

Darkness flooded into the room as my gauntlet absorbed all of the photons in the area.

It was as if we were standing in the middle of nowhere at the dead of night, only worse because above there was no familiarly comforting moon and stars above to take refuge in.

Now that darkness had swept over the room, Pulsewave would be marking the location of each civilian with a small vibration in the floor, like a bat or a dolphin using sonar. He'd then transport a shard of Bastion's shield field to just above every person by causing slight waves of air to push them into position.

"Fields are in position, Bastion," Pulsewave eventually whispered, his voice broadcast loud and clear over the headsets I had made.

"Bringing down the barricades now," Bastion replied.

Around forty cubes of faintly glowing orange light flickered into existence, spectral shield walls enclosing every person in the room.