
Chapter 2- Combat Practice

<p>The Next Day ,We went to the class where we were supposed to have our combat practice,The Class was Big Open Dojo With symbols in Japanese . Mr Sinclair came to the dojo and said "Student Welcome to Your First Combat Practice where You will learn to control and use your powers whitch resides in your minds ,So First What we will do is what I call Fist Manipulation ,first Make a Fist in Your Mind and then Try To have a Aura Or something inside out ..of any colour Your colour might realise what your intent is....I Close My Eye and made a Picture in My Mind Of a Fist .As I opened My eyes ,I saw Everyone gasp ,even Mr Sinclair was shocked.I saw My Hand they were covered with Blackish Red aura.I was Confused ,Mr Sinclair came to me and said "Mr Kennedy ,There is nothing to fear about ,A Blackish Red aura defines Great Potential,It is a really Rare aura to see infact They were only Ten People who used to have their aura" I asked Mr Sinclair if he knew anyone with that kind of Power ,He said No,I don't as all of them are dead u must be the first one in the century,Mr Sinclair now came infront of everyone and said "okay now we are Gonna see Your inner Weapon ,Inner weapons are the weapons that comes into one's hand when they are in a heat of battle after that they are forever with user unless broker...So all of u form a circle and come forward... When called okay first Gabriel and Thena ...One by one student went and got their Weapons ,some got a chain knife,Axe etc etc... Then Mr Sinclair called "Katherine and Gaten come forward" I went to the centre and Katherine also came forward,At once she unleashed her fist Manipulation technique ,it was rainbow aura .I also Unleashed my Fist Manipulation technique.At once She lunged at me punched me in my Guts ,I also Punched her in the face.She was bleeding out of her nose.I said sorry I guess..She laughed and just lifted her and said"Come out Rapier of light" There was shiny rapier in her hand, As soon as she got it and again lunged on me and screamed "Rapier technique : Crucifixion ,she attacked me with such a huge attack that I fell on the ground,I was feeling pain everywhere and then...I saw something, I saw an Young man with a sword which had a Dragon Handle on it...He said:This is My Vow whenever the dark forces will come back my Desender will came back...I stand up on the Ground and screamed " Come Out Kubikiri Orochi" A Katana in My hand ,I don't who that man was But I will Defeat Her....<br/><br/>Next Chapter: Kubikiri Orochi The Katana of the bleeding Serpant<br/></p>