
The Wyldhardt Saga

Join a lost soul devoid of memories on his journey through reincarnation. He will learn to love and fight for family while forging relationships that last for lifetimes. His name is Kayde Wyldhardt, the firstborn son and Crown Prince to the Adeloria Kingdom. He will learn of his powers, his unique bloodline, and will struggle to gain the strength he needs to protect those he loves while under threat of evil. As his journey begins we will learn of a looming threat from behind the scenes, there lies a force hell bent on reviving a Dark God. As he fights to stop this threat he learns that all is not what it seems.

Cade_Hill · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Spartos Academy

"Wake up Crown Prince."

As I sit up in my bed after sunlight blinds me I see my father's personal butler. As he moves to the front of my head I get a clearer view of him. He's got brown hair with streaks of grey and a neatly trimmed goatee. His looks are normal as far as my family goes. After he bows and leaves I get up and start to put on my new uniform. The color of the uniform is charcoal grey and white with the stitching the color of dark gold. The shirt is white with black stitching, a tie with black and gold stripes, and then I put on a vest the color of pure black. The pants are the same color as the jacket and fit nicely.

Once I finished getting dressed I made my way to the castle entrance to be taken by car to the academy and for obvious reasons my parents are coming too. As I get to the car I see Liliana waving to me with a wide smile. Before she gets in I kiss her hand and follow behind. We sit next to one another and then my mother other followed by my father get inside. Then after we put on seatbelts the car starts moving.

"Kayde when you get to the Academy they will help you, Liliana, and a few others awaken their bloodlines. I know you can probably do it right now but it's better to be safe."

I nod yes to my father and then my mother speaks up.

"Also when you get there beware of the factions. There are 2 as of now. All the noble houses including their children are divided into one side that either supports the royal family or wants to destroy us and take over."

'Talk about grim news.'

As she finished Liliana grabs my hand, I noticed that she looks scared.

"Don't worry, you got me by your side remember?"

She makes a noise in affirmation as she nods her head. My father looks at me proudly.

"Son, I want you to go in there and thoroughly crush the opposing faction. Make sure too at the entrance ceremony to Dominate and show them we Wyldhardt's aren't easy to destroy."

I smile at his words and promise him I will. As I take in the sights we finally stop at the academy. They guide the car to a private parking lot for VIPs and royals. Once we get out we are guided to the large auditorium that looks oddly like an opera house or theatre inside. My parents are guided to go behind the curtains on stage and then Liliana and I are taken to a VIP booth. After every other student arrives the 'show' begins.

An old man with long brown hair in a ponytail has the sides completely greyed. His eyes are a blue-gray and his face has a couple scars showing he is a grizzled veteran. He has a build that shows he has strength but not too much with a lean physique.

"Welcome Students! This is Spartos Academy and I am the Headmaster. My name is Leon McCarthy. I am by no means a noble, but do not let that get to your heads. I can easily pop anyone of your heads right now. Here at the academy I do not care if you are a noble, royal, or commoner since everyone is to be treated well and equally."

He looks around at the audience to see our reactions, after seeing no obvious signs of anger or displeasure he smiles.

"Now in the academy it is our duty to make sure you learn how to fight, survive, and polish your skills. We will accomplish that with classes and mandatory dungeon exploration. You will learn more about that as you take your classes. Now during to days ceremony we will help some of you who have yet to awaken their bloodlines due to unique circumstances bring it to light."

As he said that I could see him stare at me and Liliana.

"Before we start that, the Wyldhardt royal family will speak."

As he moves to the end of the stage I see my parents make their way forward. My dad clears his throat to hush the audience.

"Firstly we have an announcement to make. My son Kayde Wyldhardt is to be engaged to Liliana Thorne, the third daughter to Duke Thorne. Secondly any commoner who shows promise will be given a chance at joining the royal knights."

After he said that all the looks of envy, jealousy, and pure desire directed at me and Liliana disappeared.

'I didn't think he really would announce it here.'

Then at that moment I feel a few stares of pure hatred directed at me and some to Liliana. I don't look at their direction since I'll find out who they are eventually.

After my parents finished the Headmaster comes back up with my parents moving off a bit to the side.

"One by one you will come up and touch this stone. It will show what level of talent you have by 1-5 stars from low to high. It'll be white no matter what, just if it's dim that means you have poor talent and it's the same for the opposite."

I look at the clear orb just hovering above the stage as he starts to call out names. One by one they all make their way up to the stage.

"Gerard Thorne - 3 starts medium talent."

"Hillary Duncan - 2 star High talent"


It goes one until Liliana is called.

"Liliana Thorne - 4 Star High talent!!"

After he said that I could see the utter joy all over his face due to such a student being admitted to the academy. Then he called for me.

"Kayde Wyldhardt!"

After he called me I sat up and made my way down to the stage. As I climbed the stairs I could see my parents giving me a mental thumbs up.

"Touch the orb Crown Prince."

I put my hand on the warm surface of the orb. As i touch it I begin to feel a strong force sucking my Mana. Then the orb grows so bright it feels like you'll go blind.


After that announcement the whole auditorium goes into a frenzy at the announcement. He then puts up his hands to hush the audience.

"Now those of you who haven't awakened their bloodlines come up here."

I see Gerard, Hillary, Liliana, and one other girl walked up stage next to me. He looks to Gerard first and has us stand off to the side.

He then taps Gerard's forehead and I see a red energy build up around him. Then slowly I see an image of an elf with Red hair and dark skin appear above him. Then all the energy dissipates as he stands up.

"Gerard - Fire Elf Bloodline"

Then Hillary steps up and the process repeats.

"Hillary - Frost Wyvern Bloodline"

Then the mysterious girl steps up next.

I see silver and black energies build up around her. As it builds I see an elf with light grey skin and Silver hair appear above her. Then once it disappears I hear the announcement.

"Tyria - Shadow Elf Bloodline!"

I hear everyone murmur about how rare that one is. Next Liliana gets called. For her I see a swirling brown and green energy surround her and as it builds up I hear a roar as a Green dragon appears above her. Then once it vanished I heard her result.

"Liliana - Nature Dragon!!"

I hug her as she jumps up and down. My parents come up and congratulate her as well. Then I get called.


(Liliana's POV)

I hear Kayde get called, I see his resolve to prove that he is a wall that they are all unable to overcome. He kneels and then the Headmaster touches his forhead like he did to us. As he stays still I can see Holy, Light, and Life energies start to swirl around him. As it gets more intense we all hear a roar that shakes our cores, even his parents are affected.

Then we see a dragon that looks angelic with six wings. It has scales the color of pure white, it's horns and claws are the color of gold. On the wings we see white feathers that's have golden edges. The talons and spikes along his wings and back are all gold. It's eyes a color of a bright and glowing metallic gold. Lastly we see a halo of pure life energy hovering above it's head. After we stare for a few more minutes it roars again making us all feel like we should kneel. Then it vanished and we all get back up after what feels like ages.


(Kayde's POV)

After I awakened my bloodline I see messages from the system pop up but I ignore them as the headmaster looks frantic.


After that the whole facility erupts in amazement at the fact that I had a one in a trillion bloodline and I am the first to exist with it.

'Father was right about the bloodline. I bet he is smirking right now.'

As I can't find my father I hug Liliana as she runs to me and give her a deep kiss.

After this everyone finally calms down and then the Headmaster ends the day after telling everyone where to go for their accommodations and class placement. As we walk away from the stage I can't help but wonder what this might mean cause I have this gut feeling that something is going to happen.