friend Mycah…"
"That is one… The Hound will die…"
She thinks, "The Royal Executioner… I can't remember his name…"
"A man knows of whom you speak… and the last…"
"This is not permitted he is royalty…"
"Joffrey is a bastard… His mother slept with her own brother… By the laws of the land he has no rights to titles or lands… He is no King…"
"A man sees no lies in a girl's eyes… So be it the bastard will die…"
"ARYA!" They turn and find Eddard Stark standing at the end of the hall.
The man hands her coin, " Valar Marghulis… When the deed is done a man will return for that…"
"Why were you talking to that man…"
Arya raises the coin up, "He wanted to thank me for saving his life… That is all…"
He couldn't tell if she was lying, even with the coin. Ned would talk to the man later, "Time for morning meal…" After morning meal the Starks left Maiden Pool, but the new recruit Jacqen Hagar was not among them. Scouts were sent out, but none found him or any tracks. Eddard decides to confront Arya. "Alright Arya… Hagar is missing and I saw the two of you talking. Now tell me the truth… what were you talking about…"
"As I said he wanted to thank me…"
He stares at her, "I don't believe you and if I must I will send Syrio away as your mother wishes…"
"No you can't…"
"The truth now!" He says raising his voice.
"He said I stole three deaths from the red god when I saved him and the other two from the fire… He said a debt was owed and that my family has many enemies… I could name three people and he would kill them…"
"By the gods… Who did you name?"
"The Hound… he killed my friend Mycah… The Royal Executioner and Joffrey…"
Eddard shakes his head and grabs Arya hugging her, "Dear sweat child… I ask that you never ever speak of this to your mother…" He releases her and turns to leave.
"My coin! He said he would come back for it…"
"I will hold onto it for you…" Eddard seeks out Syrio Ferrel. He finds him sharpening his sword.
"Lord Stark…" He stands and bows.
"You are from Braavos yes?"
"It is known…" Eddard shows him the coin, " Valar Morghulis… Who gave you that?"
"Not me… Arya had it and it was given to her by the man Jacqen Hagar…"
"He is of the Faceless Men… Your daughter stole three deaths from the red god… A debt is owed…"
"The Faceless Men…" Eddard had heard of the Faceless Men. "What is a Faceless Man doing in Westeros…"
"Syrio does not know… nor does he wish to know… Did your daughter give him three names?" Eddard sighs, "She is an instrument of the red god… Why else would you ask Syrio Ferrel to teach her the dance of death… She has killed and it will not be the last time…"
"Thank you…" Eddard starts to walk away.
"My Lord… A word of advice…" Eddard stops and looks back.
"Syrio can see your heart is heavy about this… Your daughter is young and has killed, but she also has love… The boy Gendry… I know he is of low birth… But allow her this love… It will ground the young wolf…"
Eddard nods to him and walks away thinking on his words wondering if Gendry felt the same. Gendry as usual is repairing armor for Ned's men. The smithy at Maiden Pool and the one at Harrenhal gave him some tools. As usual Arya is nearby helping, "Gendry a word son…" He stops his work and walks up bowing.
"My lord…"
Eddard looks at Arya and smiles to reassure her, the smile is returned. "Walk with me… Tell me do you really want to go to the wall?"
"No not really… I was only going because my old Master told me I should… His exact words were that I was no good as an apprentice and that I should join the Knight's Watch…"
"That is far from the truth… I have seen your work…"
"Thank you sir… A few others have said the same… And after thinking about it I changed my mind…"
"So what are your plans?"
"Well Syrio has offered to teach me the sword… We train every evening… he says I am a good student… I was thinking maybe I would become a sell-sword…"
Eddard nods, "Tell me what do you know of your father?"
"Nothing really… My mother never spoke of him before she died… You are the second nobleman to ask me about my father?"
"Oh… who was the first?"
"The Hand of the King before you… I forget his name…"
"Jon Arryn…" Eddard smiles inside, Jon had discovered the truth about Cersei.
"Yes that is his name my Lord…"
"Would you like to know who your father was?"
Eddard looks at Gendry as several expressions cross his face. "How do you my father…"
"You look like him at that age… I was his friend most of my life and he was my King before he was assassinated…"
"All this time I never knew…"
"You are his son through and through and I would consider it an honor if you came with me to Winterfell…"
"I don't know… I have to think about it…"
Just then the midday meal bell sounded, "Come repast with me I wish to speak with you some more…" Eddard excuses himself from his wife and daughters. Then he and Gendry sit on a log talking. He asks about his feelings for Arya embarrassing Gendry. He admits that Arya is different from other highborn ladies he has met, but realizes that she is still a young girl.
"I would like the chance to prove I am worthy of her…" He says sheepishly, "When she is of age…"
Eddard sighs, "That will be an uphill battle especially with my wife… That being said I am entertaining this because of something Syrio told me… Arya has killed… and it may not be the last time… So for the time being I ask that you remember her age and yours… And I ask that you continue being her friend… We will work out all the rest later…"
"Yes sir…"
"For now lets keep this between us…"
Eddard walks Gendry back to his tent, "So what did the two of you talk about?" Arya asks.
"Oh this and that…"
Eddard hugs his daughter and walks away. He goes to find Yoren and tell him that Gendry will not be joining the Watch after all. They break camp and two weeks later they come upon the inn where Lady and Mycah were killed. Arya goes to visit his grave with Eddard and Gendry. As they stand at the grave Arya's Direwolf appears. Then Eddard joins Catelyn inside. They weren't at the inn for an hour when Tyrion Lannister walks in with his guard. Eddard frowns as Cat's back is to the door.
"Lord Stark…"
"Cat don't!" Eddard grabs her hand but she snatches it away.
"Ah and Lady Stark…" He walks past Catelyn confused by the look on her face.
"I am sorry about Jon Snow and his kidnapping… I was rather fond of the lad… Has there been any word from the kidnappers…"
"None Lord Tyrion…" He lies not wanting Jon's true parentage to become common knowledge.
"Did you have a chance to question Lord Varys before leaving the Capital…"
"No I am afraid not… we left in a hurry…" Eddard responds looking back and forth between Tyrion and his wife.
"Well when I return to King's Landing I will ask for you…"
"It will be a cold day in all seven hells before I allow that…" Cat says.
"I beg your pardon…"
Eddard stands up, "Cat don't do this…" He says whispering to her.
"Either him or someone in his rotten family knows the truth and I will have it…" Cat's raised voice draws the attention of everyone in the inn.
"What is going on?"
Eddard leans in close to whisper, "If you take him… Tywin Lannister will invade the Riverlands…"
"Don't you want justice…"
"I do… but what if the Targaryens were behind it… They did assassinate Robert to start a war…"
"If you love me… Let me have this…"
"You know I do…" He sighs, "Fine…"
He watches as Cat calls out the men in the inn. Men who fight for the different Houses of her father Lord Hoster Tully, "This man knows who tried to kill my son or he was involved himself… and in the name of my father Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun I order you to arrest him…"
They take Tyrion to Acorn Hall, where he is placed in the dungeons. Cat wishes to question him in the main hall, but Eddard stalls for time by telling her to let his fear build up. Then Ned sends a Raven to his brother by law Edmure Tully and asks that he call his banners. Then he sends a raven to Winterfell instructing Robb to call the banners. While Cat is distracted Eddard visits Tyrion. "Leave us…"
"Lord Stark… I hope you realize the folly of your actions and what my father and brother will do…"
"I am sorry… Look me in the eyes and tell me you know nothing about the assassin that tried to kill my son…"
"I know nothing… I was well on my way to the wall if you remember…"
"You are someone in your family could have hired him before they left…"
"Why would I want to kill your son…"
"To protect your brother's secret… That he is the father of the Queen's children…" Tywin says nothing, "Your silence speaks volumes…"
"A lie told by Stannis so that he can take the throne… When I stopped at Winterfell Robb Stark told me about the letter from Stannis…"
"All Lannisters are gold of hair… All Baratheons from the formation of the House have been Black of hair and blue of eyes… The seed of House Baratheon is strong… I could understand Myrcella taking after her mother… But the boys as well… Jon Connington is a spy for the Targaryens but he uncovered the truth… and told the Targaryens. They used the information to start a war… So if you wish to go home Lord Tyrion tell me the truth and tell me now… Who pushed my son from the tower and which one of you tried to have him killed?"
"I swear on the gods old and new that I have no idea who tried to have your son killed… As for Jaime and Cersei… I have known for quite some time now… But as close as I am to my brother he does not talk to me about his relationship with Cersei… That is the truth…" Eddard stares at him, "By the gods I tried to help Bran when I stopped at Winterfell on the way home… I gave your son a design for a saddle so that he could ride despite him being a crippled…"
Eddard sighs, "You can come out now…" Syrio Ferrel walks out of the shadows, "Is he lying?"
"He speaks the truth… all of it…"
"Leave us…" Eddard waits until Syrio is gone, "I thank you for what you did for my son Bran… But that does not erase what your brother and sister did… I will help you but you must do exactly as I say…" Eddard explains his plan, "I will do all this on the condition that when you return to your father you will try to convince him to make his grandson renounce the throne…"
"You don't know my family they will never give up their power… And what makes you think my father will listen to me?"
"Get Jaime to help you… Tywin may listen to him…"
'And if he does not?"
"If he does not then I and all the North along with the Riverlands will not stop until all the Lannisters are nothing but a bad memory…"
"Wow Lord Stark I didn't think you had in you…"
"Do we have an agreement?"
"I guess so…"
Eddard leaves the dungeons, now he has to get Yohn Royce on his side and to do that he will have to offer his daughter Sansa or get him to remain neutral in this conflict. Yohn Royce was loyal to Jon Arryn and he will probably fight to avenge him. The next day after Eddard breaks his fast with his family Tyrion Lannister is bought to the main hall. After Catelyn Stark asks a few questions he demands trial by combat. "You are not on trial…"
"Oh yes I am… you are questioning me as to whether or not I know or had something to do with the assassin that tried to kill your son… and you are doing it in the main hall and not in private… This is a trial so I demand a trial by combat…"
She looks at Eddard who pulls her to the side to talk. "Fine you shall have your trial by combat… If you can find a champion…"
"I name Sir Jaime Lannister my champion…"
Eddard Stark stands up, "Your brother is not here imp… if you cannot find a champion then we shall pronounce judgment as is our right…" Calling Tyrion an imp was harsh but Eddard wanted to make it believable.
"I shall champion him…" A sell-sword yelled.
"What is your name?"
"My name is Bronn…"
"Don't you have a family name or are you a bastard?" Catelyn asks.
"I got one don't mean I'll tell you…"
"You insolate dog… You are addressing Lady Catelyn Stark nee' Tully…" Sir Rodrik draws his sword and several other swords are drawn.
"He is mine and I shall champion you m'lady…"
Another sell-sword steps forward. Cat raises her hand signaling everyone to put away their weapons. "My name is Orson Gabe… and I have been chasing that murderer all across Westeros…"
"Oh its you… Gabe I thought I smelled shit…"
"That bastard killed my brother… over a fucking card game…"
"He called me a cheater… I am no cheater…"
"You shall champion me Orson Gabe…"
Eddard paid the sell-swords to make their duel a convincing one. No one was to die Orson was to put on a good show and allow Bronn to win, then yield the match. What Eddard didn't know is that Orson had his own plans. A space is cleared and the fight begins. The hall echoes with sound of steel on steel. Orson ducks and punches Bronn in the face. Bronn sweeps his legs and they wrestle across the floor. Orosn raises his legs and flips Bronn over.
They get to their feet at the same time. That is when Orson cuts Bronn on the cheek to make him angry. Bronn gets angry and looks into his eyes, "So that is the game…"
"Yes he draws first blood…" Catelyn says. The swords fly back and forth as the two now really try to kill the other. Eddard stands up and looks at Tyrion who is afraid as well. Bronn gets in close and allows Orson to knock his sword away and that is when he pulls out a curved dagger and slits his throat. "No!" Cat screams as Orson falls to the ground and dies.
"Damn sell-swords…" Eddard whispers, it was his fault for paying sell-swords. Orson probably tried to kill Bronn to blackmail him he believes.
"The gods have decided… I am innocent… I will require horses, my man, and possessions please…" They are given in that order, "You Bronn would like to come with me and guard my back…"
"Sure why not…"
Now Eddard had to comfort Catelyn as he implements the next part of his plan. A raven returns from Riverrun, Edmure had summoned his banners. He convinces Cat to head for the Eyrie with Sansa to make a marriage alliance with Yohn Royce. To keep them safe Eddard sends fifty men and Rodrik Cassel with them. Then he and the rest leave Acorn Hall for Moat Cailin.
As acting Lord of Winterfell Robb Stark had many duties, and with both his parents gone he excelled at it. Then his brother Bran is attacked in the woods by Wildlings. Robb killed two men, the first time he had ever killed anyone in his life. But his brother was held by the throat, by another man. It was Theon who killed the man saving Bran and Robb. There was also a woman, but Robb showed mercy and spared her.
Two days later a Raven arrives from Acorn Hall. Robb is in the main hall with Theon, Bran and Rickon. "My Lord… A Raven from your father…"
"What does it say?" Theon asks as Robb reads.
"Father wants me to summon all the banners and send them to Moat Cailin…" Robb looks at Maester Luwin, "Summon the banners… and tell them to converge on Moat Cailin…" Later Robb saddles a horse to lead the men of Winterfell to Moat Cailin and his father's call.
"I am coming with you…"
"That is not wise… My lord… There must always be a Stark at Winterfell…"
Robb looks at Maester Luwin, "My brother Bran is here and with you advising him all will be fine…"
"Do not be so anxious to go war…"
"If it were your father what would you do?"
He sighs, "Be safe and may the old and new gods watch over the both of you…"
Before leaving, Robb goes to speak with Bran and Rickon, "But I don't want you to go…" Rickon says.
"Mother has gone to the Eyrie with Sansa… Father and I will be back soon… You will see… now be good and listen to your brother…" They hug, then Robb looks at Bran. "You are the acting Lord of Winterfell… Be strong and heed Maester Luwin's council…"
"I will return with father as soon as possible…"
Robb leads three thousand men out of Winterfell to Moat Cailin. Howland Reed is the first to arrive at Moat Cailin as his floating castle is the closest to Moat Cailin. Lord Helman Tallhart arrives next. Robb himself arrives the same time as Rickard Karstark and Roose Bolton. Eddard pulls his son on the side. "I asked you to send the banners… You didn't have to come Robb…"
"Father… I am ready I want to fight… So does Theon… You need every man you can get… Besides I bought Grey Wind…"
He sighs, "Fine…" They all gather in the main hall.
"Fuck Stannis… I'll drink my own piss before I bend the knee to Stern Stannis…" Lord Rickard says.
"Aye!" A few yell and others laugh.
"Stannis is the rightful King and deserves our support…" Lord Forrester of Ironwrath says speaking up.
Then Great Jon Umber stands up and spits on the floor, "My Lords I say Fuck Stannis… Fuck Renly… and Fuck the Bastard King… It was the Dragons we bowed to… Then Robert Baratheon…" He looks at Eddard, "Lord Stark… We all know the man Robert was before he sat on the Iron Chair… All here bled for you to avenge your noble father and brother… And I'll follow you into the seven hells if need be… What does Stannis or any of the others know of the Wolf's Wood… Or the wall… We are of the North noble and proud… Winter is Coming… Winter is here… and there it sits… The King in the North…"
"Aye!' Lord Karstark says standing up, "The King in the North…"
Robb stands up and so does Theon, "Lord Eddard Stark… I know I am just your Ward, but you treated me like one of your own… and I bend my knee to my King… The King in the North…"
They all shout it then Eddard stands and it goes quite, "My friends you name me your King… If that is your will then I accept… but know this… We are being manipulated by the Targaryens across the sea… We fight to drive Tywin Lannister out of the Riverlands… Then we prepare for what is to come when Aegon Targaryen crosses the Narrow sea…"