
Chapter 18

*3 Hours Later*

I woke up to Katrina and Becky crying, I rushed over to them and quietly said "Shhh it's okay love, I got you guys. Are you hungry?"

They both lift their arms up towards me to pick them up while they nod.

I smile and pick them both up. "Come on then let's go to the kitchen and warm up the mac and cheese that I made for us."

We headed to the kitchen. I put them both in their highchairs and gave them some graham crackers while I reheated the mac and cheese.

I turn my back on them real quick just to put the food in the pan and on the stove. As I turned back around to face them, there was a big mess all over the floor.

"What the heck did you guys do? Did you guys really crumble up the crackers and throw it on the floor?" I ask looking at them and then back on the floor.

They both start giggling and smacking their hands on the tray. "Guys this isn't funny at all. Now I gotta clean this up before you guys can eat." I said.