
The you I never knew

"The one smile, I wish I never seen it " "Who are you?"! "A question that I always wanted to ask?" The moment I saw you not because you were the only person not paying attention to the crowd but I saw your eyes sharp gaze at every thing around you not missing even a single person only for few seconds and that gesture you had toward my grandfather that was not noticed by all sitting beside you made me curious. Zenith didn't turn back not even once, as she walked forward towards the path she choose after a long consideration of each and every aspect of her life. She would always look back and run to him no matter how much he hurt her,but for some reason this time she didn't feel like doing so. Can you smile back to the person you hate the most? "That was the same for Zen too. She just could not look at herself being thrown at the end and being replaced again. "Love stories....that aren't something meant for me"! Zen said as she walked away. A doctor by profession, designer by passion and an military officers by fate which was her real identity no one knew of it not even her own family. She lived her life as if nothing mattered until the day she meet him her grandfather had pulled her out of the bed to take her out to meet his friends, it was the weekend she hardly had got any sleep the last night due to the upcoming fasion show. ofcourse how will her grandfather know that. She was a Scorpio by birth and that itself was enough to make people beware of her cause she really did everything to the extreme it's either this or that there is nothing in between. "Can you give me the direction out of this chaos?" was the only question she had asked him as he was standing at the corner of the room near the door while others were busy catching up. He pointed out to the left side of the hallway which was the way out to the garden without thinking much, until he noticed her walking away with her back facing him . A suden urge to stop her rushed in his brain but he did not move as he could not as if his feet was stuck on the floor with super glue he could not move no matter how much he tried.

Elaine1911235201 · Urbain
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7 Chs

You and me

"I never knew the cost of a smile until I last saw you with the last smile for me"

Sam was sitting on the chair on his balcony with his eyes closed and leaning backward for support as he thought of the last time he saw her back walking away from his sight no more to be seen again. Just when he was about to fall into a deep slumber his phone began to ring. Picking up the phone he saw it was his mother's call.

"Sam ...I am not done with you yet where are you didn't you say that you will be home for dinner yesterday I have been waiting for you to arrive but you did not even bother to inform me that you won't be here at least I would not waste my time preparing your favorite food..."

"Mom calm down didn't your husband inform you I called him yesterday to inform him that I can't make it in time don't wait for me"

"Your father is the same as you are he did not come home until it was twelve"

"Mom I had few projects to clear its due today so I couldn't make it . Is everything alright you sound a little flustered and I don't think that it is just for a simple dinner , now my dear mother can you tell me why is all this fuzz about ?"

"You didn't come home yesterday, Your grandfather landed a explosive news in the family dinner table and even was angry that you didn't make it for the dinner!."

"What did he say now that you are so troubled, don't tell me he is getting you married off right cause other than that nothing else would be more shocking"! said Sam with a chuckle.

"You brat... do you want your dad to kill you that you are spewing nonsense here, wait till I catch you you are dead "

"Ok mom I won't joke tell me what is bothering you cause I have other things to take care of."

"Do you remember your grandfathers only friend ?"

"Yes, I do. You are talking about grandpa Xing right?"

"Yes, your grandfather invited him to dinner a week later."

"What's so odd about granpa Xing coming home for dinner didn't he always come over to our house every weekend when I was kid, although he rarely visited us for the past few years but still he is grandpa's friend, why are you worried about that ?"

"It would be great if your grandfather invited him alone but he invited his whole family for a week."

"Mom what's wrong in that, don't tell me we can't afford to let them stay with us for a week?"

"You stupid... how did I give birth to such a low EQ son for sure you are your father's son, what happened the last time a whole family of your grandfather's business partner were invited."

"My youngest aunt was married off?"

"So now did you understand of should I tell you what is going on here in the house while you are busy with you business proposals , your grandfather most probably is planning all you brother's marriage proposal, understand?"